14:58:37 RRSAgent has joined #pronunciation 14:58:37 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/12/01-pronunciation-irc 14:58:39 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:58:39 Zakim has joined #pronunciation 14:58:41 Meeting: Spoken Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference 14:58:41 Date: 01 December 2021 14:58:47 agenda? 14:58:59 agenda+ Follow up on the ARIA/APA meeting at TPAC 14:59:07 Chair: Irfan Ali 14:59:18 present+ 14:59:24 Alan_ has joined #pronunciation 14:59:25 present+ 15:02:03 NeilS has joined #pronunciation 15:02:48 janina_ has joined #pronunciation 15:02:55 JF has joined #pronunciation 15:03:08 GM all. 15:03:12 agenda? 15:03:20 Present+ 15:03:24 Dee has joined #pronunciation 15:09:28 present+ 15:09:35 present+ 15:11:58 pkra has joined #pronunciation 15:13:13 present+ 15:15:46 scribe: Dee 15:15:56 mhakkinen has joined #pronunciation 15:16:17 jasonjgw has joined #pronunciation 15:16:33 Scribe: Dee 15:17:35 jcraig has joined #pronunciation 15:17:39 zakim, next item 15:17:39 agendum 1 -- Follow up on the ARIA/APA meeting at TPAC -- taken up [from IrfanA] 15:18:42 bkardell_ has joined #pronunciation 15:20:26 Steve_Noble has joined #pronunciation 15:20:40 pkra has left #pronunciation 15:20:48 present+ 15:20:53 present+ 15:20:55 present+ 15:21:20 Minutes -> https://www.w3.org/2021/10/26-apa-minutes.html 15:21:55 scribenick: bkardell_ 15:22:31 jcraig: there have been a number of adjacent meetings on this recently... 15:22:33 TPAC Minutes: https://www.w3.org/2021/10/26-apa-minutes.html 15:22:38 James: There were multiple meetings about pronunciation. General interest in solving the pronunciation problem. What has bogged us down is that previous specs tried to solve too much. Path forward, don't try to solve everything. Incubate and get some some prototypes out. 15:23:16 Q+ 15:23:30 ack jf 15:24:10 JF: Can you help define this further? 15:24:54 James: Suggest not including things like pauses and other secondary features. 15:25:52 JF: The primary problem we are trying to solve is the pronunciation. Struggle to understand where to draw the line. 15:25:55 q+ 15:26:00 navigator.pronunciationDisctionary.append([ 15:26:00 [term1, ipa_string1], 15:26:00 [term2, ipa_string2] 15:26:00 ], 'ipa'); 15:27:11 navigator.pronunciationDisctionary.append([ 15:27:11 [term1, soundslike_string1], 15:27:11 [term2, soundslike_string2] 15:27:11 ], 'soundslike'); 15:27:25 tomato - toe-may-toe 15:27:27 aaronlev has joined #pronunciation 15:27:32 cyns has joined #pronunciation 15:28:00 https://www.w3.org/TR/spoken-html/#break 15:28:10 q+ 15:28:24 ack mhakkinen 15:29:05 Mark: One of the things that drove the initial set of features was pausing in the assessment realm. 15:29:17 +1 to Markku 15:29:22 +1 15:29:30 q+ 15:29:30 Neil: Pausing is important for math. 15:29:48 q+ 15:29:55 Q+ 15:30:17 James: Incubation is important. Solve primary problem first and then move to the other features, prosody etc. 15:30:50 ack Janina 15:30:55 Alan: Pausing is critical. 15:31:02 ack me 15:32:24 Janina: We came to a very specific conclusion after TPAC. We heard that we shouldn't worry about the browser agents. Single attribute was preferred by the authoring side. 15:33:04 +1 to Janina 15:33:17 Janina: Agrees that pausing is important. 15:33:29 +1 - I'd go so far as to say that "break" is the second most required need after actual "pronunciation" 15:33:52 Q+ 15:33:55 ack bkardell 15:34:18 q+ 15:36:07 Brian: We can focus on the basic problem. Then we can explore other options. 15:36:20 q+ 15:36:59 ack cyns 15:37:01 Irfan: We have several use cases for break. 15:37:38 Cynthia: Fundamental question. This feels like presentation so why is this markup and not CSS? 15:37:53 ack j 15:38:21 JF: Yes, but it is non-visual. CSS sits in the visual. 15:38:30 I was somehow removed from the queue 15:38:55 JF: We have 8 proposed attributes. If this is too many, what is an acceptable number? 15:39:06 ack J 15:39:15 Irfan: Break is also important. 15:39:38 ack james 15:40:03 Maybe a way to import a dictionary from a url, for canonical state testing pronunciation (ETS & Pearson use case) or crowd-sourced dictionaries 15:40:03