15:32:36 RRSAgent has joined #multicast 15:32:36 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/12/01-multicast-irc 15:33:42 Meeting: Multicast CG 15:34:02 Present: Jake_Holland, Kyle_Rose, Casey_Russell, Chris_Needham 15:34:07 Chair: Jake_Holland 15:38:03 Topic: Introduction 15:38:42 Jake: Can we move this meeting by 30 or 60 minutes, it's too early for some 15:40:21 ... Will ask on the mailing list, to give others the change to respond 15:40:31 ... Tentatively, we'll move the meeting 2 hours later 15:41:15 Topic: Group update 15:41:33 Jake: We had the TPAC meeting, which aired complexity in getting the adoption we need 15:41:50 ... Input from Eric was to get more people involved, in particular the browser vendors 15:42:17 ... Some ISPs are on board, others in the group that haven't joined meetings but I talk to separately 15:42:42 ... It's a challenge for people at ISPs to work towards browser development 15:43:15 ... Getting it into the browser is the step that makes it interesting, as there's then a receiver that everyone can use 15:43:30 ... No change on the position about getting consensus on security 15:43:55 ... So we're on the right track. It's not easy, but we're trying to do the right things 15:44:31 Casey: I think you're right that getting it into the browser is critical. We're enthusiastic about helping 15:44:56 ... You're right that it's hard for us as a network to help on the browser side, we don't have people in that area 15:45:23 Jake: The other event recently was IETF. I presented at SecDispatch and MBONED 15:45:47 ... We're dispatched to the MSEC list for further discussion. This group was closed a few years ago but the mailing list is still there 15:46:31 ... Questions about whether to use MSEC or a new list. Got feedback from an Area Director that MSEC list was a good place 15:46:55 ... So I'll start a discussion there. Please consider joining the list to join that discussion 15:47:11 ... Some input from ekr, and good discussion during the session 15:47:30 ... To summarise, people who are into security are skeptical of this 15:48:08 ... ekr reviewed the draft, seemed to think it's not a good idea, but didn't give specific concerns, more that browsers aren't interested so why bother? 15:48:32 ... I had similar responses from others at browser implementers 15:49:15 ... It would help to have the WebTransport integration running. Feedback from Martin Thompson that we need to have an actual protocol with security properties before we can reasonably discuss it 15:49:45 ... The security considerations document describes what we need to achieve for the protocol, and makes sense as a separate doc 15:50:00 ... Want to get to a first stage proposal for how to do secure transport in WebTransport 15:50:53 ... Another thing was origin-linked authentication, dispatch to CDNI. That might be worth exploring. I'll see if we can do something with datagrams in WebTransport first 15:52:40 Chris: Concerned about lack of browser interest? Is it because they think the security aspects aren't solveable or other reasons? 15:53:03 Kyle: I think it could be that this doesn't fit the current mental model of the web 15:54:07 Jake: The reason people are skeptical is that it's viewed as challenging, and their default position is that it's not worthwhile 15:54:16 ... Most haven't commented yet on the claims about traffic or energy savings, so they may not have considered it yet 15:55:40 ... When you can't deliver to a browser, and it's a high volume event, instead you use a TV station approach: send to the ISP who sends it on to customers 15:56:26 Kyle: So the alternative is not that we won't do it, but it'll be delivered in a proprietary manner that doesn't benefit from an IETF or W3C collaboration 15:56:55 Jake: Hope to do this for game delivery, also smart TV devices for some specific content owners 15:57:36 ... It's a concern that people can find out what content is being delivered. That's discoverable already, covered in TLS specs as something TLS is vulnerable to 15:58:02 ... You can defeat it but by making content look identical, so everything has to be at the size the largest 15:58:23 ... People aren't willing to do that, as it increases amount of traffic 15:58:57 ... By saying we can't use multicast, you have to use 30x amount of traffic instead 15:59:24 ... There's a problem of getting people to take multicast seriously, which we go through with each group that looks at it 15:59:47 ... Let's find out where the real user threats are. I don't want to diminish concerns 16:00:40 Jake: The simple argument to make it part of the web security model should be added to the doc 16:00:46 s/Jake/Kyle/ 16:01:01 ... Some that are interested in this question would be responsive to that 16:01:39 Jake: It's a point that Lucas raised, reminiscent of DNS becoming a privacy considerations thing over the last 8 years 16:02:29 ... So there's an analogy here. There is multicast traffic today, but not known who's analysing it. So if there's a privacy problem it exists today 16:02:54 ... I agree it should go into the document. Would you be able to raise an issue? 16:02:58 Kyle: Yes 16:03:37 Jake: Hoping to get discussion going, not sure we'll be ready for a BoF by next IETF 16:04:21 ... In parallel, I'll be doing the Web Platform Tests for WebTransport, to get together a strawman protocol 16:04:39 Topic: Dual Stack Relays 16:04:59 Jake: There's some test traffic available 16:05:24 ... -> and > 16:06:15 ... I might set up VLC so there's something running all the time 16:06:37 ... The relay is theoretically running dual stack 16:07:25 ... The IPv6 work is taking longer than I'd wished. There's challenges at the AWS level, but then in it's not behaving the same in the device 16:08:48 ... Setting the route isn't sufficient with IPv6. If I set up as a separate device, multicast traffic won't flow so you have to tunnel it 16:09:04 ... Don't know why routing isn't behaving as expected yet 16:09:51 ... I'm hoping to have it running. Please let me know if you'd like to work on this with me, to help troubleshoot 16:10:18 ... I have the relay discovery working, so lookup with reverse IP of source address does find the relay 16:10:43 ... I want to get onto the QUIC and WebTransport part 16:11:17 ... IPv6 is important, as I know people want it, but it's not my core mission 16:11:27 Topic: Next steps 16:11:48 ... Kick off MSEC discussion, start on WebTransport. Hope to have more for next meeting 16:12:29 ... Casey, were you interested in setting up ingest? 16:13:24 i/... The IPv6 work/... 2600:14e0::2->[ff3e::8000:1]:5001 and 16:09 2600:14e0::2->[ff3e::8000:1]:5001/ 16:13:56 Casey: Let's set a time to do that 16:14:57 Chris: Outcomes from the Second Screen meeting? 16:15:37 Jake: Interesting conversation, but inconclusive. They had looked at privacy considerations, but not whether it's necessary to do things like disable it in private browsing mode 16:16:17 ... We should circle back with them, to see if there was any follow up. They had other questions around TLS connections to local devices, some discussion in GitHub 16:17:00 ... Some who were there joined the TPAC Multicast CG meeting. There's overlap with the privacy considerations in terms of discoverability of local devices 16:17:47 ... There was an MBONED presentation from Apple on protections against local discovery, so user permission is needed before an app can access APIs that do local network discovery operations 16:18:32 ... Other protections, e.g, pre-register at build time to say what services or names you're app will use, and then Apple have control over that 16:19:29 ... The second screen privacy considerations are similar. It's not just multicast itself but also the local device discovery 16:20:01 ... He didn't talk about what the abuse is, but there's an abundance of caution, principles of data minimisation 16:21:51 ... I didn't see anything super helpful. I feel that there's a gap where nobody has a great understanding of what's necessary to achieve. Push-back on exposing information that potentially introduces new threat models 16:22:57 ... We're not solving the same problem, but some commonality with privacy considerations 16:23:44 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:23:44 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/12/01-multicast-minutes.html cpn 16:24:30 rrsagent, make log public