19:06:30 RRSAgent has joined #auto 19:06:30 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/11/30-auto-irc 19:06:33 RRSAgent, make logs Public 19:06:34 Meeting: Automotive Working Group Teleconference 19:06:34 scribenick: ted 19:06:38 Chair: Peter, Ted 19:06:59 Topic: Holiday break 19:07:29 Present+ Peter, Ted, Carine, Erik, MagnusG, Ulf 19:07:51 Resolved: cancel calls last two weeks of 2021 19:07:57 Peter: anyone going to CES? 19:08:07 Ted: Geotab will be there but I am avoiding 19:08:13 Peter: COVESA will be there 19:08:31 Present+ Daniel 19:10:29 Present+ Adnan 19:10:53 Ted: can you ask Alan if W3C will be at CES and if they are interested in coordinating with COVESA for their event and in outreach? 19:11:10 Carine: will do, not sure if they'll be attending in person 19:11:29 Topic: VSSo preparation for publication 19:11:33 https://github.com/danielwilms/vsso/tree/vsso2_start 19:13:41 Present+ Isaac 19:17:59 [discussion of W3C REC track stages] 19:18:29 Ted: Carine, to graduate from Candidate REC what is needed for an ontology? 19:18:37 Carine: it can be tools or produced results 19:19:45 Ted: after CR is Proposed Recommendation and then Recommendation 19:20:19 … for an ontology that will get additional signal definitions in VSS underneath, I expect we would stay at Working Draft or CR 19:20:25 Daniel shares screen 19:21:08 Daniel: VSSo was initially created from VSS1.0 which has been revised extensively and the tree now makes more sense for an ontology 19:21:57 … we've discussed use cases, created a primer including its motivations and have Core document with structural concepts on sensors, actuators and branches, how it maps to OWL 19:22:17 … the generated signals and attributes come from VSS 19:22:52 … there are three separate documents 19:23:30 … attributes can be static or dynamic, using SOSA for the latter 19:23:41 … we wanted to be as close to SOSA as possible 19:24:37 … we have observable and actuable properties which is linked to the naming, vehicle components that come from the structure of the VSS tree 19:25:06 … I'm working on examples at present 19:25:34 … how this will be used in practice makes it much clearer 19:25:43 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/11/30-auto-minutes.html ted 19:28:23 Daniel: Daniel Alvarez is working on tying it to a stream for AI 19:28:33 … for use as you said at scale and for AV 19:32:21 Topic: PR and Issues 19:33:46 Ulf: Isaac came up with an alternate flow to my earlier proposal 19:33:47 https://github.com/w3c/automotive/pull/435 19:34:08 https://rawcdn.githack.com/w3c/automotive/25dbc376ee83527b43b8efce63eaadefa752e3a0/spec/VISSv2_Core.html#access-token 19:34:22 Ulf: open flow becomes a bit explicit and reasonable to see here 19:34:36 … you start with the access token already 19:35:06 … for the earlier flow you had short and long term options 19:35:24 … this new one lacks stated purpose 19:36:10 … Isaac's proposal doesn't have an explanation on the flow but states scope can be either a purpose or signal set (in the token) 19:36:47 … I kind of like this myself, it is simpler and have no objection 19:37:36 … there needs to be clarity on the flow portion, saying this is optional for signal set but must be there when there is a purpose 19:37:58 … this is as complete as my proposal 19:39:05 Isaac: I tried to make it as few changes as possible to the original flow spec 19:39:20 … you can use explicit signals with either short or long term access 19:39:33 Ulf: good argument and agree. I vote for your proposal 19:40:36 … how do we reach a decision? 19:40:59 Ted: as you prefer this solution to your competing proposal, I think we have our answer 19:41:02 Magnus: go for it 19:41:19 Ulf processes pull request 19:41:51 and removes earlier 19:42:01 https://github.com/w3c/automotive/pull/433 19:42:26 Ulf: I describe how the URIs for the different servers can be created including port numbers and authority part 19:42:54 … presented previously and propose we move forward 19:48:54 https://github.com/w3c/automotive/issues/381 19:49:18 Ulf: we have to make clear to client implementation variation, what optional features are supported 19:49:36 … Gunnar was in favor of having everything mandatory or excluded from the spec 19:50:23 … besides filtering the other major variation is in access control 19:50:42 … we need a mechanism to inform client 19:51:40 … for access control that could be handled by the access grant server, learn what is implemented in this particular instance 19:52:43 … for filtering we should support time based 19:55:23 Ted: also delta change filter from v1. agree ideal would be no variation but more realistic is to minimize and make clear to the client 19:56:31 Ulf: I thought we can produce metadata in VSS 19:57:21 s/in VSS /with getMetadata/ 20:01:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/11/30-auto-minutes.html ted 20:03:28 regrets+ Gunnar 20:03:30 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/11/30-auto-minutes.html ted 21:25:52 Zakim has left #auto