12:54:24 RRSAgent has joined #dpvcg 12:54:24 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/11/24-dpvcg-irc 12:55:27 ScribeNick: harsh 12:55:30 Meeting: DPVCG Meeting Call 12:55:33 Chair: harsh 12:55:42 Date: 24 NOV 2021 12:55:57 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dpvcg/2021Nov/0005.html 13:03:33 Present: harsh, paul, inah, julian 13:04:52 previous meeting notes - https://www.w3.org/2021/11/17-dpvcg-minutes.html 13:05:48 Topic: Entity and Data Subject subclasses 13:07:25 Concept - Adult 13:08:03 Adult as subclass of DataSubject and inverse of Minor/Child ; for use to clarify 1) someone is not a child OR 2) someone is an adult (e.g. adult-only services) 13:11:45 julian: Does the model need the concept of NatualPerson as parent concept of Adult and Child to denote cases where a person is not a data subject 13:15:33 Present+: beatriz 13:20:16 discussion on creating a separate extension detailing relevant concepts for child-parent relationships and family, carers, guardians etc along with age of consent, age of adulthood in different regions/countries for convenience and use with DPV 13:21:57 Concept - Authority subclasses for national, regional, and supranational 13:22:02 no objections 13:22:50 Present+: georg 13:23:21 Concept - Organisation classification based on (non-)governmental and (not-)for-profit 13:42:30 Present+: mark 14:05:47 no objections , agreement on benefits of modelling these concepts 14:06:16 For ConsumerOrganisation (e.g. consumer protection organisation or citizen rights organisations), it would be represented as part of NGO, no need of a separate concept 14:06:40 Concept - AcademicScientificOrganisation 14:16:26 Concept comes from ADMS vocabulary (the specific phrasing). Examples are universities, schools, etc. 14:16:35 no objections , agreement on benefits 14:16:51 Concept - Patient, Employee, Student 14:17:04 no objections , agreement on need to represent these given existence of laws and measures 14:17:18 Concept - Citizen, Non-Citizen, Immigrant, Tourist 14:17:55 Discussion and debate with no conclusions based on several factors: how to represent citizenship and citizen rights (e.g.), residence vs immigrant, non-citizen and other concepts, tourist and relation to citizen 14:18:08 For now we keep concepts as proposed and move on to next concepts 14:18:43 Topic: Seminar by Fajar on use of DPV in WellFort project 14:19:04 Next week we will have a 30mins (20mins slides + 10mins Q&A) session by Fajar on their project and its use of DPV 14:19:17 Work has been accepted for publication in Semantic Web Journal. See paper here - http://www.semantic-web-journal.net/content/semantic-enabled-architecture-auditable-privacy-preserving-data-analysis-0 14:19:28 Tentative title - Semantic-enabled Architecture for Auditable Privacy-Preserving Data Analysis 14:19:34 Topic: Next Meeting 14:19:45 We will meet next week DEC-01 WED 13:00 WET / 14:00 CET 14:20:18 We will have Fajar's seminar and continue discussion on Entity/DataSubject subclasses as per today's agenda 14:20:21 zakim, bye 14:20:21 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been harsh, paul, inah, julian, :, beatriz, georg, mark 14:20:21 Zakim has left #dpvcg 14:23:33 rrsagent, publish minutes v2 14:23:33 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/11/24-dpvcg-minutes.html harsh 14:23:36 rrsagent, set logs world-visible