SPC Task Foce

22 November 2021


Anne Pouillard (Worldline), Doug Fisher (Visa), Gerhard Oosthuizen (Entersekt), Ian Jacobs (W3C), Jean Carlo Emer (Stripe), Jeff Hodges (Google), John Bradley (Yubico), Praveena Subrahmanyan (Airbnb), Susan Pandy (Discover)

Meeting minutes

Web Authentication proposal for using namespaces

WebAuthn issue

Gerhard: There are two topics really:

a) Protecting keys

b) Splitting cross-origin / for payments

Gerhard: Regarding "spc:" prefix. See my comment:

… there are multiple use cases, but for banks the primary use case is authentication in their own domain

smcgruer_[EST]: SPC namespace would be allowed to be used with (1) cross-origin behavior and (2) transaction UX
… namespace will prevent login use cases

John_Bradley: There's no reason SPC couldn't use login credentials for payments for BOUND origins
… and a special cross-origin type for other use cases

smcgruer_[EST]: So we could create a "cross-origin:" prefix
… that would mean that if you are a smart merchant, you could not use cross-origin for login

gerhard: The thing I'm worried about with the ns is that it excludes other use cases.


1) If you want to limit to same origin, just allow SPC with WebAuthn vanilla

2) Logging on same origin

3) Login from different origin

4) Payment from different origin

Gerhard: Seems like we want to allow all but #3 (login from non-rp)
… in the case of 3DS and open banking, the other three use cases are interesting

John_Bradley: Login from not-pr.com is problematic.
… other than payments context there is no backchannel protocol.
… if we agreed that all banking credentials could be used as non-rp.com for payments we would not need to differentiate.

Gerhard: Feedback we've heard from issuers is that they are not that keen in using a credential from the merchant.
… what I don't want is banks to not adopt SPC due to theory that credentials could be misused.

smcgruer_[EST]: There's another reason to have the separation - some WebAuthn folks never want their credential to be used by another domain.
… so I think there's good reason to separate the 3p use case if we can.
… if we have a 3p enabled ns, you could have payment and login on rp.com with a single credential (since all 1p)
… once you add the "3p:" namespace, non-rp.com could use the credential ONLY for payments (not login)
… so there is no upgrade path.
… can you use 3p credentials for login?

John_Bradley: Not without changing WebAuthn due to rpid
… if you attempt to say that you are an rpid that the browser can't validate, because there's a colon it's not a valid UI

smcgruer_[EST]: But the developer experience would be terrible

Ian: I am hearing from Gerhard that "same origin" more important than "reuse for login"

John_Bradley: If we limit ourselves to discoverable credentials, we can also leverage the user_id field.
… we could have flag that says "this can be used cross-origin with SPC"
… we have a number of characters we can use in the field for flags
… but we'd need to limit ourselves to discoverable credentials.
… you'd lose non-discoverable credentials, but that might be an ok tradeoff.

JeffH: Why discoverable credentials only?

John_Bradley: No user_id returned in non-discoverable credentials. (You COULD return it but nobody does.)

<Gerhard_> Question: Who could inform us if the usage of Payment in First party would require a special permission / setting during creation?

<Gerhard_> Then we can focus exclusively on the Cross-domain part of the problem..

JeffH: In WebAuthn we say user_id can be used by the RP.
… we state that it's really for an account identifier

John_Bradley: Right, you could not use an existing credential cross-origin

John_Bradley: We could make a structured field.
… I think we have 64 bytes in that field

JeffH: We could do some form of namespace stuff there fore newly created credentials.

JohN_Bradley: An upside is that you would not need an extension. the RP could just make them.
… the semi-downside is that arbitrary RPs could discover the format, but nothing we are doing would stop them anyway

Gerhard_: Is this WebAuthn Level 2?

John_Bradley: Would work with any authenticators that support discoverable credentials.
… and works in roaming authenticators (that support discoverable credentials)

smcgruer_[EST]: My pitch has been that we do discoverable credentials; but in current design you can fall back to non-discoverable credentials.

John_Bradley: I prefer also supporting non-discoverable credentials; but probably going with "what we have in hand" better


ACTION: John Bradley to write up proposal on that thread

JeffH: I suggest we add SPC to the title of that issue.

Gerhard: One question is do we need a flag for 1p usage? (or just 3p usage)

John_Bradley: I don't think WebAuthn has an opinion on using a WebAuthn credential for payments in a 1p

Gerhard: Second point is: what if we want to use it for still other custom displays (related to payment)
… e.g., P2P or recurring
… in other words "even more use cases"

John_Bradley: We may wish to consider structured data to avoid stepping on toes
… e.g., "ephemeral" flag so that credentials are not replicated across devices

Next call

29 Nov

Summary of action items

  1. John Bradley to write up proposal on that thread
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 159 (Fri Nov 5 17:37:14 2021 UTC).