14:03:39 RRSAgent has joined #epub 14:03:39 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/11/19-epub-irc 14:03:43 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:03:43 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), ivan 14:04:16 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2021-11-19: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-epub-wg/2021Nov/0033.html 14:04:17 Chair: wendy 14:04:17 Date: 2021-11-19 14:04:17 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-epub-wg/2021Nov/0033.html 14:04:17 Meeting: EPUB 3 Working Group Telco 14:05:10 Karen has joined #epub 14:39:06 dauwhe has joined #epub 14:39:21 romain has joined #epub 14:53:22 mgarrish has joined #epub 14:56:32 romain has joined #epub 14:57:50 toshiakikoike has joined #epub 14:58:17 present+ 14:58:23 present+ rickj 14:58:31 present+ avneesh 14:58:42 present+ george 14:58:47 avneeshsingh has joined #epub 14:58:56 MattChan has joined #epub 14:58:58 present+ toshiakikoike 14:59:17 present+ 14:59:18 MasakazuKitahara has joined #epub 14:59:26 present+ 14:59:30 present+ dauwhe 14:59:49 rickj has joined #epub 14:59:54 present+ matthew 14:59:58 present+ 15:00:10 present+ 15:00:18 CharlesL1 has joined #epub 15:00:28 present+ ubbink 15:00:59 agenda? 15:01:01 present+ vlopes 15:01:13 present+ ben 15:01:15 BenSchroeter has joined #epub 15:01:23 scribe+ 15:01:26 present+ Victoria 15:01:28 present+ 15:01:35 present+ MasakazuKitahara 15:01:37 gpellegrino has joined #epub 15:01:51 present+ 15:01:51 George has joined #epub 15:01:59 present+ 15:02:14 one of the best scribes has taken up! 15:02:49 George has joined #epub 15:02:59 present+ makoto 15:03:15 MURATA has joined #epub 15:03:21 +present 15:03:24 dauwhe: any new member introductions? 15:03:29 present+ 15:03:29 George has joined #epub 15:03:34 rickj: rick johnson, vitalsource 15:03:40 Welcome back! 15:03:45 +1 15:03:49 dauwhe: rickj has been major player in epub for a long time, glad to have him back 15:03:52 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/pull/1898 15:03:56 TOPIC: Open PRs 15:04:33 victoria has joined #epub 15:05:00 romain: basically the intent of the PR is to clarify how URLs are passed to epub 15:05:30 ... basic idea is to more clearly define root URL of the OCF container, and based on that precisely say that all URLs are to be passed relative to this root 15:05:54 ... one addition is that we do not define the root URL of the container, we say it is implementation specific 15:06:12 :-) I know that it's difficult. 15:06:16 ... we just say RS must implement it such that it has certain properties 15:06:16 q+ 15:06:26 ack iv 15:06:38 dauwhe: we want certain behaviours to come out of this definition, but we don't want to control RS implementation 15:06:48 George has joined #epub 15:07:02 ivan: implication of this PR is that the problem of relative URIs being able to leak out of the container is gone 15:07:11 q+ 15:07:16 ack rom 15:07:17 Good point 15:07:18 ... this PR defines a hard stop at the top of the container 15:07:34 romain: to be clear, this is enforced in the RS spec 15:07:56 ... RS must implement the root URL in such a way that whatever the root URL looks like, it is something inside the container 15:08:25 ... so far we say that any relative URL is valid 15:08:33 ... we may limit this in the next agenda item 15:08:48 George has joined #epub 15:09:18 ... re. these properties we say must be defined on the root URL, it is not certain that all RS are currently done this way, so this PR may make some existing RS non-conforming 15:09:24 dauwhe: can we test for this? 15:10:03 romain: I have created a test epub that uses js to display the URL of a content document, and based on this we may be able to infer the RS's root URL for the container 15:10:35 ... based on this naive test (done on Readium, ibooks, and ADE), ibooks and Readium do not implement the root URL internally the way we have it defined in the PR 15:10:42 ... not yet applied this test to other RS 15:10:48 George has joined #epub 15:10:57 ... to answer the question, no, it's not really testable 15:11:03 q+ 15:11:07 ack iv 15:11:07 ... we can only try to infer it 15:11:27 George has joined #epub 15:11:30 ivan: i think we do the right thing if we show there is a discrepancy between RS, that's why we're here, that's what CR is for 15:12:07 ... also, a warning for the wg, if we get a green light to merge today, there are still some follow up issues to handle afterwards, mostly editorial issues 15:12:25 ... these may require further discussion, but they are mostly minor and editorial 15:12:29 q? 15:12:32 romain: yes, i agree 15:12:48 George has joined #epub 15:12:50 ivan: so don't be alarmed if you see follow up issues, it is intentional 15:12:56 q+ 15:12:59 ack ro 15:13:06 dauwhe: agree. Better to split the issue into manageable pieces 15:13:09 George has joined #epub 15:13:30 romain: in this PR we use one way to characterize the root URL, there may be something more minimal that would result in more RS being conforming 15:13:39 ... but we haven't heard for that many RS folks 15:14:19 q? 15:14:31 dlazin has joined #epub 15:14:36 present+ 15:14:46 ... the benefit of this PR is that it clarifies a lot of things. We may need to lose some of this precision later. 15:14:48 George has joined #epub 15:14:53 ivan: we had one RS give feedback in the issue 15:15:04 AUbbink has joined #epub 15:15:06 s/in the issue/in the PR 15:15:14 dauwhe: any other comments? 15:15:14 present+ 15:15:23 present+ 15:15:27 Proposal: Merge 1898 15:15:29 George has joined #epub 15:15:38 +1 15:15:41 +1 15:15:42 +1 15:15:45 +1 15:15:45 +1 15:15:46 +1 15:15:50 +1 15:15:52 +1 15:15:53 +1 15:15:55 +i 15:15:56 +1 15:16:09 +1 15:16:29 Resolved: Merge 1898 15:16:34 George has joined #epub 15:17:06 ivan: we should thank Romain for this. This situation has existed for a long time in the spec before Romain proposed a solution 15:17:10 dauwhe: thank you Romain 15:17:28 Victor_Lopes has joined #epub 15:17:43 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/pull/1899 15:17:48 George has joined #epub 15:18:13 dauwhe: historically epub has been focused on interop and we've had some limits on characters allowed in file names 15:18:28 ... makes epubs portable across different OSes 15:19:01 ... as part of i18n review we've gotten a lot of feedback about allowing authors to use their own languages in file names 15:19:48 George has joined #epub 15:19:54 ... this has exposed more edge cases, e.g. allowing unicode chars in the emoji tag sequence 15:20:22 ... a sequence of unicode characters that renders out as the icon of a flag 15:20:49 ... this PR allows this, while still excluding some even more problematic characters 15:20:58 q+ 15:20:59 q+ 15:21:02 ack mg 15:21:18 ... tested this with a file named as the welsh flag, and ADE wasn't happy with the result 15:21:42 mgarrish: wasn't just emoji characters, it was languages with variation selectors (e.g. mongolia script) 15:21:48 George has joined #epub 15:22:05 ... not sure how often authors use this, but if its possible to author it i suppose we should allow it 15:22:17 q+ 15:22:28 George has joined #epub 15:22:41 ... after consulting with i18n group, we've identified 2 chars that are deprecated and which we still exclude 15:22:59 ack dl 15:23:28 dlazin: seems like the primary concern here is that we want to support this, but we're wary that its not supported today and we don't want to give authors bad advice 15:24:16 ... physical readers either can't or in practice don't get updates, its not practical for an author to make an ebook using these emojis in file names 15:24:31 ... but then there's the issue of these characters displaying in the stores 15:24:37 ... even if they work in RS 15:24:57 Karen has joined #epub 15:25:01 We might want to have a look at https://unicode.org/reports/tr51/#EmojiVersions 15:25:24 ack iv 15:25:48 George has joined #epub 15:25:58 ... recommend that we make MUST statement in RS spec, SHOULD NOT statement in core, with the possibility that we change to MAY in core in future 15:26:14 ivan: how would we test this? 15:26:25 George has joined #epub 15:26:33 q+ 15:27:05 George has joined #epub 15:27:06 ack mg 15:27:15 dlazin: in practice i think RS will support UTF-8 or not, but expecting that UTF-8 support will existing throughout the store ecosystem and legacy readers is hard 15:27:21 ... we can test, but we might not get 100% 15:28:20 q+ 15:28:25 +1 to Matt 15:28:38 q+ 15:28:54 mgarrish: are we restricting this because these file names might not work in certain North American stores? Can't the stores themselves decide their own policies for what they will allow? 15:28:56 ack dauwhe 15:28:58 q+ 15:29:01 ack ro 15:29:06 dauwhe: agree, let's let unicode be unicode 15:29:45 romain: there are quite a few standards/api that define file names, some only exist as editor drafts or cg documents 15:29:48 George has joined #epub 15:30:07 ... the web generally lacks a unified model of a file system, but that means we don; 15:30:07 q? 15:30:21 ... don't have precedent on the web to rely on 15:30:30 ... and most of these APIs don't restrict file names a lot 15:30:47 ... just say path specific characters can't be part of the file name 15:31:13 q? 15:31:23 ... to be safe, until we have a unified file system model for the web, we should loosen the restriction by changing the MUST NOT to SHOULD NOT, at least in the authoring system spec 15:31:28 ack ri 15:31:48 q+ 15:31:48 George has joined #epub 15:31:58 ack av 15:32:01 rickj: we seem to be saying this is a supply chain issue, can we pass this over to the business group? Meanwhile we let unicode be unicode 15:32:22 for the record, some of the standards I looked at: 15:32:25 File API: https://w3c.github.io/FileAPI/ 15:32:29 George has joined #epub 15:32:35 File and DIrectory Entries API https://wicg.github.io/entries-api/#names-paths 15:32:44 Directory Upload: https://wicg.github.io/directory-upload/proposal.html 15:32:48 q+ 15:32:58 File System Access: https://wicg.github.io/file-system-access/ 15:33:01 avneeshsingh: after getting such nice feedback from i18n, I think this is a sign that we should not be restrictive here. Maybe a note that these characters are now allowed, but that some RS may not support it. At least for this revision. 15:33:09 ack mg 15:33:34 q? 15:33:35 mgarrish: i'm almost positive that there's a note about zip tools that authors should stay within the ASCII range 15:33:42 ??? 15:33:46 +q 15:33:48 George has joined #epub 15:33:53 ... to avneeshsingh's point, perhaps we could generalize this note 15:33:57 ack mur 15:34:09 MURATA: mgarrish where is this note you just referred to? 15:34:37 mgarrish: it's bottom of 6.1.4 15:35:48 George has joined #epub 15:35:53 s/6.1.4/6.1.3/ 15:35:57 dauwhe: i think we should merge the PR. This part is uncontroversial. It satisfies i18n and keeps with our philosophy 15:36:02 q+ 15:36:09 ... do we need an additional note about the supply chain? 15:36:21 ack dl 15:36:22 mgarrish: or can we just expand the existing note we were talking about just now? 15:36:41 dlazin: i think we need a note that says caution when using unicode characters 15:36:48 George has joined #epub 15:36:55 +q 15:37:00 ack mu 15:37:04 ... if you're distributing to only one store and you know that your store supports it, then go ahead, otherwise stay away 15:37:07 MURATA: i don 15:37:15 q? 15:37:20 ... i don't like that. It discourages non-ASCII characters 15:37:31 dlazin: i want to encourage the use, just not sure it is safe to do so today 15:37:37 q+ 15:37:53 ack mg 15:37:56 MURATA: i've heard that argument for 20 years, haha. That argument endangers the use of non-ASCII characters 15:38:19 mgarrish: if we change the restriction from MUST NOT to SHOULD NOT, would that work MURATA? 15:39:01 MURATA: this issue is about emoji characters, if we start talking about non-ASCII we may be opening a can of worms 15:39:02 q? 15:39:13 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #epub 15:39:15 mgarrish: i think the issue is just about what is allowed in file naming, and how restrictive the spec should be 15:39:18 Some commercial ZIP tools do not support the full Unicode range for File Names. EPUB Creators who want to use ZIP tools that have these restrictions may find it best to restrict their File Names to the [US-ASCII] range. 15:39:41 wendyreid has joined #epub 15:39:46 present+ wendyreid 15:39:48 George has joined #epub 15:39:55 present+ Bill_Kasdorf 15:41:09 dauwhe: can we re-write above to avoid referring to US ASCII? 15:41:46 Proposal: merge 1899 15:41:48 George has joined #epub 15:41:56 +1 15:41:57 +1 15:41:58 +1 15:41:58 +1 15:41:59 MURATA: this issue is about emoji only, so why are we writing a note about non-ASCII 15:42:03 +1 15:42:04 +1 15:42:13 +1 15:42:13 +1 15:42:14 +1 15:42:39 +1 15:42:44 dlazin: #1899 just changes "don't use wide range of unicode" to "don't use the two deprecated characters" 15:42:55 Resolved: merge 1899 15:42:56 +1 15:42:56 ... not controversial, I don't think 15:43:08 +1 15:43:48 George has joined #epub 15:44:04 dauwhe: mgarrish do you want to try to reword that note a little? 15:44:18 mgarrish: we'll open an issue about this note? 15:44:20 dauwhe: yes, please 15:44:33 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1912 15:44:50 TOPIC: Out of container relative URLs 15:45:14 dauwhe: there is a related problem of ../ repeated until it leaks out of the epub 15:45:19 ... should we just disallow such URLs? 15:45:25 ... i think yes 15:45:28 q+ 15:45:31 ack iv 15:45:48 George has joined #epub 15:45:58 ivan: isn't it correct that we don't need to do anything about this problem because what we just merged avoids any sort of security issue 15:45:58 q+ 15:46:41 ... this sounds like adding a good practice to the text, but its an extra measure to guard against RS that don't follow what we merged in #1898 15:47:05 romain: this would add an authoring conformance requirement for URLs 15:47:26 ... such leaky URLs will likely create interop issues with legacy/non-conforming RS 15:47:30 q? 15:47:32 15:47:35 ack r 15:47:48 15:47:48 George has joined #epub 15:47:55 q+ 15:47:57 ... so to avoid conforming but non-interop friendly epubs, we just ban such URLs 15:48:03 q+ 15:48:37 ... #1898 makes the two URLs above equivalent, but i'm doubtful that in practice all RS will handle this properly 15:48:47 ack mg 15:49:14 ack ri 15:49:22 mgarrish: an epub2 RS must still be able to open epub3. And because of that it makes sense to keep things consistent from an authoring perspective 15:49:41 rickj: seems like this obligates a change in epubcheck? How does that change happen? 15:49:48 George has joined #epub 15:50:00 romain: epubcheck will be updated to implement epub 33, don't worry 15:50:04 rickj: thank you! 15:50:20 q+ 15:50:21 George has joined #epub 15:50:32 ack iv 15:50:34 dauwhe: alignment of epub 33 spec and epubcheck will be smooth, thanks to mgarrish and romain 15:50:45 ivan: there is already an alpha version of epubcheck for epub spec 33 15:50:59 George has joined #epub 15:51:09 https://github.com/w3c/epubcheck/releases/tag/preview 15:51:25 dauwhe: i think we just disallow out of container URLs 15:51:36 proposal: disallow "out-of-container" relative URLs 15:51:46 romain: in the issue i propose an algorithm to identify what is an out of container URL string 15:51:54 ... please comment in issue if you spot error there 15:52:02 +1 15:52:04 +1 15:52:09 +1 15:52:09 +1 15:52:11 +1 15:52:13 +1 15:52:15 +1 15:52:17 +1 15:52:18 +1 15:52:22 +1 15:52:28 +1 15:52:33 +1 15:52:35 +1 15:52:41 +1 15:52:55 resolved: disallow "out-of-container" relative URLs 15:53:10 George has joined #epub 15:53:18 TOPIC: How to handle deprecation during CR 15:53:33 dauwhe: i propose we push this to a different meeting given time restriction 15:53:38 ... it's a complex topic 15:54:02 wendyreid: can we outline the issue and give people time to think during the addjournment? 15:54:36 ... as part of our CR prep, we have to have a plan for what to do when we discover features that are at risk 15:54:39 https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/obsolete.html#obsolete 15:54:48 ... once we go through the testing process we will likely discover some of these 15:55:05 ... it's up to us what to do about these, but generally you deprecate these 15:55:11 ... however, we have an obligation to backwards compat 15:55:32 ... so what is our plan for these at risk features? 15:55:48 George has joined #epub 15:56:17 ... we've said "deprecate" in the past, but HTML spec uses various flavors of "obsolete" 15:56:25 q+ 15:56:40 ack iv 15:56:45 ... we're thinking of a similar model - deprecated features that might still have some life in them vs deprecated features that are pretty much done 15:57:11 ivan: usually if a feature doesn't have the required number of implementations, that feature is just cut from spec 15:57:35 ... we are saying we can't do that because of our backwards compat charter 15:57:48 George has joined #epub 15:58:13 ... re. vocab, personally my preference would be to just adopt the HTML spec's vocab and definition 15:58:22 q? 15:58:34 ... the content in the epub is HTML anyway, so being compatible seems to make a lot of sense 15:58:59 ... that's something that we'd have to review in detail. It might just be an editorial change, maybe more. 15:59:18 ... also, we have to think about how that maps to report from epubcheck 15:59:25 q? 15:59:26 wendyreid: okay, we can discuss this in the next meeting 15:59:37 dauwhe: okay, thank you all 15:59:43 Bye now! 15:59:47 ivan: happy thanksgiving to all us friends! 15:59:48 George has joined #epub 16:00:21 rssagent, draft minutes 16:01:19 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:01:19 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/11/19-epub-minutes.html ivan 16:02:17 zakim, end meeting 16:02:17 rrsagent, bye 16:02:17 I see no action items 16:02:17 As of this point the attendees have been ivan, rickj, avneesh, george, toshiakikoike, MasakazuKitahara, dauwhe, matthew, romain, ubbink, vlopes, ben, Victoria, BenSchroeter,