DPVCG Meeting Call

17 NOV 2021


beatriz, georg, harsh, julian, mark, paul

Meeting minutes

previous minutes - https://www.w3.org/2021/11/10-dpvcg-minutes.html

Joint Controllers

previous discussions were regarding using plural vs singular i.e. controller(s)

paul: should be plural i.e. controllers

Agreement on using plural, the concept will be JointDataControllers

previous discussions about how to refer to joint data controllers were about subclassing it from DataController and using hasDataController

Use-case for discussion - Two DataController A and B are engaged in a JointDataControllers relationship AB. One could specify multiple hasDataController [A,B] which would make them JointDataControllers or explicitly say hasDataController AB and indicate AB hasDataController [A,B]

Agreement on JointDataControllers as a concept and its use within DPV

Indicating who carries out the data processing

georg: In a personal data handling instance, how to specify who is carrying out the processing, i.e. DataController or DataProcessor

We have <x hasRecipient Recipient> as the current way to indicate data goes to some entity, and it is implied that the entity then carries out processing for specified information

However, sometimes it is important to explicitly indicate which entity is carrying out the processing and not just being a recipient for it.

Proposal for a property "isProcessedBy" with range Entity to indicate who carried out processing. Since receiving data / collecting data is a type of processing, it will fall under isProcessedBy ?

The property can be used at appropriate 'levels' as necessary e.g. directly on Processing types such as collect or use, on PersonalDataHandling instances, or for annotating Policy instances

To be revisited in later discussion for finalising

Referencing Agreement between Data Controller and Data Processor

A DataController engages a DataProcessor under a DataProcessorAgreement which outlines the instructions and obligations for carrying out processing.

How to reference this agreement within the personal data handling use e.g. hasDataController A [as DataController] ; isProcessedBy B [as DataProcessor] ; and A--B has some agreement

Current proposal puts the DataProcessorAgreement under TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure given its derivation from LegalAgreement

paul: The placement of DataProcessorAgreement under TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure does not seem correct or elegant since its not an organisational measure

harsh: we have two ways of using this, one is creating a property called "hasEntity" and using that to associate entities with agreements (and elsewhere as necessary) - which works when representing the Controller--Processor relationship from a third party perspective

harsh: The second one is from a Processor perspective the agreement is its legal basis, so using hasLegalBasis ; and for the Controller it is also the legal basis so using hasLegalBasis ; and both pointing to the DataProcessorAgreement instance

harsh: For the Controller using this in a PersonalDataHandling instance, the use could be something like hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure DataProcessorAgreement with the DataProcessorAgreement using hasEntity or hasDataController to connect to the entity with type and role

Entity and Data Subject Subclasses

julian: The discussion of these concepts arose from prior proposals, and it should be considered whether to include them all in an ad-hoc manner within the DPV or only those that add value - such as due to there being obligations or requirements associated with them from laws or domains

Consensus on adding only those concepts which are necessary to be modelled based on requirements

For entities and organisations, the ADMS vocabulary provided some categorisation such as National/Regional/SupraNational authorities which we propose for inclusion

ADMS itself is a mix of different concepts, so inclusion of a few here would be better

Next Meeting

We will meet next WED NOV-24 13:00 WET / 14:00 CET

Discussion will continue regarding Entity and Data Subject subclasses and other items on agenda

There may be a guest presentation by DPVCG member Fajar on use of DPV within the WELLFORT project. Details and timings TBD.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 159 (Fri Nov 5 17:37:14 2021 UTC).