23:54:01 RRSAgent has joined #epub 23:54:01 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/11/11-epub-irc 23:54:04 RRSAgent, make logs Public 23:54:04 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), dauwhe_ 23:54:15 Meeting: EPUB 3 Working Group Telecon 23:54:28 Chair: dauwhe 23:54:50 dauwhe_ has changed the topic to: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-epub-wg/2021Nov/0017.html 23:54:54 shiestyle has joined #epub 23:55:09 dauwhe has joined #epub 23:57:58 toshiakikoike has joined #epub 23:58:46 present+ 23:59:18 present+ 23:59:28 MattChan has joined #epub 23:59:47 MasakazuKitahara has joined #epub 23:59:52 present+ 23:59:56 present+ 00:00:19 present+ 00:00:50 mgarrish has joined #epub 00:01:51 present+ 00:02:10 duga has joined #epub 00:02:14 victoria has joined #epub 00:02:15 present+ 00:02:31 scribe+ 00:03:39 present+ 00:04:25 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1873 00:04:29 dauwhe: 4 items on the agenda today, revisiting old issues, but hopefully we can make some progress today 00:04:31 TOPIC: Obfuscation 00:04:55 dauwhe: from PING horizontal review, there were questions about obfuscation 00:05:33 ... fair amount of discussion. Obfuscation is widely used, so that means we can't get rid of it without invalidating existing epubs regardless of the merits 00:06:04 ... right now obfuscation can be applied to any number of resources in the epub. I'm in favor of restricting this to fonts - i.e. the original use case 00:06:30 ... not aware of real uses of obfuscation for anything other than fonts, so risk of limiting uses of obfuscation is low 00:06:46 q+ 00:06:47 ... we could also recommend alternatives to obfuscation, such as use of WOFF and subsetting 00:06:49 ack du 00:07:14 duga: WOFF also can't be copied for use on your system 00:07:20 ... so I support this 00:07:26 q+ 00:07:33 ack shi 00:08:09 q+ 00:08:31 ack mg 00:08:33 shiestyle: in JP in many cases we don't have encryption in RS. So this won't have a big impact on JP market. It won't be a problem. 00:08:53 mgarrish: re. limiting to fonts, how would we do this? List a set of font formats? 00:09:02 ... we'll need to update epubcheck as well 00:09:31 ... i don't think we'd be limiting it to the font mime type right? 00:09:40 dauwhe: i was thinking we would limit to font core media type 00:09:57 q+ 00:10:03 mgarrish: that covers the widely used ones, but not sure if there's anything else out there 00:10:09 ack du 00:10:12 ... don't want to have to keep updating epubcheck 00:10:48 duga: I wish we could just restrict the list of fonts to the core list 00:11:00 dauwhe: right, what about postscript type1 fonts 00:11:05 q? 00:11:56 ... would it be reasonable to say you can only obfuscate fonts in the core media types, that this will be testable in epubcheck, and then let the people who are working around this in obscure ways speak up? 00:12:36 duga: can we just non-normatively note what the intention is? 00:12:53 ... i.e. don't obfuscate things that aren't fonts, and try to use WOFF instead 00:13:51 PROPOSAL: allow obsfucation only for fonts. Formally restrict to the font core media types. Add note suggesting using WOFF instead of obsfucation, and to say the intent is to cover all types of fonts. 00:14:22 +1 00:14:22 +1 00:14:25 +1 00:14:25 +1 00:14:26 +1 00:14:27 +1 00:14:31 q+ 00:14:31 +1 00:14:37 ack mg 00:14:51 mgarrish: i wonder if there's some way of tying this to how fonts are declared 00:15:16 ... e.g. font family, link, etc. 00:15:28 ... rather than trying to list the types of fonts specifically 00:16:00 dauwhe: okay, that might be cleaner way of getting to the result we want 00:16:14 q+ 00:16:48 duga: it feels like that would be hard to do, e.g. chemML which has its own way of referencing fonts 00:17:13 RESOLVED: allow obsfucation only for fonts. Formally restrict to the font core media types. Add note suggesting using WOFF instead of obsfucation, and to say the intent is to cover all types of fonts. 00:17:27 ack du 00:19:52 ... but the reality is that the industry is still going to use obfuscation. Drafting language around this is going to be tricky. Easiest way would be to just have a non-normative note and see if that is satisfactory to PING. 00:20:50 q? 00:21:43 dauwhe: the proposed solution would satisfy the vast majority of cases though, most people would be happy with it... 00:22:03 ... so do we go back to ndoty now to propose a non-normative, note based solution? 00:22:29 duga: the problem is that the media type for fonts isn't well defined, there could be epubs out there using weird fonts 00:24:15 mgarrish: i think epubcheck already has some sort of internal list of font types, but we'd need them to confirm 00:25:00 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1874 00:25:01 duga: changes like this push vendors towards moving away from using epubcheck as part of their ingestion pipeline 00:25:29 dauwhe: next PING issue, there was some discussion earlier about ripping some of the DRM hooks out of the spec 00:25:47 ... general consensus was no, there are valid use cases, such as obfuscation 00:26:10 ... can't get right of encryption.xml, signing things could be useful 00:26:29 ... leaning towards recommending that we not change the DRM things that are already in the spec 00:26:30 q+ 00:26:32 ... does that seem reasonable? 00:26:53 ack mg 00:27:48 mgarrish: I found some old language about "future versions of spec might require DRM", so I'll probably just cut that 00:27:58 dauwhe: yes 00:28:26 ... where did you see that? 00:28:36 mgarrish: that was in core spec 00:29:07 PROPOSAL: Close 1874; remove line from spec about "This version of the specification does not require a specific format for DRM information, but a future version might. " 00:29:13 s/require DRM/require specific format for DRM 00:29:33 mgarrish: might want to just cut that whole paragraph, the rest of it is pretty non-specific 00:30:01 PROPOSAL: lose 1874; remove para from spec that contains "This version of the specification does not require a specific format for DRM information, but a future version might. " 00:30:15 s/lose/close/ 00:30:18 +1 00:30:20 +1 00:30:22 +1 00:30:23 +1 00:30:26 +1 00:30:29 +1 00:30:33 +1 00:30:34 q? 00:30:38 +1 00:31:03 RESOLVED: Close 1874; remove para from spec that contains "This version of the specification does not require a specific format for DRM information, but a future version might. " 00:31:28 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/pull/1898 00:31:48 TOPIC: Testing Assignments 00:31:56 duga: do we want to wait until we have Romain? 00:33:10 ... looking at comments on PR, it seems like most people are okay with the idea, but the specific details need to be hashed out 00:33:38 dauwhe: i'm fine with not addressing this tonight, we can probably let the conversation continue over in github 00:34:04 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/pull/1889 00:34:06 TOPIC: Approve PRs 00:34:43 dauwhe: this is writing language for when should happen when same item is referenced multiple times in the spine 00:34:51 q? 00:34:57 ... there are a bunch of approvals from reviews over in github 00:35:06 mgarrish: okay with me 00:35:15 PROPOSAL: merge 1889 00:35:17 +1 00:35:17 s/from reviews/reviewers 00:35:18 +1 00:35:20 +1 00:35:22 +1 00:35:23 +1 00:35:23 +1 00:35:24 +1 00:35:29 +1 00:35:42 RESOLVED: merge 1889 00:35:57 dauwhe: that's it for the agenda items 00:36:13 ... we've been making progress in some other areas. We're getting formal approval on APA horizontal review 00:36:52 mgarrish: procedurally its been a bit complicated 00:37:12 dauwhe: in the cases of PING and TAG they have review repositories 00:37:44 ... TAG triaged their review for us today, assigned people to do the reviewing 00:38:09 ... PING issues are ongoing, we're close on i18n 00:38:12 q? 00:38:14 TOPIC: AOB? 00:38:41 dauwhe: thanks everyone for being here, we'll see you over on github or on next week's call 00:38:41 zakim, end meeting 00:38:41 As of this point the attendees have been toshiakikoike, dauwhe, MasakazuKitahara, shiestyle, MattChan, mgarrish, duga, victoria 00:38:43 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 00:38:43 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/11/11-epub-minutes.html Zakim 00:38:47 I am happy to have been of service, dauwhe; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 00:38:51 Zakim has left #epub 00:39:14 RRSAgent: bye 00:39:14 I see no action items