WoT Marketing

09 November 2021


Daniel_Peintner, Ege_Korkan, Kaz_Ashimura, Tomoaki_Mizushima

Meeting minutes



Ege: (goes through the minutes)
… any objections?

(none; approved)

Issues related to the IG Charter

Issue 217 - [IG Charter] clarification on the activity of the Marketing TF

Ege: should the draft Charter itself be updated?

Kaz: yes

Ege: will respond to the issue 217 here
… also would create a PR for the IG Charter

Daniel: some brainstorming discussion about that?

Kaz: note that the expected text for the Marketing TF doesn't have to be a paragraph or section
… some brief description would suffice

Kaz: we should put some brief description about the objectives of the TF
… and what we did during the previous Charter period

Ege: (summarizes the discussion as comments for the issue 217)

Ee's comments

Kaz: suggest we bring this text to the Main call tomorrow and get approval there

Ege: ok
… btw, how to deal with the 2nd point on the relationship with the scope?

Kaz: we could simply say "To reach out and collaborate with the communities, we'd like to work on ..."

Ege: ok

Kaz: and we should put that summary text before the bullet points on what we did

Ege: ok

Marketing work by CG?

<Ege> https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/issues/219

Kaz: in any case, we should clarify what is expected and what should be done for the Marketing work

Ege: (adds some notes on the difference between IGs and CGs)

Ege's comment on IG vs CG

Ege: (also creates another issue on clarifying the Marketing TF's work)

Issue 220 - Tasks of the Marketing TF

PR 215

PR 215

Daniel: put WG/IG/CG under the "Groups" tab

Ege: "Community" under the "Groups" tab should be "Community Group"

Daniel: ok

ca: right
… what about the Web Thing Protocol CG?

Daniel: we should ask Ben if he wants to get listed here

Kaz: including CGs under the "Groups" tab is fine
… but we should say "Related Community Groups" for CGs because CGs are not part of the WoT-WG/IG officially

dape: ok
… will also make "Community Group" under the "Groups" menu plural (=Community Groups)

Issue 206

Issue 206 - Twitter Background Image

Ege: would go for the option 1

all: ok

Issue 151

Issue 151 - Documenting the Twitter publication rules

Kaz: we forgot to close this issue. right?

Ege: yes
… and close it

Issue 176

Issue 176 - WoT Implementations

Ege: should be able to close this as well

Issue 92

Issue 92 - Add Task Forces to WG and IG overview page

Ege: TFs are already added

Kaz: closing this issue itself is ok
… but note that this issue is related to my issue's third point on link to wiki pages
… having links to wiki pages is better than nothing

Ege: yes

Daniel: right
… can add links

Ege's comment

Daniel's comment

(issue 92 closed)

Issue 71 and 70

Issue 71 - Combine Home page with top level page.

Issue 70 - Landing pages should provide information about TFs

Ege: both can be closed now


Kaz: once Daniel adds the link from the IG page to the Marketing wiki, we can close the Issue 218. Right?

Issue 218 - The Markeing TF page doesn't exist. (probably we should add a link for the Marketing TF wiki to the IG page as the starting point?)

Ege: would keep it open

Kaz: in that case, you should mention we've added a link as the starting point as a comment

Ege: will do


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 159 (Fri Nov 5 17:37:14 2021 UTC).