09 November 2021


annette, annette_g, Jemma, Léonie (tink), tzviya, wendyreid, wseltzer
liz, Tzviya
wendyreid, wseltzer

Meeting minutes

<tzviya> Date: 2021-11-09

<tzviya> s/regrets+

Disciplinary Process / Consequences

<tzviya> https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/blob/main/CEPCdisciplinary-process.md

tzviya: several months ago, drafted disciplinary process

<tzviya> https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/issues/193

tzviya: added an issue re consequences
… making them more robust

LizLutgendorff: from experience in civil service, there can be long-term issues that gradually escalate
… using the grievance process is usually unsatisfying

<Jemma> fyi. https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/blob/main/grievance-process.md link is broken.

<tzviya> we are looking at https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/blob/main/CEPCdisciplinary-process.md

LizLutgendorff: more successful, when someone reports immediately, and issue goes to mediation
… vs cumulative effect
… Several different options: if you're looking at long complicated histories, external agency might do best
… whereas for mediation, strucutred conversation where everyone can agree on a way forward, could work as internal conversation
… would be good for a few people to work together to share experience

tzviya: a number of people have asked us to include consequences in CEPC, rather than separate document

wendyreid: +1 to all of that
… best to deal with issues as quickly as possible
… come at it with empathy
… get people together with a neutral third party
… if it requires escalation, then consider ombuds or staff

wendyreid: I volunteer an outline for chairs training
… help chairs deal with issues they could handle immediately

LizLutgendorff: conversation about what people want from the process
… sharing clear expectations: this process is intended to repair relationships, not to kick people out

Jemma: opportunities for others than the chair to intervene

wendyreid: making the path clearer can help people deal with these issues more immediately
… who calls out the bad behavior?
… whom do I contact?
… clear process can help empower

tzviya: we need to document reporting and consequences

<Zakim> wseltzer, you wanted to discuss thresholds

LizLutgendorff: also interested to help with chair training

Ombuds update, next steps

tzviya: we don't have the ombuds development team here
… want to move that work forward
… training program

tzviya: thanks Léonie as she steps down as chair

tink: I won't be far away

Inclusive Naming Initiative https://inclusivenaming.org/

Inclusive Naming Initiative https://inclusivenaming.org/

tzviya: Mallory from CDT sent link to inclusive naming initiative

wendyreid: as a resource, reviewers could look at naming

wseltzer: looks like a good resource for us

tzviya: I'll follow up with annette and mallory

Inclusion Fund - how did it go?

wseltzer: 2 people awarded reimbursement from Inclusion Fund

LizLutgendorff: I wonder how we can guide more people to relevant criteria

wendyreid: feedback: start earlier next year

LizLutgendorff: as a process, it was fairly straightforward
… I can review for next year's prep

wendyreid: next year, should prep to announce with initial TPAC announcements
… and consider the challenges of physical meeting
… and expenses

Jemma: maybe give some examples, video

wendyreid: ask recipients if they'd like to share testimonials?

tink: a dedicated web page for the inclusion fund
… not just a blog post

<tzviya> +1 to having a dedicated page for inclusion fund

tink: Make sure the first link isn't direct to a login form, without instruction to create a free W3C account
… start promotion even earlier

<Jemma> +1 to early promotion

tink: how to fill the gap between payment and reimbursement, worse in times of physical travel costs


tink: or even pre-pay expenses

Jemma: +1 to tink

wseltzer: if we create text for a web page, I can work with comm to get it posted


<tzviya> https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/issues/193#issuecomment-961301203

<tzviya> https://www.w3.org/Guide/process/banning.html


tzviya: anticipating update to CEPC
… that will be a lengthy process


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 159 (Fri Nov 5 17:37:14 2021 UTC).


Maybe present: LizLutgendorff, tink