ixml Group Teleconference

9 Nov 2021


John, MSM, Norm, Steven, Tomos

Meeting minutes

Outstanding Actions

ACTION (2021-08-004): Steven to create list of existing requirements,

so that we can identify when a new one comes.

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Steven: Mostly done.

ACTION (2021-08-005): Tom and MSM to come with a pragma proposal.

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Steven: Continues, ongoing

<Tom> Proposal for pragma: https://github.com/invisibleXML/ixml/pull/10

Tom: The proposal is being worked up on github. Participation and comments are welcome.

MSM: The draft works nicely, I feel worried about complicated cases, with big pragmas.
… I can imagine a better proposal, but I'm not sure any such thing exists, or how it would work.

ACTION (2021-10-001): Steven to draft a mediatypes proposal (see


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Status of implementations

Steven: I was v happy that the server stayed up during the tutorial

Steven: I have rewritten the bootstrap parser, and am rewriting the Earley one, as prep for the C version.

Norm: I'm working on one, extending a parser that I have found. On a back burner at the moment.

Tom: The same as usual. Thinking about making progress on JayParser, but nothing new to report
… do I rewrite to optimise the levels of recursion, or do I rethink the approach?

MSM: Aparecium -- Declarative Amsterdam forced me to work on it. It survived the demos.
… the exercises in the tutorial all worked.
… some debugging still needed.
… I'm focussing on testing.

John's experience

John: XPath is an interesting and big testcase.
… I'm converting the EBNF to ixml
… using grammar adjustment to get rid of unwanted intermediate nonterminals
… having a problem with dealing with reserved words.
… is XPath too big of a problem?

MSM: I think the grammar is unambiguous, because the keywords are not reserved.
… but Pascal where you have reserved words, you may get ambiguity.
… but ixml doesn't have that problem.

MSM: Question about the ! in your example. Can you describe it's meaning?

MSM: A nice use case for pragmas.

John: It takes the first alt, and won't serialise it, but the second does.

Bug reports, change requests, etc.

Refactoring of grammar

MSM: not in github, just a report.

Steven: I didn't make the change since your usecase was convinving.
… I made the other changes.

root rule

Steven: I think we decided to keep it as is.

Strings proposal

Steven: Not to allow strings to split over lines.

MSM: in favour

Steven: Anyone against?


Steven: Consensus.

Renaming proposal

Steven: A future change, but I hear that people have the use case.
… You recognise it with one rule, and serialise with a different name

Tom: Pragmas.

MSM: A comment on the syntax, (and not with a pragma), the mark being moved to the other end of the nonterminal.

Steven: The ^ is followed by the name that will be used for the serialisation.

Removing ^ from tmark

Steven: You were against it.
… It does no harm there, I just don't think it will ever be used ever

Tom: I can't care about it.
… Don't fix what ain't broke.

Consensus: leave as is.

Testing and Test Suite

MSM: A reminder, when we first discussed testsuites, we are all building testcases, it would be nice to exchange cases and build up a suite.
… We agreed to roll our own, and then compare.
… I have some rudimentary documentation.
… I fear that ambiguity complicates the issue.

Steven: I have a similar problem with testcases for syntax rrors

MSM: My results can have a requirement that the output looks like this, or, there is no parse.
… and there should be another case that the grammar is wrong
… and ambiguity should be treated with more machinery

MSM: My documentation: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ixml/2021Nov/0031.html

Norm: What worked for XProc, we assign unique codes to the errors, and then can identify the error output in an unambiguous way.

MSM: How Schema 1.0 was a catastrophe in that respect

Norm: Sure, but it may not be so hard with ixml.

John: I think there are fewer cases for us.

Norm: I volunteer to read the spec, and classify the possible erros

ACTION: Norm to classify the error states in the spec

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Next meeting

Tomos: A half hour later please.

MSM: 15.30 UTC

Tomos: Permanent please

Steven: Tues 14 dec


Summary of action items

  1. Norm to classify the error states in the spec
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 159 (Fri Nov 5 17:37:14 2021 UTC).


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No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: Steven

Maybe present: Consensus, Tom