18:42:52 RRSAgent has joined #aria-apg 18:42:52 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/11/09-aria-apg-irc 18:43:01 Zakim has joined #aria-apg 18:43:14 rrsagent, make log public 18:43:25 zakim, clear agenda 18:43:25 agenda cleared 18:43:54 MEETING: ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force 18:44:09 CHAIR: Jemma 18:44:18 present+ 18:44:23 rrsagent, make minutes 18:44:23 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/11/09-aria-apg-minutes.html Matt_King 18:57:52 Jemma has joined #aria-apg 19:01:59 Topic: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/milestone/2 19:02:09 present+ jemma 19:03:14 jongund has joined #aria-apg 19:03:24 scribe:Rich 19:03:28 siri has joined #aria-apg 19:03:33 Rich_Noah has joined #aria-apg 19:03:43 present+ jongund 19:03:51 howard_edwards has joined #aria-apg 19:03:58 present+ 19:04:20 present + 19:04:20 scribe: Rich_Noah 19:04:37 sarah_higley has joined #aria-apg 19:04:46 Matt_King: Looks like cutoff for getting items merged is tomorrow morning. 19:04:51 https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/milestone/2 19:04:59 Matt_King: I have items listed in order 19:05:17 topic: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1895 19:05:39 Matt_King: looks like this is updated, correct Jon? 19:05:48 jongund: yes, I updated CSS 19:06:01 topic:https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1869 19:06:21 Matt_King: Howard were you looking on this tree view? 19:06:34 howard_edwards: No, it was Simon and Z 19:07:03 present+ 19:08:15 Matt_King: Sara are you available to help out with this one? To make sure when the page loads we have aria selected false specified by default 19:08:32 sarah_higley: I have a few other things but what would I be looking at? 19:08:39 preview tree: https://raw.githack.com/kdoberst/aria-practices/Issue-1680-add-aria-selected-to-treeview-items/examples/treeview/treeview-1/treeview-1a.html 19:09:32 Matt_King: when the page loads nothing is selected, so everything should be set to false 19:09:45 sarah_higley: yes, I can look at that. 19:10:49 Matt_King: the tree is currently named file viewer but it is not. It is a file viewer I suggested selected folder or file. I was considering the word selected. 19:11:18 sarah_higley: what about My Documents 19:11:33 Matt_King: we can use My Documents as a label. 19:11:48 sarah_higley: my suggestion is to have a visual selection state. 19:11:58 sarah_higley: we do not have one 19:12:23 Matt_King: that is not good and should be on the fix list. 19:12:58 Boaz: Z came on for a week to provide lift and Howard should be working on it. 19:14:30 Matt_King: should we use same indicator in My Documents tree view? 19:14:41 CurtBelle has joined #aria-apg 19:14:46 howard_edwards: yes that is something we can do 19:14:54 present + 19:15:01 present+ 19:15:31 Matt_King: I assume we have a nice focus indicator in the tree. 19:15:47 howard_edwards: I have that noted 19:16:41 Matt_King: we have the enter key performing two actions: expanding and selecting. I don't think we should be doing that. 19:17:12 sarah_higley: I think it depends on context alot. enter and space are less keyboard savy. 19:17:18 MarkMcCarthy has joined #aria-apg 19:17:39 present+ 19:18:30 Matt_King: it would complicate the conversation on what is selectable 19:18:55 Matt_King: it would bring a lot of changes to this example 19:19:14 Matt_King: would avoid making changes before we try to get it out the door. 19:19:46 sarah_higley: in this context it makes sense for enter to select 19:20:13 Matt_King: I don't want to overload and set up something problematic 19:20:50 Matt_King: what about the name of the edit field? 19:21:46 sarah_higley: realistically we wouldn't have a text field 19:22:26 Matt_King: hopefully not unrealistic to change and test by tomorrow. Will need assistance checking the high contrast. Jemma or Jon can you assist? 19:22:35 jongund: yes, I will be around tomorrow. 19:23:23 howard_edwards: i should be able to take a look at this. 19:23:50 siri: Matt why do you say performing two actions is too much. 19:24:16 summary of the work to be done - https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1869#issuecomment-964453939 19:24:38 Matt_King: I am concerned that someone might implement a real tree by mimicking the two behaviors to be distinct. 19:25:37 present+ curtbelle 19:25:51 present+ bryan 19:26:12 present+ boaz 19:32:08 Matt_King: I wanted to align the example with the pattern and we can work on the pattern in the future. 19:32:42 topic: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1870 19:33:09 Matt_King: we had some editorial stuff that we cleared up 19:33:21 jongund: i added aria label to the regression test 19:33:45 Matt_King: I want to check that we are good with pointer behavior 19:34:39 jongund: I found with other rating systems once you hover over it selects to the stars and then when you click it sets. 19:36:23 Matt_King: using the keyboard it is changing the value of the input. with hover it looks like you have changed the value but you have not changed it. I don't know how that might that effect magnifiers and cause confusion. 19:37:39 bryan: I do know if impacts focusability 19:38:59 Matt_King: i am concerned about the mag users and they won't be able to see it without moving their mouse. 19:39:24 jongund: we can take the hover state out so hover does not change any styling. 19:39:41 Matt_King: Sara, does my concern make sense. 19:40:44 sarah_higley: yes it does, there is a side benefit to see a preview of what the change might be. I think a change should be a later thing. 19:42:53 Matt_King: do you have time to make the update that before that middle of tomorrow? 19:43:32 jongund: yes, code might not be clean but behavior should work. 19:43:43 topic: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1876 19:45:04 jongund: we can't test high contrast due to an issue in Chrome. It seems to work on FF and I can check on Safari. It appears that it should work. 19:46:45 jongund: I will update my review 19:47:19 Matt_King: if you update your review I will do a final look through and this might be reviewable today. 19:49:20 topic: topic: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/2112 19:50:09 Matt_King: we don't have aria described by pointing to that message 19:52:04 Matt_King: aria-controls is not desirable on a button that is bringing up an issue. so if you remove it the javascript breaks? 19:52:17 howard_edwards: yes, pretty much 19:52:40 Matt_King: i think we should correct that. Is there anyone available? 19:53:16 jongund: I can look at that. 19:53:50 sarah_higley: I see what it is, line 175. I can do that now if you like. 19:56:54 Matt_King: let us just fix the controls 19:57:37 topic: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1834 19:58:02 Matt_King: there are checks failing 19:58:11 sarah_higley: I have not finished the tests yet. 19:59:03 Matt_King: there are still some pending reviewers 19:59:22 Jemma: I am a still adding myself for general accessibility review 19:59:52 Matt_King: It might be a stretch to get in but will see what flexibility Michael has. 20:00:04 topic: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/2121 20:01:19 Matt_King: this is in draft and it would be good to have people review. Other eyes on it to make sure I did not make mistakes. 20:02:10 jongund: I will take a look at it. 20:05:57 rrsagent, make minutes 20:05:57 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/11/09-aria-apg-minutes.html Rich_Noah 20:10:19 rrsagent, make minutes 20:10:19 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/11/09-aria-apg-minutes.html Matt_King 21:41:08 Zakim has left #aria-apg 21:54:49 Matt_King has joined #aria-apg