16:59:39 RRSAgent has joined #aria 16:59:39 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/11/04-aria-irc 16:59:41 RRSAgent, make logs Public 16:59:43 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), jamesn 16:59:46 present+ 16:59:48 present+ 16:59:50 present+ 16:59:50 pkra has joined #aria 16:59:51 present+ Joanmarie_Diggs 16:59:53 meeting: ARIA WG 16:59:54 present+ 16:59:58 chair: JamesNurthen 17:01:10 agenda+ [New Issue Triage](https://bit.ly/3CH8cfG) 17:01:10 agenda+ [New PR Triage](https://bit.ly/3wcnVRy) 17:01:10 agenda+ [Deep Dive planning](https://bit.ly/aria-meaty-topic-candidates) 17:01:10 agenda+ [Updating ARIA 1.2 due to IDL implementations (exit and re-enter CR?)](https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1598) 17:01:11 agenda+ [A role for indicating whether a given ruby represents phonetics ](https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1620) 17:01:11 agenda+ [Updated spec text to reflect the processing of hidden elements when c…](https://github.com/w3c/accname/pull/137) 17:01:11 agenda+ [Clarify how "otherwise interactive" relates to overriding the none/presentation role](https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1628) 17:01:12 agenda+ [clarify img naming steps](https://github.com/w3c/html-aam/pull/322) 17:02:01 present+ 17:02:10 scribe: spectranaut 17:02:16 zakim, first item 17:02:16 I don't understand 'first item', spectranaut 17:02:22 zakim, next item 17:02:22 agendum 1 -- [New Issue Triage](https://bit.ly/3CH8cfG) -- taken up [from jamesn] 17:02:33 sarah_higley has joined #aria 17:02:37 present+ 17:03:18 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1636 17:04:04 jamesn: let's leave this to simmer for a bit and discuss next week 17:04:39 jamesn: https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1634 move to practices? 17:06:13 jamesn: https://github.com/w3c/accname/issues/146 agenda+ for next week. 17:06:37 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1632 17:06:44 jamesn: why not support on role="group"? 17:07:03 aaron: seems like it get revoked, maybe not intentionally? 17:07:15 aaron: fieldset is a group, and fieldset you can still disable 17:08:07 stefan: original idea declare an entire group, all children get disabled. old discussion 17:08:26 jamesn: milestone 1.3? anyone want to be assigned to determine a proposal? 17:08:35 sarah_higley: scott already has a PR for it 17:08:47 jamesn: is this a deuplicate? 17:09:09 sarah_higley: related to aria-disable 1130 issue... 17:09:32 jamesn: milestone 1.3, lets revist after the other issue is resolved. 17:09:41 sohara has joined #aria 17:09:43 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1630 17:10:11 jamesn: spec or practices? 17:10:44 sarah_higley: we just moved an issue over to APG related to overflow tabs, seems related to this and secondary tabs. 17:11:00 sarah_higley: you can assign to me 17:11:18 jamesn: milestone 1.3 not to lose 17:11:29 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1629 17:11:45 scott: you can assign this issue to me, but not a 1.3 issue.... 17:11:56 jamesn: does this need normative changes? 17:11:59 scott: no 17:12:34 jamesn: maybe brennan can do it? 17:12:43 jamesn: let's ask him 17:13:00 jamesn: I won't assign it to you yet, but we can come back and assign you later on if need be 17:13:10 zakim, next item 17:13:10 agendum 2 -- [New PR Triage](https://bit.ly/3wcnVRy) -- taken up [from jamesn] 17:13:54 jamesn: https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1635 ready to merge 17:14:03 https://github.com/w3c/html-aam/pull/354 17:15:29 https://github.com/w3c/html-aam/pull/350 needs review 17:15:47 bkardell_ has joined #aria 17:15:57 scott: will need implementation when lands. no aria-spec impact, just html 17:16:06 jamesn: we should have implementation review 17:16:16 jcraig: I'll review 17:16:29 aaron: I'll review 17:16:46 joanie: I'll review 17:16:57 zakim, next item 17:16:57 agendum 3 -- [Deep Dive planning](https://bit.ly/aria-meaty-topic-candidates) -- taken up [from jamesn] 17:17:13 aaronlev has joined #aria 17:17:16 jamesn: next week I can't do the deep dive 17:17:35 jamesn: anyone else on holiday? 17:18:00 jamesn: I guess we should meet next week! 17:18:26 jamesn: because we have so much to do, but no deep dive. if you have a topic for the following week, please send 17:18:30 zakim, next item 17:18:30 agendum 4 -- [Updating ARIA 1.2 due to IDL implementations (exit and re-enter CR?)](https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1598) -- taken up [from jamesn] 17:18:48 https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1633 17:18:49 jamesn: I created a pr based on our discussions during the meeting last week 17:19:23 jamesn: I would like more reviews 17:19:43 jamesn: we have no implementation in a shipping spec of IDL 17:19:51 jcraig: only in the browsers 17:21:15 jamesn: can aaron ping dominic? 17:21:38 aaronlev: yes 17:22:15 jamesn: I'll try pining dominic and anna in the thread? 17:22:45 jamesn: this is the most urgent thing we are doing, it is the blocker for 1.2, I would appreciate as much review as possible on this!!!! 17:24:36 zakim, next item 17:24:36 agendum 5 -- [A role for indicating whether a given ruby represents phonetics ](https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1620) -- taken up [from jamesn] 17:25:25 jamesn: is there still work to do on this? 17:25:37 siri has joined #aria 17:26:06 jcraig: seems like he is open to us closing it 17:26:33 jamesn: can I leave it to you and aaronlev to finalize these issues and close it out? 17:26:43 jcraig: I'm going to close the issue, and if we need to reopen we can 17:26:55 zakim, next item 17:26:55 agendum 6 -- [Updated spec text to reflect the processing of hidden elements when c…](https://github.com/w3c/accname/pull/137) -- taken up [from jamesn] 17:27:22 s/the issue/issues 1619 and 1620/ 17:28:01 aaronlev: I feel like the innertext was a nice simplification until we realized there were too many details 17:29:01 aaronlev: firefox doesn't implement it quite correctly 17:29:14 jamesn: having inconsistent implementations.... is a problem 17:29:24 jamesn: is your solution for chrome a solution other people could use? 17:29:45 aaronlev: I think so, you can make an accessible object for a dom node even it is not in the final platform tree 17:29:53 aaronlev: it might be harder in other browsers 17:30:19 aaronlev: because of the number of accesisbility APIs we support, with only one tree in blink, and we have to send from render to browser process... we have ways of skipping nodes in output 17:30:30 aaronlev: when we are computing name we can use fuller tree 17:30:44 aaronlev: I think firefox will have to move to that model as well 17:31:12 jamesn: does the fact that we don't have consistent implementations mean we can get to CR, or it's ok because it has always been broken? 17:31:27 aaronlev: chrome, we can do it based on the spec now or based on some different innertext thing 17:31:41 q+ To ask what exactly what the spec says now means 17:31:46 aaronlev: probably firefox and webkit can support current spec, but its probably harder 17:31:58 aaronlev: we are flexible if you want to do something else 17:34:05 ack joanie 17:34:05 joanie, you wanted to ask what exactly what the spec says now means 17:34:10 jamesn: currently everything is broken in a different way 17:34:47 joanie: what do you mean when you say what you implemented what the spec says... I think the spec says don't go down the tree! 17:35:06 joanie: apple does what the spec currently confusingly says 17:35:36 joanie: the spec is in accname, if the div is hidden, it's innertext, but any children that are not directly references by the idea of aria-labelled by, they are not included 17:36:38 jcraig: brian wrote the first version of the spec change, I clarified, pull 137 -- if chrome is doing that specifically, but this PR mentions innerText, chrome is not using innerText? 17:36:52 jcraig: aaronlev can you reply with PR changes to match your implementation...? 17:37:36 sorry, have to drop off. 17:38:19 matt_king: joanie, your summary... I thought the whole purpose was for this to be understandable by users, web authors who are trying to make accessible labels. my interpretation of what aaronlev was saying is that chrome is doing what people thought the spec is meant to say. What the spec actually says is bizarre and unexpected. 17:38:39 matt_king: I thought the point was to clear up and include the tree 17:38:54 aaronlev: you might want to have a hidden label or description.. 17:39:46 q+ 17:40:26 bryan: .... a real world example I couldn't catch! 17:40:45 matt_kind: good example 17:40:59 matt_king: is there a concern with the new proposal? 17:40:59 ack jcraig 17:41:16 s/matt_kind: good/matt_king: good 17:42:26 jcraig: if part of the label is displayed, and part not displayed, how do we computer? Once the ancestor is not displayed, we don't care why the sub level elements are not displayed. 17:42:43 jcraig: I don't think we should exposed those substrings willy nilly 17:43:05 jcraig: what is the PR change we can review, the devil is in the details, I can't tell you what I think until we see the PR 17:44:04 q+ 17:44:07 q+ 17:44:09 aaronlev: I don't think the double hidden is a real case. if people used aria-label... probably because it's in the dom already. if you have double hidden, you can expect predictable behavoir 17:44:12 q+ bryan 17:44:51 q- 17:45:15 q++ bryan 17:45:21 q-+ 17:45:42 q+ 17:45:48 sarah_higley: we reference tool tips via labelled-by or described by, it's hidden until you have focus, but we want the labelledby or describedby to be consistent. tooltips contain whatever text you want, some of it is display none, the displaynone in the displaynone tool tip I would expect as an author for it to NOT be used 17:46:01 matt_king: I can't imagine a display-none in a display-none 17:46:11 sarah_higley: it might be aria-hidden.... 17:46:22 matt_king: I can understand that 17:46:48 q+ 17:46:59 jcraig: sometimes password fields have a bunch of rules, but only the unfullfilled criteria will be visible 17:47:40 stefan: is there a general idea of how to handle these nested situations generally??? 17:47:53 ack ste 17:47:58 ack bry 17:48:07 bryan: in the case where it is area hidden... it doesn't matter what is on the inside 17:48:14 ack aa 17:48:16 q- 17:48:35 aaronlev: the problem with display none is that there is implementation problems. the browser will do many optimizations. 17:49:04 aaronlev: a lot of styling is not applied, its hard to have a special rule about display-none subtrees 17:49:33 ack me 17:49:35 aaronlev: if people want hidden sub trees in display-none... they would have to use aria-hidden, every other way of hiding something would not have an impact 17:49:44 jamesn: sounds feasible 17:49:55 q+ 17:50:21 jamesn: while we may have one user agent that works, we don't have consistency, so authors who are using this stuff are already broken. I don't care about breaking authors who are already broken in a slightly different way. 17:51:01 jcraig: aaronlev mentioned the only thing that can hid substrings in hidden elements is "aria-hidden=false", I don't think this is a fair expectation for web authors 17:52:01 jcraig: if you landed on the tool tip, and it is displayed, then you follow the expectations of hidden vs not hidden. if you land on the tool tip and it is NOT displayed for some reason, the aria-describedby is going to follow different rules 17:52:36 jamesn: displayed vs not displayed should not change the value 17:52:44 agenda? 17:52:58 q+ to defend innertext 17:52:58 matt_king: I was going to say that might not be the best example. 17:53:37 jamesn: there might not be much to gain with this discussion. someone needs to come up with another example/fix for us to change our mind on the current change proposed 17:54:51 jcraig: if we make this change, we have three working implementations. aaronlev did point out some edge cases, I would propose that if that is the case, then we should point out that case in the implementation of innerText its self. it if it is the wrong value for accessibility, then maybe it's wrong for the web generally 17:55:04 jamesn: I doubt innertext will change for this 17:56:19 agenda? 17:56:28 maybe a deep dive topic? 17:56:49 +1 17:56:54 bryan: I will put example in this PR 17:57:05 zakim, next item 17:57:05 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, spectranaut 17:57:06 s/its self/itself/ 17:57:33 queue? 17:57:41 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1628 17:57:44 ack jcraig 17:57:44 jcraig, you wanted to defend innertext 17:57:50 zakim, next item 17:57:50 agendum 7 -- [Clarify how "otherwise interactive" relates to overriding the none/presentation role](https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1628) -- taken up [from jamesn] 17:58:12 jcraig: one of the webkit implementers raised this 17:58:34 jcraig: I think this means the spec is right but could use some clarification, and all the implementations are wrong in this case, 17:59:02 q+ 17:59:07 jcraig: if this element is interactive (including if its focusable), then the presentation role should be ignored. 17:59:56 jcraig: onClick should make something interactive and none role should be ignored? 18:00:02 jcraig: what about drag events? 18:00:38 jcraig: should we take delegation into consideration? like click event on body? everything can't be excluded from presentation 18:01:01 jamesn: lets discuss in the issue! 18:01:16 zakim, make minutes 18:01:16 I don't understand 'make minutes', spectranaut 18:01:45 RRSAgent: make minutes 18:01:45 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/11/04-aria-minutes.html spectranaut 19:14:56 jongunderson has joined #aria