14:53:25 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 14:53:25 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/10/28-hcls-irc 14:55:27 rrsagent, make logs public 14:55:31 Meeting: FHIR RDF 14:55:33 Chair: David Booth 15:04:05 Topic: Issues 77 and 93 15:04:07 https://github.com/w3c/hcls-fhir-rdf/issues/93 15:07:28 eric: On 93, option 2c, we currently have: fhir:origValueBoolean true 15:09:43 ... Propose adding origValueBoolean also to #77 for regular extensions. 15:10:06 ... Or just fhir:value 15:10:51 ... In RDF we typically put the datatype in the value itself, instead of making a separate property name for each datatype. 15:11:24 ... e.g., in RDF 'fhir:valueDecimal 0.75' is redundant, because 0.75 is already xsd:decimal 15:14:43 eric: could call it "extendedValue" 15:14:50 david: Or "originalValue" 15:20:22 eric: We cannot call it fhir:value because that's already used. 15:23:22 ACTION: Eric to write up proposed resolution for #93 and #77 15:23:49 Topic: Issue 76: How should list ordering be preserved in R5? 15:23:55 https://github.com/w3c/hcls-fhir-rdf/issues/76 15:24:17 jim: On the last call, people seemed inclined to stay with the R4 approach 15:24:36 eric: I'm slightly inclined to change to RDF lists now. 15:25:09 jim: Difficult to use the ordering in SPARQL 15:25:51 eric: True. But rarely care about the order. Only care when validating slicing. 15:26:06 ... e.g., first entry in an address is a home address. 15:27:20 david: Do we have more usage data, on the impact this has on SPARQL queries? 15:27:40 eric: None of our NHS queries have cared about the order. 15:28:16 brad: I've never had to care about the order either. 15:31:36 james: Patient name, and patient telecon has the order preserved. 15:31:53 ... But I haven't had experience needing to care about the order. 15:32:15 ... I'm more working on generating the FHIR data. 15:33:00 brad: If a patient has multiple names, we only care about all the possibilities, we don't care about the order. 15:33:28 james: Might be important with labs or medications. 15:33:52 brad: Everything comes through with a datetime on labs, so we use that. 15:34:07 ... People care about trending ... "give me the 5 most recent". 15:34:57 eric: People care in a slicing example, but shex takes care of that. 15:35:53 ... JSON-LD 1.1 supports RDF collections now, so that would allow more of the conversion processing to be done using JSON-LD 1.1 rather than doing it in the preprocessing. 15:37:05 jim: RDF list is nice and concise. Leaning toward that. 15:43:22 ACTION: David to write up option 4, and new option 3 to be a regular RDF list 15:45:33 Eric: suggest using as example, a series of codings in a codeableConcept, or a series of addresses. 15:46:01 ACTION: David to change to a better example also. 15:47:56 david: Is there enough benefit to make this change to R5? 15:48:09 eric: We can make this change in our code. Now is the time to do it. 15:50:39 Topic: Issue 69: Shorten FHIR property names or use superproperties? 15:50:48 https://github.com/w3c/hcls-fhir-rdf/issues/69 15:52:19 eric: Want to remove the datatype from the property name: instead of fhir:valueBoolean it would be fhir:value . 15:53:23 ... Instead of fhir:valueCodeableConcept it would be fhir:value [ a fihr:CodeableConcept ; ... ] for complex types. 15:53:44 jim: https://github.com/w3c/hcls-fhir-rdf/issues/69 15:54:12 s|jim: https://github.com/w3c/hcls-fhir-rdf/issues/69|| 15:54:37 jim: https://www.hl7.org/fhir/observation.html#resource 15:58:19 eric: OWL DL won't allow classification based on a property value that is a literal. 16:00:27 ADJOURNED 16:16:06 Present: David Booth, EricP, Jim Balhoff, James Champion, Brad Simons, Gaurav Vaidya, Gopi 16:16:15 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:16:15 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/28-hcls-minutes.html dbooth