ARIA ad Assistive Tech Community Group

21 October 2021


JoeHumbert, jongunderson, Matt_King, s3ththompson
Matt King

Meeting minutes

<Matt_King> CAIR: Seth

App development sprint update

<Matt_King> Seth: Status of recent deploy?

<Matt_King> Rich: Updates in sandbox only at this time. Deploy sometime after this meeting

<Matt_King> Seth: Reports updated with disclaimer


<Matt_King> mk: implementation looks great!

<Matt_King> Seth: also have public test queue

<Matt_King> queue is slightly modified compared to logged-in user

<Matt_King> Reduced actions.

<Matt_King> Can open any test plan n runner.

<Matt_King> Can interact with form, but submit is disabled, and start over is disabled.

<Matt_King> Haven't yet added copy about how to get involved, explaining why the buttons are disabled.

<Matt_King> Also made progress on AX issues.

<Matt_King> Have fixed 26 issues raised by PAC.

<Matt_King> Plan to collaborate with PAC on verification of quality of fixes.

<Matt_King> Seth: we have fixed the filters on the test listing page

<Matt_King> MK: When sandbox deployed, we will then move 4 cards to done in the project.

Plan for days remaining in app development in 2021


<Matt_King> Seth: 11 days remaining

<Matt_King> Rich: Remaining work: AX validation, copy for public viewers of runner, update home page copy

<Matt_King> Discussion of how to provide copy to public viewers of runner; Matt and Seth collaborate on copy.

<Matt_King> Protect most of 11 dqays for responding to user feedback.

Home puage updat

<Matt_King> Matt working on copy; will review structure with Seth on Monday.

<Matt_King> Have copy ready for review on Mon Nov 1.

Community Group Meeting Agenda

Running tests

Matt: is anyone else available to do select-only combobox? on nvda with firefox?

Matt: want to have test plans tested for sitetech global

Matt: before sitetech global we might even add more test plans to the queue, but in the interim, we'd like to at least get these 4 added to the reports page

JoeHumbert: i can do additional select-only combobox

Matt: we also want to save a bit of time to be able to fix conflicts before publishing

Matt: John is signed up for a number of tests and has made a lot of progress

Matt: in future weeks, we'll keep checking in and as we get multiple results for a single plan we can discuss issues and resolve.

Hadi: I sent some feedback over email to the mailing list.

James: We need to update test plan instructions to reference the fact that there is no longer an automatic setup script. i can look into this

Michael Fairchild: i have a question: how do i view test plans without ARIA-AT App? homepage link was broken

James: link is https://w3c.github.io/aria-at/build/

Matt: we will fix homepage link

Sitetech Global

Matt: happy to announce that we will present at Sitetech Global on December 1 and 2

Matt: we will have a keynote presentation that will include me and michael fairchild as co-chairs of this CG group and my manager representing facebook (as sponsor)

Matt: we will have other sessions as well and a video trailer that will be about 4 minutes that we can share

Matt: sessions will be moderated by chancey fleet

<Matt_King> project for app update: https://github.com/w3c/aria-at-app/projects/1

Matt: we will soon have public view of test queue and test runner

Matt: also have a disclaimer that we will publish, that says that published report data is unapproved because it is still in candidate phase

Matt: also a number of accessibility fixes

Matt: still working on updates to the homepage copy

Matt: PAC is working on a page with metrics that shares more data about our coverage of APG

raising issues in reports & new issue template

James: 1. can we change title to just "Feedback: <Issue>"

James: 2. i'd also like to know which plan and which test it's in, right near the top

James: "Feedback: Navigate to a list... (Test Plan Name, #5)"

Matt: can we make template more clear?

Jon: i feel like description should be first since people want to start typing at the top

Matt: maybe we need the words "describe your issue here"... do we need a prompt that stays as a header? or placeholder text that users would replace?

Jon: just moving description to the top would help

Matt: level 4 headings make it easier to skip to comments

James: let's add HTML comment so it doesn't get rendered with instructions to not modify below certain line

Matt: Heading "Describe the problem"

Matt: let's save form idea for after this, but we should look into it in the future as an opportunity

James: here's an example:



Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 136 (Thu May 27 13:50:24 2021 UTC).


Maybe present: Hadi, James, Jon, Matt