06:21:15 RRSAgent has joined #voice 06:21:15 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/10/20-voice-irc 06:21:16 RRSAgent, stay 06:21:19 RRSAgent, make log public 10:26:11 stevelee has joined #voice 12:55:33 stevelee has joined #voice 14:54:16 IrfanA has joined #voice 14:54:27 present+ 15:00:01 mhakkinen_ has joined #voice 15:00:53 avneeshsingh has joined #voice 15:02:13 r12a has joined #voice 15:02:29 wolfgang has joined #voice 15:02:30 bkardell_ has joined #voice 15:02:32 jasonjgw has joined #voice 15:02:57 cpn has joined #voice 15:03:03 Mizushima has joined #voice 15:03:05 kris_chapman has joined #voice 15:03:27 present+ 15:03:43 present+ 15:03:48 present+ 15:04:03 present+ Chris_Needham 15:04:08 present+ 15:04:39 present+ 15:04:50 present+ 15:05:16 present+ 15:05:21 LisaSeemanKest_ has joined #voice 15:05:21 cwilso has joined #voice 15:05:28 scribenick: ddahl 15:05:33 Zakim has joined #voice 15:05:39 present+ 15:05:45 rrsagent, make log public 15:05:50 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:05:50 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/20-voice-minutes.html kaz 15:06:43 kaz: agenda, review existing standards from AC meeting, interoperability issues, and possible workshop 15:06:55 ...there are many existing standards 15:06:57 slide 2 15:07:46 ...VoiceXML, SSML, CSS speech, WebSpeechAPI and Specification for Spoken Presentation 15:08:23 slide 3 15:08:45 ...voice agents are getting popular -- accurate pronunciation, flexible speech styles, etc. 15:09:08 ...need for improved voice agents 15:09:34 slide 4 15:09:38 scribenick: kaz 15:09:45 Kim_patch has joined #voice 15:10:00 dd: concerns by voice interaction cg 15:10:17 ... generic agents like Siri, Google, Alexa 15:10:28 ... other systems as well 15:10:48 ... not based on web standards primarily 15:11:00 ... would like to get them to interoperability 15:11:26 ... for example, for banking, retail, ... 15:11:57 ... CG meeting next week exactly same time 15:12:24 slide 5 15:12:31 dd: a lot of parallels 15:13:11 ... Web page vs IPA 15:13:28 ... web pages have to deal with user interaction 15:13:35 ... primarily using GUI 15:14:02 ... IPA use interaction main based on voice and natural language 15:14:21 ... arbitrary differences as well 15:14:34 ... browser vs proprietary platforms 15:14:52 (IPA stands for Intelligent Personal Assistants) 15:15:06 dd: ecosystem of skills, actions or whatever 15:15:15 ... have to find them through the platform 15:15:31 slide 6 15:15:40 dd: this is architecture of IPA 15:15:46 ... not going into the details 15:15:58 s/IPA/IPA generated by the CG/ 15:16:19 ... green box on the left is device 15:16:33 ... the input device could be a microphone 15:16:55 ... i the middle red box includes "dialogs" 15:17:13 ... and blue box on the right includes "provider selection service" 15:17:40 ... we have something component which perform the functions 15:17:48 ... analogous with the browsers 15:17:55 slide 7 15:18:12 scribenick: ddahl 15:18:23 kaz: potential voice workshop 15:19:06 ...try to solve potential pain points 15:19:23 ...what is the best mechanism for discussion? 15:20:05 ...feedback from the first breakout 15:20:26 are the slides available so I can zoom in to see some of these things better than I could here? 15:20:53 existing standards, other related technologies, pain points, emotion, common sense database related to people's perception 15:21:15 ...several participants said that emotion would be very interesting 15:21:46 https://github.com/w3c/strategy/issues/221 15:21:53 q+ 15:22:00 kaz: opinions? 15:22:00 topic: Discussion 15:22:18 q+ 15:22:30 q+ 15:22:31 q+ 15:22:36 brian: zoom in on IPA architecture 15:23:00 ...currently it's very underspecified how this is implemented 15:23:10 phila_ has joined #voice 15:23:13 i/agenda, review/topic: Presentation/ 15:23:17 ...in current implementations 15:23:18 q? 15:24:10 ack bk 15:24:32 ...can you send SSML? Yes in some cases, but sometimes it doesn't work 15:25:44 q+ 15:26:12 ack jas 15:26:41 https://w3c.github.io/voiceinteraction/voice%20interaction%20drafts/paArchitecture-1-2.htm 15:26:53 dd: welcome to the CG meeting as well 15:27:50 ... if we could please share link the APA doc just referernced for review/minutes as well? 15:27:59 -> https://www.w3.org/TR/2021/WD-naur-20211012/ Natural Language Interface Accessibility User Requirements 15:28:06 https://www.w3.org/TR/spoken-html/ 15:28:13 q+ lisa_seeman 15:28:33 jason: points out two accessibility publications 15:28:45 ...that are relevant to this discussion 15:29:20 https://github.com/w3c/pronunciation/issues 15:29:38 https://www.w3.org/TR/naur/ 15:29:44 q? 15:29:45 irfan: please add issues to github 15:29:45 q+ 15:29:53 ack cpn 15:30:29 chris: as a content publisher, we've had to overcome a lot of proprietary content 15:30:57 ...is there interest from device manufacturers? 15:31:15 kaz: would like to invite these vendors to the workshop 15:31:42 q? 15:31:42 chrisW: would be interested 15:31:48 ack av 15:31:57 MURATA_ has joined #voice 15:31:58 present+ 15:32:19 s/chrisW/Jason/ 15:32:36 avneesh: this is very important work, in the community group -- what would big players see as business benefits 15:32:40 q+ 15:32:57 scribenick: kaz 15:33:05 dd: would be really interesting to look into 15:33:11 ... have not done yet 15:33:32 ... focus on our own short-term interest in gaps on interoperability so far 15:33:38 ... but should look into it 15:33:46 q? 15:33:53 ack p 15:34:03 q+ 15:34:38 philArcher: this is the 3rd TPAC in a row, have we yet reached a critical mass yet? 15:35:04 kaz: let's hold the workshop in the next 6 months or so 15:35:16 ...probably will be held remotely 15:35:30 q? 15:35:36 ack lisa 15:35:45 ack lisa 15:36:13 lisa_seeman: how does this interact with people with cognitive disabilities 15:36:30 ...put some ideas in Content Usable note 15:36:51 ...how can this specification support people with voice disabilities 15:37:05 https://www.w3.org/TR/coga-usable/#voice-menus-user-story 15:37:33 ...this is full of potential and helps businesses with getting users who are struggling 15:37:53 ...that could be part of the business case 15:38:42 q+ tobias 15:39:12 ... we also requested that audio descriptions have easier and more literal descriptions made request to PA 15:39:17 s/PA/APA 15:39:30 scribenick: kaz 15:39:36 dd: really interesting 15:39:47 ... might be difficult to have simple audio description 15:40:07 ... but it would be considerable to use external services 15:40:23 ... would be possible to use EMMA message 15:40:37 ... useful technology 15:40:55 ... natural language technology is a difficult technology 15:41:05 ... but getting better and better 15:41:40 lisa: you could dialog with your users 15:41:51 dd: someone may need some additional treatment 15:42:18 ... e.g., airline reservations, need many parameters 15:42:35 lisa: wondering if there would be possible to put in a facility 15:42:39 ...more directed dialog for people who need simplified dialog 15:42:56 i/more/scribenick: ddahl/ 15:43:05 s/...more/lisa: more/ 15:43:05 lisa: how could you make a note for yourself? 15:43:15 qq+ kaz 15:43:25 ack k 15:43:25 kaz, you wanted to react to lisa_seeman 15:43:29 ...that would be good for people who have memory issues 15:44:14 kaz: maybe that could be integrated in architecture 15:44:34 q? 15:44:36 ...that could be discussed during the workshop 15:44:40 ack mha 15:45:18 https://w3c.github.io/pronunciation/gap-analysis_and_use-case/ 15:45:30 mark: we've been raising the issue of getting better pronunciation for several years 15:45:36 thank you mark 15:46:32 ...the education use case is that many users use computer read aloud. It might be good to bring in vendors from this community 15:46:40 ...for example, Text Help 15:46:53 ...we would be interested in the workshop 15:47:05 q? 15:47:12 ack bk 15:47:48 brian: wants to highlight that this and a lot conversations are in terms of voice assistants like Siri 15:48:18 ...the use cases for TTS and STT are way broader than that 15:49:31 ...my company makes products for embedded devices. There are many uses cases that aren't browsers or voice agents 15:49:56 ...we should not limit this to conversational interfaces 15:50:49 ...many devices can't support a full conversational interface 15:51:00 +q 15:51:02 it's not an either/or question 15:51:10 ...will the workshop cover these things? 15:51:27 ...the SSML has to make it all the way down to what's actually speaking 15:52:09 q+ 15:52:31 ... not questioning the value of conversational interfaces, but would like to broaden discussion 15:52:58 kaz: we should talk about what's to be included 15:52:59 q? 15:53:11 qq+ dwalka 15:53:16 ack dwa 15:53:16 dwalka, you wanted to react to bkardell_ 15:53:35 dirk: in Voice Interaction group we meant to include other modalities, like chatbots 15:54:01 qq+ mark 15:54:03 ack mark 15:54:03 mark, you wanted to react to dwalka 15:54:11 dirk_ has joined #voice 15:54:12 qq+ kaz 15:54:46 mark: let's consider emergency alerts, synthesized alerts also have problems with pronunication 15:55:07 mark: do you have any link to the oasis stuff you mentioned 15:55:07 http://docs.oasis-open.org/emergency/cap/v1.2/CAP-v1.2-os.html 15:55:08 ...how can we improve this? did some earlier work 15:55:29 qq+ lisa 15:55:33 ack lisa 15:55:33 lisa, you wanted to react to mark 15:55:46 lisa: that would be a great use case. emergency communications have to be available to every single subgroup 15:56:01 q- 15:56:09 ...other use cases will be able to join that ecosystem at a lower cost 15:56:45 kaz: we might want to talk about not just voice but have a "Smart Agent" workshop 15:57:00 ack kaz 15:57:00 kaz, you wanted to react to mark 15:57:04 ack tob 15:57:14 +1 to ‘smart agent’ its clearer i think 15:57:31 can we get a link to the iso standards mentioned? 15:57:51 tobias: working on DIN and OASIS standards. voice is very powerful, but the fastest way forward is to agree on minimal requirements 15:57:56 ...and implement them 15:58:01 I'm OK with Smart Agent workshop. My focus, unsurprisingly, is eCommerce and what's necessary for brand owners to help Smart Agents disambiguate products and retailers. 15:58:05 ‘smart voice agent’ 15:58:29 q? 15:58:35 ack mh 15:59:30 kaz: would like to update the proposal with this feedback. Would like everyone to join the Program Committee 15:59:49 ...please contact me 15:59:50 -> https://www.w3.org/2021/Talks/1018-voice-dd-ka/20211018-voice-breakout-dd-ka.pdf slides 16:00:12 -> https://github.com/w3c/strategy/issues/221 github issue 16:00:18 16:00:40 [adjourned] 16:00:40 rrsagent, format minutes 16:00:40 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/20-voice-minutes.html ddahl 16:00:59 rrsagent, make logs public 16:01:09 OVON Open Voice Network 16:01:09 Open Oasis RECITE Initiative 16:01:09 Amazon Voice Interoperability Initiative 16:01:54 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:01:54 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/20-voice-minutes.html kaz 16:02:52 r12a has left #voice 16:29:11 RRSAgent, bye 16:29:11 I see no action items