06:19:16 RRSAgent has joined #crossdevicesec 06:19:16 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/10/20-crossdevicesec-irc 06:19:18 RRSAgent, stay 06:19:21 RRSAgent, make log public 13:28:18 dwaite has joined #crossdevicesec 13:52:47 dj2 has joined #crossdevicesec 13:53:38 Kristina has joined #crossdevicesec 13:54:28 dwaite has joined #crossdevicesec 14:01:13 wseltzer has joined #crossdevicesec 14:01:33 Ian has joined #crossdevicesec 14:01:54 Rolf has joined #crossdevicesec 14:02:09 kleber has joined #crossdevicesec 14:02:21 weiler has joined #crossdevicesec 14:02:48 Zakim has joined #crossdevicesec 14:03:51 yigu has joined #crossdevicesec 14:04:09 scribenick: wseltzer 14:04:10 kris_chapman_ has joined #crossdevicesec 14:04:13 russStringham has joined #crossdevicesec 14:04:43 bmay has joined #crossdevicesec 14:05:37 (Noting for the record that there is not a desire to record) 14:05:57 j_pascoe has joined #crossdevicesec 14:06:13 wbaker has joined #crossdevicesec 14:06:14 timcappalli: [shows a screen with linking devices via QR code] 14:06:25 ... cross-device flow 14:06:34 ... user has a phone and a laptop/desktop 14:06:48 ... try to access desktop resource, are presented with a QR code 14:07:01 ... TLS cert validation has succeeded for origin in their browser 14:07:08 ... User opens phone (camera or wallet) 14:07:52 ... thinking generically of "wallet" 14:08:01 [Payment apps are another instance of wallet] 14:08:14 ... bucket of credentials 14:08:34 ... QR could contain request or point the device to a request object elsewhere 14:08:43 SIOP stands for self-issued openid provider 14:08:47 ... could be like OIDC 14:08:53 https://openid.bitbucket.io/connect/openid-connect-self-issued-v2-1_0.html 14:09:30 ... wallet needs to get user consent: "do you want to respond to this request?" 14:10:08 ... today, browser posts back, without binding 14:10:20 ... that's where the security model has a gap 14:10:48 KristinaYasuda: mitigations we've been discussing with different communitieis 14:11:14 ... OpenID foundation, Mobile Driving License (MDL), OAuth flows 14:11:45 .. First mitigation: when user is asked for consent, show user from where request comes, where it goes 14:12:09 ... if bad acto phishes the request, won't match. Up to the user to note the mismatch 14:12:52 ... Next consideration: use proximity to check 14:13:01 s/.. First/... First/ 14:13:20 ... make sure QR code and scanning device are close enoug 14:13:24 +1 Ian - I'd say WebAuthn, payments, mDL, OIDC/WebID2020, OAuth Device flow. Payments, authn, and derivatives (authz, attributes) 14:13:48 ... IP addresses aren't necessarily useful 14:14:04 ... enterprise could say "both devices on trusted network" 14:14:24 ... limitation, e.g., if onboarding new device; on public network 14:14:34 ... user cooperating with attacker, in proximity 14:15:25 ... using WebAuthn, assuring user has control of private key, 14:15:51 WebID2020 -> Federated Credential Management API (forgot the name there for a moment) 14:16:07 ... Another, something shared, PIN or OTP 14:16:22 ... user sees something on screen, types it on mobile 14:16:28 q+ 14:17:07 ... biometrics, where device displaying QR captures biometric 14:17:21 ... locally, device compares for match 14:17:58 ... Just some ideas for sharing, want to open for discussion 14:18:29 ack weiler 14:18:49 weiler: can you restate problem statement? 14:19:42 q+ 14:19:43 Kristina: User tries to log in to device with QR code. Attacker could screenshot the QR code 14:19:46 q+ 14:20:06 ... log in to website, using laptop 14:20:09 ack dwa 14:20:10 ack next 14:20:12 reillyg has joined #crossdevicesec 14:20:13 q+ Rolf 14:20:21 kenrb has joined #crossdevicesec 14:20:37 dwaite: I'm on a device; the credentials or payment are released by another device 14:20:47 q+ 14:20:48 ... there's no channel (yet) 14:20:55 q+ 14:20:58 ... so if the user doesn't verify htey're interatcting with the right site 14:21:10 ... the credentials/payment could be sent to the wrong site 14:21:32 ... in FIDO-land, CABle 14:22:04 ... trying to understand commonalities, for single solution 14:22:05 caBLE 14:22:15 s/CABle/caBLE/ 14:22:38 tim: New TC at OASIS looking at QR code phishing 14:23:11 Rolf: authenticate a session with a separate device 14:23:17 ... need migration 14:23:27 ... roaming authenticators in FIDO-land 14:23:54 ... out-of-band authentication, many of the solutions are phishable 14:24:05 s/solutions/proposed solutions/ 14:24:06 CaBLE - cable-equivalent security for talking to CTAP 2 authenticators over BLE. The idea being then you have the same phishing resistance of WebAuthn when interacting with detached hardware 14:24:10 Jemma__ has joined #crossdevicesec 14:24:30 ... you can't make QR codes unphishable for session authentication 14:24:49 ... in payment situation, you typically see the transaction text 14:25:30 Joshua_112 has joined #crossdevicesec 14:25:43 q+ 14:25:58 ack rolf 14:26:29 ... caBLE tries to build communication channel back to browser 14:26:59 tim: another complicating dimension is there's no existing relationship between devices 14:27:24 +q 14:27:30 ack reillyg 14:27:53 reillyg: is caBLE the obvious solution? 14:28:09 tim: we think it is, want to hear the use cases 14:28:18 ... caBLE v2 isn't yet a public spec 14:28:49 ... talk about MDL, passports 14:29:03 Kristina: if you think caBLE v2 is the solution, let us know 14:29:06 [Where are the problem statement and use cases documented?] 14:29:25 Rolf: how many of the PCs these days support Bluetooth practically, enabled? 14:29:44 tim: don't know offhand 14:30:41 q+ 14:30:42 ... fragmentation in hardware and stack 14:30:48 q- 14:31:03 kris_chapman_: seen Salesforce clients with this situation, 14:31:18 ... e.g. using QR codes for service appointments, to check-in 14:31:29 ... Companies using for employee attendance or badges 14:31:37 q? 14:31:39 ack kris_chapman_ 14:31:53 tim: the reverse, taking the artifact with you? 14:32:09 kris_chapman_: the QR code will go to the client, they scan their own code at the appointment 14:32:23 ack weiler 14:32:35 weiler: where's the problem statement and use cases documented? 14:32:40 +1 to a use cases discussion 14:32:51 ... that would help us to know as community 14:33:14 tim: we'll take that as one of the outcomes of this call 14:33:36 Kristina: where's a good place to host such a document? 14:34:04 tim: could be a github document 14:34:12 reillyg: or MSedge explainers 14:34:23 [No GitHub pref] 14:34:48 weiler: when you have something, you can poke the public-web-security mailing list 14:34:54 [Also send notice to public-payments-wg@w3.org for awareness of payments use cases] 14:35:05 dwaite: think about what makes it easy for people to contribute 14:35:08 q? 14:35:13 ack dw 14:35:24 dwaite: +1 to weiler re documenting use cases 14:35:29 [Payments folks have also had intermittent discussion of QR codes, see => https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/QR_2020] 14:35:30 q+ 14:35:33 q? 14:35:43 ... I'd be happy to help contribute 14:35:46 q+ 14:35:56 present+ 14:36:01 present+ 14:36:04 ... is this payments, establish relationships, single transaction? 14:36:21 ... e.g. MDL presentation, is brand new set of prompts every time 14:36:59 ... payments, authentication, delegated authz, VC, 14:37:05 q? 14:37:16 ... trust relationship between devices, sometimes transactional 14:37:27 ... could be possiblity of other use cases like info-sharing across sessions 14:37:30 q+ 14:37:40 ack bm 14:38:02 bmay: in lots of groups using github 14:38:10 q? 14:38:30 Rolf: use cases: for me it's transactional things, e.g. sharing health data with hospital X 14:38:41 ... description that user can undersatnd, bound to the approval 14:38:46 ... different from session identifier 14:38:53 The MSEdgeExplainers repository is a GitHub repository: https://github.com/MicrosoftEdge/MSEdgeExplainers 14:38:58 +1 for using w3c github 14:39:12 ... security considerations different 14:39:17 ack wb 14:39:26 wbaker: IPR protection aspect is the value 14:39:52 ... are we covered in what will happen eventually 14:40:21 ... value in making sure IPR is traceable 14:40:29 q+ 14:40:41 scribe+ 14:40:55 wendell: GH is great. tying it to w3c IPR is the value. 14:40:56 wbaker: tying to W3C IPR policy is valuable 14:41:05 q? 14:41:07 +1 to wbaker 14:41:11 ... don't walk about it here and then move it elsewhere, where coverage is ambiguous. 14:41:15 s/walk/talk/ 14:41:42 tim: any precedence for a use case doc? 14:41:46 scribenick: Ian 14:41:52 wendy: fine use case for.a CG. 14:42:01 s/precedence/precedent/ 14:42:15 Wendy stewards ADBG with is full of use case documents! 14:42:16 wendy: that has CLA and IPR tracking, and can go to other w3c groups or elsewhere. 14:42:35 tim: I fear mtg fatigue and spinning up CGs. We can do a CG w/o mtgs? 14:42:43 wendy: yes 14:43:00 q? 14:43:06 q- 14:43:08 ack Rolf 14:43:23 tim: others like CGs? 14:43:28 [resounding yes] 14:43:46 q? 14:43:52 scribe- 14:44:03 q? 14:44:09 q+ 14:44:40 good question, Ian. 14:44:40 Ian: where can we learn more about caBLE v2, when would it become public? 14:44:50 tim: it's in private development, woudl come to FIDO Alliance 14:45:29 +q 14:45:42 Ian: we have Web Payments Security IG, not publicly minuted. If you'd like a payments-focused audience, I invite you to share there 14:45:44 Ian: Ping me for WPSIG review of a use cases doc 14:46:02 tim: will communicate on public-web-security 14:46:03 public-web-security@w3.org 14:46:07 q? 14:46:29 Kristina: next step, to compile use cases document 14:46:44 bmay: is there a link for more background? 14:46:56 tim: not concisely 14:47:10 ... caBLE v1 is in WebAuthn GH issue 14:47:32 dwaite: caBLE is about channel, not CTAP specific 14:48:03 https://bitbucket.org/openid/connect/issues/1269/add-security-considerations-for-cross 14:48:18 q- 14:48:26 ack bm 14:48:27 https://bitbucket.org/openid/connect/issues/1273/mitigating-security-risk-by-using-webauthn 14:48:32 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-web-security/ 14:48:38 [The Web Security IG is closed but apparently the list lives on => https://www.w3.org/Security/wiki/IG ] 14:48:52 q? 14:49:27 Sarah has joined #crossdevicesec 14:50:17 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:50:17 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/20-crossdevicesec-minutes.html wseltzer 14:50:22 rrsagent, make logs public 15:03:52 Sarah_ has joined #crossdevicesec 15:13:12 j_pascoe has joined #crossdevicesec 15:26:33 reillyg has left #crossdevicesec 16:28:39 RRSAgent, bye 16:28:39 I see no action items