11:04:23 RRSAgent has joined #wot-marketing 11:04:23 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/10/19-wot-marketing-irc 11:04:29 meting: WoT Marketing 11:05:04 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Fady_Salama, Daniel_Peintner, Ege_Korkan, Philipp_Blum 11:06:02 Ege has joined #wot-marketing 11:06:13 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Marketing_WebConf#Oct_19.2C_2021 11:06:31 scribe: dape 11:06:52 TOPIC: Previous minutes 11:06:59 -> https://www.w3.org/2021/09/21-wot-marketing-minutes.html Sep-21 11:06:59 -> https://www.w3.org/2021/09/21-wot-marketing-minutes.html 11:07:05 s|-> https://www.w3.org/2021/09/21-wot-marketing-minutes.html Sep-21|| 11:08:04 FS: talked about tutorials, PRs and how to handle groups 11:08:14 .. objections? 11:08:31 --> none, minutes approved 11:08:45 TOPIC: Restructuring of webpage 11:09:07 FS: outsiders do knot know what is a WG, CG, .. 11:09:33 Chair: Fady 11:09:45 FS: Any update DP? 11:09:54 DP: no time yet 11:10:00 https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/issues/208 11:10:49 FS: Broken links on IG website 11:11:01 DP: will take a look 11:12:21 FS: w.r.t. navi bar.. 11:12:50 ... not sure what to put there instead of WG group etc 11:13:09 PB: "Standards" was proposed last week 11:13:47 "Ege: we should have a shorter menu bar. Maybe standardization, activities, contact, developers, more" 11:13:52 FS: let's wait for DPs proposal 11:14:04 DP: will try to make a proposal soon 11:14:10 TOPIC: Issues 11:14:33 TOPIC: PRs 11:14:43 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/pull/204 11:15:09 FS: Any objections to merge 11:15:16 present+ Sebastian_Kaebisch 11:15:33 EK: Order of entry... where is it put 11:15:53 FS: under "implementations" 11:16:59 EK: LogiLAB from Siemens is another TDD 11:17:20 SK: Can ask C. Glomb whether there is a link to it.. and the source 11:17:41 FS: Suggest to merge PR#204 as is 11:17:53 ... other PRs may follow 11:18:01 TOPIC: Issues 11:18:41 SUBTOPIC: Still images of the explainer video 11:18:45 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/issues/207 11:19:05 EK: I wanted to put bg image on twitter 11:19:31 ... I need to use screenshot to do this 11:19:44 ... do we have a non Youtube video? 11:19:50 ... or still images 11:20:18 SK: We did have a story board 11:20:40 ... no individual figures 11:20:44 ... will check 11:20:58 DP: w.r.t. other video source, see https://www.w3.org/2021/02/wot-explainer-video.html 11:21:58 FS: should maybe have an "assets" folder 11:22:04 q+ 11:23:04 Kaz: do we need all resources from the video? 11:23:06 ack k 11:24:10 FS: I think we should have a set of images/assets 11:24:52 Kaz: Not sure if/why we need to have all pictures 11:26:11 EK: I think we should have those images from explainer video already 11:26:58 SK: I found the storyboard 11:27:04 ... will upload to GH 11:28:20 ... is now in issue 11:28:32 Kaz: We should put it in a dedicated folder 11:29:51 SUBTOPIC: Twitter Background Image 11:29:56 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/issues/206 11:30:03 s/folder/folder, add a description and link for it from the README.md (or the HTML page)/ 11:30:04 FS: 2 options are proposed 11:31:17 ... choice #1 has some issues, different font colors 11:31:22 ... maybe we have better options 11:31:37 EK: We can use images from storyboard also 11:32:52 .. proposal 24A 11:32:57 FS: looks good to me 11:33:23 i|SUBTOPIC|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/tree/main/images#readme e.g., wot-marketing/images area 11:33:35 PB: I can take a picture of OLED showing something also 11:33:37 rrsagent, make log public 11:33:41 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:33:41 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/19-wot-marketing-minutes.html kaz 11:33:41 ... will add sample to issue 11:34:08 SUBTOPIC: WoT logo on repository READMEs 11:34:12 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/issues/190 11:34:33 FS: Would like to see the logo 11:34:51 ... most people liked right-aligned version most 11:35:07 ... i like centered version more 11:35:19 s/meting:/meeting:/ 11:35:21 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:35:21 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/19-wot-marketing-minutes.html kaz 11:35:24 ... because other samples do it in the middle 11:35:44 q? 11:35:46 q+ 11:37:07 EK: argument was that center version takes too much space 11:37:30 ... however, we do not use readme a lot.. so space is not a problem I think.. 11:37:50 FS: other repos center logo 11:38:38 SK: the difference is that we do not provide software as the others 11:39:16 ... I am okay with the last centered version from Cristiano 11:39:21 PM: +1 11:40:35 DP: twitter feed and SO badge needs to move up also 11:40:40 FS: makes sense 11:41:01 ... badges are not just about TD or Arch repo et cetera 11:41:03 q? 11:41:40 Kaz: W3C usually do not put logo 11:41:50 ... should check with Coralie 11:42:05 ... on top readme? 11:42:13 EK: Yes, top readme 11:42:46 Kaz: I think logo on all readmes seems overkill.. but we should check with Coralie 11:43:08 FS: Who can check the policy? 11:43:28 SK: Let's ping Coralie in the issue 11:43:55 ack k 11:44:31 FS: Okay, did so 11:45:16 SUBTOPIC: Update "About" section 11:45:20 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/issues/189 11:45:26 FS: Solved, right? 11:45:31 --> close issue 11:45:53 SUBTOPIC: Process/Tooling to Keep WoT Events Up to Date 11:45:58 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/issues/179 11:46:09 FS: tooling to keep events up to date 11:46:52 q+ 11:47:12 sebastian has joined #wot-marketing 11:47:19 q? 11:47:22 DP: issue on main wiki also 11:47:26 q+ 11:47:52 FS: I also have troubles to find the *next* meeting 11:48:01 ... McCool is handling invitations 11:48:24 Kaz: 2 points 11:48:38 ... 1. Who maintains calendar 11:49:00 ... 2. How to update/import/snyc 11:49:42 .. used to have feed import 11:50:06 DP: Kaz, can you share link? 11:50:13 Kaz: Using W3C API 11:50:40 -> https://github.com/w3c/wotwg old WoT WG page 11:51:46 q? 11:51:49 ack kaz 11:52:03 SK: 2 comments 11:52:24 ... we still don't have the number of visitors 11:52:43 ... would be good to know how many people use "events" subpage 11:52:48 ... is there a need 11:53:44 ... my expectation is that there would a W3C tool to be used ... via calendar view 11:54:10 ... Are there any plans ... in conjunction with the new webpage 11:54:22 Kaz: Should ping system team 11:54:50 SK: I did that in the past and did not get any response 11:55:25 FS: Wondering about next steps? 11:55:58 ... who can maintain the calendar et cetera 11:57:05 PB: Meetings are in the wiki 11:57:19 q+ 11:57:30 ack sebastian 11:57:59 s/in the/on the/ 11:58:00 FS: I am rather new to the group... maybe that's way I have difficulties 11:58:14 ... for outsiders it is not easy to understand 11:58:17 s/that's way/that's why/ 11:58:58 PM: wiki is to get used to it 11:59:18 ... w.r.t. external events we need a better solution 11:59:25 q? 11:59:35 Kaz: Agree with PM 11:59:52 ... website linking to wiki? 12:00:25 ... content on GH or some infos on wiki? 12:00:34 sorry I need to go to next meeting 12:01:17 FS: not everybody knows about the wiki 12:01:25 Kaz: We can link from website 12:01:57 EK: several steps needed ... 12:02:20 [adjourned] 12:02:25 FS: adjourned 12:02:31 a/[adjourned]// 12:02:37 s|a/[adjourned]//|| 12:02:41 s/[adjourned]// 12:02:47 rrsagent, make log public 12:02:56 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:02:56 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/19-wot-marketing-minutes.html kaz 14:11:25 Zakim has left #wot-marketing