11:06:47 RRSAgent has joined #wot-script 11:06:47 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/10/18-wot-script-irc 11:06:54 meeting: WoT Scripting API 11:07:11 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Daniel_Peintner, Cristiano_Aguzzi, Zoltan_Kis 11:07:15 scribeninck: cris 11:07:36 topic: Minutes 11:07:45 -> https://www.w3.org/2021/09/20-wot-script-minutes.html 11:07:54 dape: last call was 27th of September 11:08:20 ... we talked about test fests and topics F2F meetining 11:08:38 ... we reviewed a PR for not found error 11:08:48 ... minutes are fine 11:08:53 ... any objections? 11:08:55 no 11:09:13 no :) 11:09:18 dape: minutes approved 11:09:25 topic: quick updtates 11:09:42 subtopic: F2F 11:10:03 dape: we have a session next Wednesday about Scripting API 11:10:03 -> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Scripting_API_WebConf#18_October_2021 11:10:12 ... we have 45 minutes 11:11:15 ... we could talk about different topics: - how to configure binding layer - testfest results 11:11:47 ... currently we support only a formIndex for interaction with bindings 11:11:56 ... what do you think about it 11:12:25 zoltan: I'd propose a different API to interact with bindings 11:12:35 ... maybe defined at Thing level 11:13:02 dape: what do you mean? 11:13:35 zoltan: giving hints to the underlying API 11:13:43 ... possible not per-interaction 11:13:57 s/about it/about it?/ 11:14:30 zoltan: WoT model is born to abstract low level interaction patterns, we shouldn't open it again 11:15:06 q+ 11:15:36 dape: for example the consumer only knows http therefore it should be able to communicate this to the runtime. 11:17:49 kaz: What did people do during this PlugFest? 11:17:59 ... they might provide good feedback 11:18:05 dape: true 11:20:35 cris: maybe we can also use the option parameter to choose a particular security schema 11:20:48 zoltan: yeah maybe it could be an array 11:23:06 ... and then the runtime would throw if not security schema matches 11:24:11 dape: yeah we can provide options also to the exposer part 11:25:25 cris: seems good 11:26:15 dape: I think we are having good points, I'll report those in the presentation to get more feedback 11:26:41 zoltan: it is better to strictly define the algorithms about how the selection is done 11:27:43 dape: one topic that I want to talk about is discovery 11:28:36 cris: the downsized the scope, it is only http right now 11:29:03 dape: ok and then we have the new Action Model 11:29:07 ... which is missing 11:29:34 zoltan: yeah we need to look at it 11:30:24 q+ 11:30:35 q= 11:30:37 q- 11:30:40 s/q=// 11:33:24 q+ 11:33:32 ack cr 11:35:46 dape: we have different action models 11:36:07 ... one "operational", in other words using op keywords 11:36:18 ... other more based on hypermedia control 11:41:45 q+ 11:42:11 ack dape 11:44:17 zoltan: control objects might be a good way to describe the current spec 11:44:19 cris: right 11:44:38 dape: similar to subscription object 11:45:43 kaz: in cases where you have multiple instances you have to keep track also of who started it 11:45:53 ... which creates complexities 11:45:58 ack k 11:48:08 cris: about discovery should we implement other ways of discovery? 11:48:29 zoltan: I think our API should be more focused on second phase 11:48:46 dape: I like to have a convient API please support things "around me" 11:49:20 zoltan: we have a security problem there.. 11:49:55 ... in ocf this is not even allowed in one security realm. 11:54:55 cris: should we have different endpoints for first level discovery? 11:55:24 zoltan: we could but in another root object, cause I have security concerns 11:57:39 topic: PRs 11:58:02 dape: we have an Open pr about alignment of typescript API with WebIDL 11:59:54 cris: there might be an error in emitEvent 12:01:17 dape: ok to merge it? 12:01:21 zoltan: ok 12:01:24 kaz: ok 12:01:31 dape: thank you 12:02:17 [adjourned] 12:02:24 rrsagent, make log public 12:02:28 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:02:28 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/18-wot-script-minutes.html kaz 12:53:24 zkis has joined #wot-script 13:26:53 zkis has joined #wot-script 13:45:23 zkis has joined #wot-script 14:13:47 Zakim has left #wot-script 14:34:37 zkis has joined #wot-script