23:19:53 RRSAgent has joined #epub 23:19:53 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/10/14-epub-irc 23:19:56 RRSAgent, make logs Public 23:19:56 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), dauwhe 23:20:05 Meeting: EPUB 3 Working Group Telecon 23:20:09 Chair: dauwhe 23:48:57 wendyreid has joined #epub 23:57:33 mgarrish has joined #epub 23:58:00 toshiakikoike has joined #epub 23:58:10 present+ 23:58:28 present+ 23:58:58 shiestyle has joined #epub 23:59:35 MasakazuKitahara has joined #epub 23:59:41 present+ 23:59:47 MattChan has joined #epub 00:00:03 present+ 00:00:10 present+ 00:00:42 present+ 00:01:05 duga has joined #epub 00:01:14 present+ 00:02:12 scribe+ 00:03:35 dauwhe: there is a new member of the working group. You can introduce yourself now if you wish. 00:04:07 johnr: hello. Vicky is our new Apple group rep. 00:04:36 Vicky: I work on exporting to epub from pages. Fun thing about myself is that I like to play violin. 00:04:43 TOPIC: Publication of Structural Semantics Vocabulary as Working Group Note 00:04:53 dauwhe: last week we resolved on separating SSV into a wg note 00:05:19 ... we just need a formal resolution to publish it, and to use echidna 00:06:27 Proposed: Publish the SSV as a working group note, using ECHIDNA, using the short name "epub-ssv" 00:06:53 Victoria has joined #epub 00:06:56 murata: the note in Ivan's message doesn't work, so I can't see the note 00:07:16 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/blob/main/epub33/ssv/index.html 00:07:19 s/note in/link in 00:07:28 https://w3c.github.io/epub-specs/epub33/ssv/ 00:08:30 +1 00:08:33 +1 00:08:35 +1 00:08:40 +1 00:08:42 +1 00:08:45 +1 00:09:20 +1 00:09:33 murata: does this document have to do with the IMS Global Consortium? Do they need to see this? 00:09:46 mgarrish: no, i think this originally came from DAISY 00:10:05 murata: what about the content under sec. 10? 00:10:21 mgarrish: this is all stuff that came from us, we don't have dependence on any other party 00:10:33 RESOLVED: Publish the SSV as a working group note, using ECHIDNA, using the short name "epub-ssv" 00:11:01 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1061 00:11:06 TOPIC: Continue the discussion of iFrames 00:11:29 MURATA has joined #epub 00:11:31 dauwhe: this is the issue of using iframes to bring in external content (e.g. youtube videos) into epub 00:11:35 +present 00:11:37 q? 00:11:38 +1 00:11:48 ... there's been fair amount of discussion on github since the last meeting 00:11:52 q+ 00:12:04 ... there seems to be general sense that this is quite a complex issue esp. re. security and privacy 00:12:10 ack duga 00:12:12 jroque_ has joined #epub 00:12:15 ... maybe not something we want to tackle late in epub 3.3 00:12:47 duga: we need to focus on the issue, which is whether it is legal to do this in the spec. Answer seems to be no. 00:13:09 ... external resources must be video, audio, font, or something loaded by a script 00:13:42 ... longer answer of whether we should allow it, is it testable... those are all questions for another version of the epub spec 00:13:54 q+ 00:14:26 ... including videos in the epub zip does run up against size constraints, and maybe iframes are the solution, but we don't need to decide that now 00:14:53 ... Ivan raised a potential testing issue over in github, and we could maybe take that up 00:14:59 +1 00:15:02 q+ 00:15:06 ack dauwhe 00:15:11 ... but we can resolve now that it is not legal to embed a youtube video via iframe 00:15:23 dauwhe: last month we had our first meeting with PING about epub 00:15:36 ... one of the things they are most wary of is remote resources 00:15:50 ack mg 00:16:02 ... so i'd rather not open another vector this late in a revision 00:16:25 mgarrish: ditto, this hits on issues across the board related to horizontal review. Even a11y. 00:16:43 ... this whole blurring of epub and the web is a little frightening at this stage 00:16:59 ... this needs to be more well thought out 00:17:22 q+ 00:17:27 q+ 00:17:29 ... I'd rather try to clamp down our foreign resource allowance to specific elements (e.g.