16:17:20 RRSAgent has joined #math 16:17:20 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/10/07-math-irc 16:18:25 rrsagent, set logs world-visible 16:19:21 scribe: Louis2 16:20:17 meeting: MathML WG 10/7/2021 16:21:01 meeting: MathML-WG 16:21:33 Chair Neil Soiffer 16:22:28 davidc has joined #math 16:26:15 rrsagent, this meeting spans midnight 16:27:46 rrsagent, stay 16:53:13 present+ 16:53:54 present+ Louis2 16:56:28 rrsagent, make minutes 16:56:28 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/07-math-minutes.html Louis2 16:57:45 NS: Announcements/updates 16:58:11 NeilS has joined #math 17:01:16 present+ 17:01:48 SteveNoble has joined #math 17:01:56 present+ 17:01:58 s/Chair Neil Soiffer/Chair: Neil Soiffer 17:02:18 present+ davidc 17:02:30 Deyan has joined #math 17:02:36 Sam has joined #math 17:02:41 present+ 17:02:45 present+ 17:02:45 present + 17:02:53 David_Farmer has joined #math 17:02:56 present+ Louis Maher 17:03:28 present+ 17:03:48 zakim, who is here? 17:03:48 Present: Louis, Louis2, Bert, SteveNoble, davidc, NeilS, Deyan, Maher, David_Farmer 17:03:50 On IRC I see David_Farmer, Sam, Deyan, SteveNoble, NeilS, davidc, RRSAgent, Zakim, Louis2, tzviya, fantasai, join_subline, louis, iank_, Bert, jamesn, hsivonen 17:03:52 murrays has joined #math 17:04:30 physikerwelt has joined #math 17:04:36 polx has joined #math 17:04:59 NS: Gap Analysis Doc a) discuss philosophical differences on names of intent -- borrow from content MathML so they are related to mathematical concepts or borrow from (English) wording 17:05:15 present 17:05:17 gap analysis is at https://w3c.github.io/mathml-docs/gap-analysis/ 17:05:21 present 17:05:29 present+ 17:05:32 present + 17:05:32 present+ 17:06:00 zakim, who is here? 17:06:00 Present: Louis, Louis2, Bert, SteveNoble, davidc, NeilS, Deyan, Maher, David_Farmer, polx, murrays 17:06:03 On IRC I see polx, physikerwelt, murrays, David_Farmer, Sam, Deyan, SteveNoble, NeilS, davidc, RRSAgent, Zakim, Louis2, tzviya, fantasai, join_subline, louis, iank_, Bert, jamesn, 17:06:03 ... hsivonen 17:06:34 DC: described how to make coments in the gap document. 17:07:05 present+ 17:07:58 NS: Gap Analysis Doc a) discuss philosophical differences on names of intent -- borrow from content MathML so they are related to mathematical concepts or borrow from (English) wordingk 17:09:14 rrsagent, make minutes 17:09:14 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/07-math-minutes.html Louis2 17:23:15 BK: the collective will be announced at TPAD. 17:23:48 s/TPAD/TPAC/ 17:24:11 bkardell_ has joined #math 17:24:16 s/TPAD/TPAC/ 17:24:44 s/TPAD/TPAC/ 17:25:02 NS: a) discuss philosophical differences on names of intent -- borrow from content MathML so they are related to mathematical concepts or borrow from (English) wording 17:25:36 NS: issue what naming system are we using for intent. 17:26:04 NS: Are we using intent from MathML names? 17:26:46 https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/5yek69Js/ 17:26:48 NS: sumarized the differences in naming proposals. 17:27:44 SD: He is showing how the intent attribute captures semantics. 17:28:26 DG: thinks he and SD should settle this separately. 17:34:31 MOS: This level may not be iportant for the Gap analysis. 17:35:36 BM: We do not wish to promote ambiguity. 17:36:18 DG: Two directions-- not to have an example or have two subsections showing the difference approaches. 17:36:43 ... He wants high quality examples. 17:37:22 SD: concerned with natural language making their way into the intent grammer. 17:37:57 RRSAgent, make minutes 17:37:58 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/07-math-minutes.html Bert 17:38:44 DF: This is a tricky topic. aprime is the name of a single variable. There hsould be some way to say aprime is a variable like 'a'. This is a new topic for us. 17:40:36 DF: We need to show that aprtime is a variable and not "a" with some operation applied to it. 17:43:39 NS: the intent of aprime is that aprime is a symbol. 17:45:07 MUS: We should spend time defining defaults. We want documents 17:45:19 .. not marked with intent to work. 17:46:38 CS: AT reads 'a' as ah and not "A". 17:47:01 NS: This is mentioned elseware in the document as a problem. 17:47:42 MUS: put a period following a and the AT may say 'A" or "A" period. 17:47:57 NS: This works sometimes and not in other cases. 17:48:39 NS: Did not see another math counts example that would show this. 17:48:56 DC: Does not want ot have two examples. 17:50:42 NS: This document is trying to show the alternative ways of making things accessible. 17:51:01 ... This is not a fully flushed-out proposal. 17:52:00 BM: There are many transformations in calculus and physics. Primes show up all the time. 17:52:23 ... It is difficult to know what prime is being used. 17:53:28 BM: Our system must be able to accomodate many things. 17:56:49 DG: will put sam as a reviewer of the PR. 17:57:25 NS: Wants the gap document released before our TPAC meeting. 17:58:18 ... needs to be done by Tuesday of next week. 17:58:53 NS and Brian will work on the CSS document. 18:00:35 rrsagent, make minutes 18:00:35 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/07-math-minutes.html Louis2 18:03:39 rrsagent, make minutes 18:03:39 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/07-math-minutes.html Louis2 18:08:37 s/Louis2/Louis Maher/ 18:08:49 rrsagent, Make Minutes 18:08:49 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/07-math-minutes.html Louis2 18:11:28 s/coments/comments/ 18:13:26 s 18:13:48 es/NS: a) discuss philosophical differences on names of intent -- borrow from content MathML so they are related to mathematical concepts or borrow from (English) wording// 18:15:00 s/sumarized/summarized/ 18:15:54 s/iportant // 18:18:03 polx_ has joined #math 18:18:07 s/difference approaches/different approaches/ 18:19:14 s/hsould /should/ 18:19:49 s/aprtime /aprime/ 18:20:06 s/aprtime /aprime/ 18:23:11 s/NS: Did not see another math counts example that would show this./NS: Did not see another math counts example that would show this case more clearly./ 18:23:57 s/want ot /want to/ 18:25:04 rrsagent, make minutes 18:25:04 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/07-math-minutes.html Louis2 18:26:37 s/Louis, Louis2, Maher, /Louis Maher/ 18:28:22 s/NS: Gap Analysis Doc a) discuss philosophical differences on names of intent -- borrow from content MathML so they are related to mathematical concepts or borrow from (English) wordingk// 18:29:51 s/ s/TPAD/TPAC/// 18:31:04 s/NS: Are we using intent from MathML names?// 18:32:23 s/making their /making its/ 18:33:21 s/shouldbe /should be/ 18:34:01 es/aprimeis /aprime is/ 18:35:06 s/tohave /to have/ 18:37:10 rrsagent, make minutes 18:37:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/07-math-minutes.html Louis2 18:42:14 s/NS: Gap Analysis Doc a) discuss philosophical differences on names of intent -- borrow from content MathML so they are related to mathematical concepts// 18:43:31 s/the collective /The collective/ 18:45:20 s/MOS: This level may not be for the Gap analysis./MOS: This level of detail may not be important for the Gap analysis./ 18:46:21 s/aprimeis /aprime is/ 18:47:33 s/haveto/have to/ 18:48:01 s/havetwo /have two/ 18:48:49 rrsagent, make minutes 18:48:49 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/07-math-minutes.html Louis2 18:52:21 s/collectivewill /collective will/ 18:54:21 s/DC: Does not want to have twoexamples./DC: Does not want to have two examples./ 18:55:37 rrsagent, make minutes 18:55:37 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/07-math-minutes.html Louis2 18:57:40 s/BK: The collective willbe announced at TPAC./BK: The collective will be announced at TPAC./ 18:59:22 rrsagent, make minutes 18:59:22 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/07-math-minutes.html Louis2 19:00:14 present- Louis 19:01:10 present- Maher 19:03:00 rrsagent, make minutes 19:03:00 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/07-math-minutes.html Louis2 19:11:09 s/SD: concerned with natural language making itsway into the intent grammer./SD: concerned with natural language making its way into the intent grammar./ 19:13:58 s/DF: This is a tricky topic. aprime is the name of a single variable. There should besome way to say aprime is a variable like 'a'. This is a new topic/DF: This is a tricky topic. aprime is the name of a single variable. There should be some way to say aprime is a variable like 'a'. This is a new topic/ 19:17:08 s/elsewere /elsewhere/ 19:19:13 s/accomodate /accommodate/ 19:20:00 rrsagent, make minutes 19:20:00 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/07-math-minutes.html Louis2 19:23:19 s/BM: Our system must be able to accommodatemany things./BM: Our system must be able to accommodate many things./ 19:24:25 rrsagent, make minutes 19:24:25 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/07-math-minutes.html Louis2 19:27:04 s/BM: Our system must be able to accommodatemany things./BM: Our system must be able to accommodate to many things./ 19:27:11 rrsagent, make minutes 19:27:11 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/07-math-minutes.html Louis2 19:28:33 Louis2 has left #math 21:24:59 tzviya_ has joined #math 10:52:22 Louis_ has joined #Math 10:53:01 rrsagent, make minutes 10:53:01 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/07-math-minutes.html Louis_ 10:54:54 rrsagent, start a new log 10:57:49 rrsagent, bye 10:57:49 I see no action items