voice interaction

06 October 2021


bev, debbie, tobias

Meeting minutes

debbie: will send link to meeting facilitation video

here's the link https://www.w3.org/2021/10/TPAC/demos/inclusive-facilitation.html


debbie: no updates
… should write LinkedIn post

TPAC meeting

bev: will plan to attend

debbie: also possible Smart Cities session
… will send link
… when the time is set

bev: other Smart Cities events

tobias: lots of EU interest

<BC> Hello

interfaces discussion

<BC> Happy to share posts, let me know


bev: have we identified any registries?

tobias: OVON is working on a registry
… how detailed should we specify steps 9-10 (contacting the registry)
… maybe we should stay away from specifying that?

bev: what about MMI work?

debbie: MMI is very applicable to remote step 5

<BC> For registries, what standards? There are trust registries i.e.: kantara

debbie: how much DNS infrastructure can be reused

<TobiasMartens> OVON and potentially RECITE are working at registry services. We should be aware not to interfere / create competing standards.

bev: a trust registry people register and get id's

tobias: maybe we need something like SSL for voice
… you can get a voice certificate

debbie: you can get a certificate from a domain registrar

debbie: we should not duplicate any of this work

tobias: could we have a voice SSL format that defines the information that needs to be handed over between two agents in order to be trusted

bev: many organizations do encryption, not aware of anyone who does that for voice

debbie: that might be a place to collaborate with OVON

tobias: privacy might be a place for a separate standard

tobias: it would be good to keep OVON in the loop
… levels of trust should be considered.
… there will be a couple of vocabularies available

remote path 5

<BC> Can invite Kantara to a discussion with W3C VoiceInteraction and OVON to discuss trust standards for voice registries

"The IA Service forwards the received data simultaneously to the ASR in the local path and to the Provider Selection Service in the remote path."

debbie: what needs to go to the Provider Selection service?

tobias: most services are working with intents

debbie: we don't have a way to get intents
… for the remote path

bev: how do we distinguish audio from speech?

tobias: parameters for forwarding
… should remote also be routed through ASR and NLU

<BC> Thank you

debbie: will send information about next call because it's TPAC week during the

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 136 (Thu May 27 13:50:24 2021 UTC).


Succeeded: s/during the/

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