14:49:42 RRSAgent has joined #voiceinteraction 14:49:42 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/10/06-voiceinteraction-irc 14:50:16 meeting: voice interaction 14:50:19 chair: debbie 14:50:22 scribe: ddahl 14:50:29 regrets: jon 15:05:43 debbie: will send link to meeting facilitation video 15:06:21 here's the link https://www.w3.org/2021/10/TPAC/demos/inclusive-facilitation.html 15:11:31 topic: publicity 15:11:47 debbie: no updates 15:12:15 ...should write LinkedIn post 15:12:32 topic: TPAC meeting 15:12:42 bev: will plan to attend 15:15:08 debbie: also possible Smart Cities session 15:15:25 ...will send link 15:17:33 ...when the time is set 15:18:02 bev: other Smart Cities events 15:19:31 BC has joined #voiceinteraction 15:19:36 tobias: lots of EU interest 15:19:38 Hello 15:21:18 topic: interfaces discussion 15:21:35 Happy to share posts, let me know 15:23:06 https://w3c.github.io/voiceinteraction/voice%20interaction%20drafts/paInterfaces.htm 15:27:17 TobiasMartens has joined #voiceinteraction 15:29:19 bev: have we identified any registries? 15:29:39 tobias: OVON is working on a registry 15:30:14 ...how detailed should we specify steps 9-10 (contacting the registry) 15:30:47 ...maybe we should stay away from specifying that? 15:31:10 bev: what about MMI work? 15:31:37 debbie: MMI is very applicable to remote step 5 15:32:59 For registries, what standards? There are trust registries i.e.: kantara 15:33:12 debbie: how much DNS infrastructure can be reused 15:34:08 OVON and potentially RECITE are working at registry services. We should be aware not to interfere / create competing standards. 15:36:16 bev: a trust registry people register and get id's 15:37:18 tobias: maybe we need something like SSL for voice 15:37:40 ... you can get a voice certificate 15:38:14 debbie: you can get a certificate from a domain registrar 15:40:27 debbie: we should not duplicate any of this work 15:42:37 tobias: could we have a voice SSL format that defines the information that needs to be handed over between two agents in order to be trusted 15:44:24 bev: many organizations do encryption, not aware of anyone who does that for voice 15:47:24 debbie: that might be a place to collaborate with OVON 15:48:07 tobias: privacy might be a place for a separate standard 15:50:40 tobias: it would be good to keep OVON in the loop 15:51:11 ...levels of trust should be considered. 15:51:38 ...there will be a couple of vocabularies available 15:53:11 topic: remote path 5 15:53:53 Can invite Kantara to a discussion with W3C VoiceInteraction and OVON to discuss trust standards for voice registries 15:54:12 "The IA Service forwards the received data simultaneously to the ASR in the local path and to the Provider Selection Service in the remote path." 15:55:26 debbie: what needs to go to the Provider Selection service? 15:56:00 tobias: most services are working with intents 15:57:44 debbie: we don't have a way to get intents 15:57:52 ...for the remote path 15:59:35 bev: how do we distinguish audio from speech? 16:00:07 tobias: parameters for forwarding 16:01:18 ...should remote also be routed through ASR and NLU 16:03:26 Thank you 16:03:42 debbie: will send information about next call because it's during the TPAC week's during the 16:03:56 s/during the/ 16:04:05 s/week's/week 16:04:14 rrsagent, format mintues 16:04:14 I'm logging. I don't understand 'format mintues', ddahl. Try /msg RRSAgent help 16:04:21 rrsagent, format mintues 16:04:21 I'm logging. I don't understand 'format mintues', ddahl. Try /msg RRSAgent help 16:04:34 rrsagent, format minutes 16:04:34 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/06-voiceinteraction-minutes.html ddahl 16:04:44 rrsagent, make logs public 16:28:47 rrsagent, format minutes 16:28:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/06-voiceinteraction-minutes.html ddahl 16:31:41 present:debbie, tobias, bev 16:31:47 rrsagent, format minutes 16:31:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/06-voiceinteraction-minutes.html ddahl 18:40:28 ddahl has left #voiceinteraction