16:01:54 RRSAgent has joined #wpwg-spc 16:01:54 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/09/20-wpwg-spc-irc 16:01:57 Zakim has joined #wpwg-spc 16:02:00 Meeting: SPC Task Firce 16:02:03 Chair: Ian 16:02:07 present+ Rouslan 16:02:10 present+ Chris_Wood 16:02:14 present+ Christian_Aabye 16:02:18 present+ Sameer_Tare 16:02:21 present+ 16:02:37 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-payments-wg/2021Sep/0008.html 16:03:06 Topic: Issue 129: Require AuthenticatorSelection's residentKey for registration 16:04:09 present+ Doug_Fisher 16:04:59 Topic: Issue 130 16:05:01 https://github.com/w3c/secure-payment-confirmation/issues/130 16:05:35 rouslan: Feel free to make your minor editorial tweaks and then close 130 16:05:50 Topic: Internationalization 16:05:51 Localizing displayName (and anything else related to issue 93) 16:05:59 present+ Gerhard_Oosthuizen 16:06:04 present+ John_Bradley 16:06:20 Christian has joined #wpwg-spc 16:06:33 https://github.com/w3c/secure-payment-confirmation/issues/93#issuecomment-916356158 16:07:19 werner has joined #wpwg-spc 16:07:22 Christian has left #wpwg-spc 16:07:33 present+ Werner_Bruinings 16:08:38 rsolomakhan: Does Unicode info suffice? 16:08:40 Ian: No. 16:08:52 john_Bradley: We are having the same conversation in the Web Authentication WG 16:09:17 ...our compromise was to prepend strings with encoded lang and script direction...but this is not ideal since some info may be truncated. 16:09:20 Gerhard has joined #wpwg-SPC 16:09:26 q+ 16:09:36 ...but separate metadata probably preferred 16:09:49 rsolomakhin: The WebAuthn approach sounds like a work-around. 16:09:51 John: Yes. 16:10:09 rsolomakhin: I think displayName is only one. 16:10:13 q+ 16:10:25 ack Gerhard 16:10:40 Gerhard: I can see how it might be an issue in web authentication where info goes to the OS 16:11:10 ...can you leverage HTML context. 16:11:55 John_Bradley: But this isn't HTML. 16:12:23 Christian__ has joined #wpwg-spc 16:12:40 ...sounds ugly to look at surrounding HTML context. 16:13:45 Doug_Fisher: On 3DS side we have this covered ... people can use the HTML interface for complex cases. 16:15:38 ...our assumption for v1 is that the browser doesn't need to know since we are passing strings that the user (agenda) expects 16:15:57 ...if we COULD add metadata for the browser that would be an improvement. 16:16:33 https://github.com/w3c/string-meta/issues/26 16:22:34 John_Bradley: We're at the moment for the prototype assuming SPC modal is displayed by browser, but that may not always be how it works. 16:23:08 ...depending on the platform, info on directionality may be need to be passed down and relying on inferences from the browser context may not be sufficient. 16:23:19 ...I feel like being more explicit up front will reduce chances of error 16:23:22 q? 16:23:23 ack me 16:24:27 Issue 127: Accessible icon information 16:24:28 https://github.com/w3c/secure-payment-confirmation/issues/127 16:26:47 rsolomakhin: Card art in our implementation is currently considered "decoration" 16:27:16 Ian: I think it's more than decoration. 16:27:35 Doug: If the ACS is providing card art in the form of a URL, how would we provide alt? 16:27:44 Ian: Input string