Timed Text Working Group Teleconference

16 September 2021


Andreas, Atsushi, Cyril, Mike, Nigel, Pierre
Gary, Glenn

Meeting minutes

This Meeting

Nigel: Only a few things on the agenda:
… IMSC HRM, Charter, AOB
… Atsushi just mentioned for AOB the GitHub groups and permissions, so we'll cover that.

Pierre: I want to get the HRM pull request merged faster than the 2 week turnaround.

Nigel: Plus AOB from me about BBC Subtitle Guidelines


Pull Request for Initial Draft

github: https://github.com/w3c/imsc-hrm/pull/1

Nigel: Action on my to update github-bot!

Nigel: Apologies I haven't had chance to look at this. It's a copy-paste from the existing HRM, right?

Pierre: Right, that's the goal. I have permissions issues by the way.

Nigel: I hope to get to this in the next couple of hours.

Atsushi: We are relying on W3C account management so if the W3C account is not linked to the GitHub account then permissions will not be assigned.

Nigel: Any editorial questions arising from this, Pierre? I see there are a couple of empty sections at the end.

Pierre: It looks alright - substantively it's identical really.

Nigel: We will have to put something in for Privacy and Security Considerations at some point.

Pierre: That's fine, we can put something in, I just wanted a baseline to start with.

Nigel: Any questions or comments about the HRM at all?

Cyril: I saw in the description that the goal is to capture the HRM from IMSC 1.2.
… You copied it from 1.2 and edited the header, right?

Pierre: That's exactly what I did.

Compatibility with IMSC 1.0.1 and 1.1

Cyril: How do you intend to approach compat with 1.0.1 and 1.1?

Pierre: The next PR will be to make it apply to all versions of IMSC.
… It will be simple because there are only additions.
… The goal is to have a document that covers IMSC 1, 1.1 and 1.2, at least for now.
… The immediate goal is to get at least a draft out to create those deltas.

Cyril: Makes sense

Mike: The state of this is consistent with that - given the approach I will be comfortable to approve.


Nigel: This is for Chairs at the moment, and we don't have Gary today.
… Main question in my mind is what Rec track deliverables to list in the new Charter.
… Current tentative list is our specs in CR, TTML2 and WebVTT,
… and IMSC HRM and ADPT.
… Any comments on that list? Additions, subtractions?

group has no comments

Nigel: It's the perfect list!

AOB - GitHub Group and permissions

Atsushi: We have a historical ttwg GitHub team to assign write permissions over TTWG repos.
… But W3C has switched to an automatic management tool using w3c-group-[id] that is configured by the participant
… list in the W3C database, and the connection between the accounts is managed by each user in their W3C profile.

<atsushi> https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/timed-text/participants

Atsushi: If you don't have GitHub user id in this participant list, then you won't have any permissions on TTWG repositories.

Pierre: How long does it take for the permissions to propagate?

Atsushi: It will be processed daily or weekly.

Pierre: I linked my account but still don't have permissions, so I'll wait.

Atsushi: Maybe wait a week or something.

Nigel: Can you kick it?

Atsushi: It's managed by sys team, I can ask...

<atsushi> Systeam <w3t-sys@w3.org>

Pierre: I can contact them directly.

Atsushi: Note that this is "geek week" so you may not get an instant reply.

Pierre: Thank you

Atsushi: sorry for the difficulties - this is much easier for us.

Nigel: Are you proposing deleting a group?

Atsushi: tt-wg

Nigel: Have you cross-checked to see if that will impact anybody?

Atsushi: I think I included a list in an email.

Nigel: Okay, I will take a look - I think I saw that email in passing but did not manage to follow up on it yet.

Nigel: Fair warning to all. Anyone feel that's a challenge to them?

nobody present mentions any difficulty

Nigel: Alright, shall we set a timeline for removing the group?

Atsushi: No timeline was defined, but I have a strong push on this, so I need to do it before TPAC.

Nigel: Propose 30 September? So 2 weeks from now it will get deleted.

Atsushi: Yeah 2 weeks or 1 month is fine.

Nigel: Let's get it done - call it 30 September.

Atsushi: Thank you.

AOB - BBC Subtitle Guidelines

Nigel: Just to let you know that we just published a new release version of the BBC subtitle guidelines

BBC Subtitle Guidelines

Nigel: You may be interested in the strengthened requirement to meet IMSC 1.0.1 in distribution subtitle documents,
… and the details added about how to position Teletext characters in % coordinates.
… There's also some detail about authoring and presentation font sizes, and how to adjust the presentation font sizes or customise them.

Meeting close

Nigel: Thank you everyone, we're done early today! [adjourns meeting]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 136 (Thu May 27 13:50:24 2021 UTC).