11:51:36 RRSAgent has joined #miniapp 11:51:36 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/09/16-miniapp-irc 11:52:54 Meeting: MiniApps CG Monthly TeleConf 11:53:04 rrsagent, make log public 11:53:08 rrsagent, make minutes 11:53:08 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/09/16-miniapp-minutes.html xfq 11:53:13 present+ 11:53:18 scribe+ 12:00:26 present+ qing 12:00:31 present+ zitao 12:00:46 present+ dan 12:01:11 present+ tengyuan 12:03:27 present+ xiaoqian 12:04:17 xiaoqian has joined #miniapp 12:04:41 present+ bingqing_zhou 12:04:50 present+ yanyumeng 12:05:21 present+ chaoyulu 12:05:52 [zitao shows tool for converting standard to vendor specific implementations] 12:07:13 zitao: using HarmonyOS JSFA IDE 12:08:03 present+ xuying07 12:08:25 s/chaoyulu/Yulu_Chao_Baidu/ 12:11:40 present+ Jia_Wang 12:13:52 scribe: compared to QuickApps, it's actually more similar to MiniProgram 12:14:05 s/scribe:/zitao: 12:14:10 scribe+ xiaoqian 12:14:39 dan: what's the timeline? 12:14:57 zitao: would like to present it in TPAC as a demo 12:15:23 ... any other vendor interested in working with us? 12:15:53 dan: sounds interesting, we should schedule a specially meeting to talk about this 12:15:58 ... how about 13 Oct? 12:16:41 ... to present our own version about this tool? 12:17:08 present+ tomayac 12:17:29 ... xfq, could you help schedule a meeting? 12:17:33 xfq: sure 12:18:54 zitao: this is screenshot of a tool that help align the standards with our current implementation on MiniApp platform 12:19:19 ... this demo is specially design for MiniApp Manifest 12:19:28 s/design/designed 12:20:31 ... we will trying to make it open-source 12:21:01 dan: Anqing, are Alibaba be willing to work together with us? 12:21:27 [very noisy background] 12:21:52 dan: ok, I'll talk with other vendors offline, f.ex, Xiaomi 12:23:22 zitao: maybe each vendor can start experiments during this two months, not likely to reach on consensus in such short time 12:24:16 topic: TPAC Planning 12:24:49 dan: what should be on the agenda? 12:25:32 xfq: WG will be meeting on 28 Oct for 2 hours 12:25:55 ... CG were invited to a joint meeting 12:26:19 ... what topics you would like to discuss? 12:26:37 ... like IoT, Component? 12:27:01 ... which hour you would like to join? 12:27:44 dan: wg first 12:28:04 zitao: what topics to discuss in cg and what topics to discuss in wg 12:31:19 dan: @@ 12:31:29 xfq: we can use breakout session to show @@ 12:33:59 s/@@/we are not sure if Baidu can raise any new topic this year 12:34:35 https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC/2021/SessionIdeas 12:35:16 Qing: do we have enough time to have a joint discussion with other groups? 12:35:28 ... I think we only have one hour? 12:35:42 xfq: yes, indeed. Maybe we can join their meeting? 12:36:27 Qing: could you help ask the WoT IG/WG for a 20 mins session for MiniApp-IoT? 12:36:45 xfq: Already asked them, no feedback yet 12:37:34 Qing: for the WG-CG joint meeting, I think we already have enough topics for an one hour session? 12:37:45 ... any deadline to raise topics to the agenda? 12:38:10 xfq: we can always modify the agenda 12:38:20 ... maybe the week before TPAC? 12:38:57 Qing: let's try to finalise the agenda in the meeting on 13 Oct 12:39:03 zitao: agree 12:40:23 Qing: Dan and I can work on the first draft by the end of Week 12:41:10 topic: IoT MiniApp 12:41:31 Qing: I will prepare for an introduction in the TPAC session 12:43:49 [zitao displayed the tool again] 12:47:43 zitao: the goal is once a developer write a standardised Manifest, it can be run on any MiniApp Platform with the help of the tool on each vendor 12:49:10 qing: as for Lifecycle, it might work for some global attributes 12:51:30 dan: it will be a handed tool for Manifest as it's static, maybe more tricky for Addressing and Lifecycle 12:51:52 s/handed/useful 12:54:00 zitao: I think it will also work for Packaging 12:55:55 RRSAgent, make minutes 12:55:55 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/09/16-miniapp-minutes.html xiaoqian 12:55:59 RRSAgent, make log public 13:00:33 xfq_ has joined #miniapp