Internationalization Working Group Teleconference

16 September 2021


Addison, Atsushi, David, Fatima, Felix, Fuqiao
JcK, Richard
Addison Phillips

Meeting minutes

<addison> trackbot, prepare teleconference

Agenda Review

Action Items

<addison> https://www.w3.org/International/track/actions/open

<addison> action-1067?

<trackbot> action-1067: Addison Phillips to Follow up on previous action related to language tag registry online -- due 2021-09-02 -- OPEN

addison: talked to Mark Davis about Unicode
… didn't look back through our notes to see if we discussed it again
… should I take an action to ping Unicode more officially?

<addison> close action-1067

<trackbot> Closed action-1067.

Action: addison: ping Unicode about establishing a langtag online subtag reference

<trackbot> Created ACTION-1080 - Ping unicode about establishing a langtag online subtag reference [on Addison Phillips - due 2021-09-23].

<addison> action-1073?

<trackbot> action-1073: Atsushi Shimono to Coordinate citpc and w3c publication of uax50 change request -- due 2021-09-09 -- OPEN

atsushi: we prepared draft uax50 change request
… in the agenda today
… would like to ask r12a to review

<addison> action-1077?

<trackbot> action-1077: Addison Phillips to Ping ian about joint meeting during tpac in re: secure payment confirmation -- due 2021-09-16 -- OPEN

<addison> action-1078?

<trackbot> action-1078: Addison Phillips to Review payment-request issues -- due 2021-09-16 -- OPEN

<addison> action-1079?

<trackbot> action-1079: Addison Phillips to Prepare comment for web auth until next week -- due 2021-09-16 -- OPEN

Info Share

RADAR Review

<addison> https://github.com/w3c/i18n-request/projects/1



<addison> xfq: css multicolumn going to CR, one open issue, richard seems satisfied

<addison> ... they added an example

<addison> LGTM

<atsushi> +1


<addison> xfq: it's editorial

atsushi: WebXR will transition to CR shortly
… should be no i18n issues
… just a heads-up

documents from JL-TF

<addison> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-core/2021Sep/0019.html


[atsushi summarizes the three issues in the email]

atsushi: working on new ToC for JLReq 3rd Edition
… will come back two weeks later

addison: request for a repo about a11y for ruby?

atsushi: a11y-ruby or something
… comments welcome
… for the letter to Unicode, I asked for review last week

<atsushi> doc: https://github.com/w3c/jlreq/tree/gh-pages/docs/uax-with-aj1

<atsushi> PR: https://github.com/w3c/jlreq/pull/305/files

atsushi: Kida-san wanted to get a proofreading from the language point of view

addison: would you like r12a or me to proofread it?

atsushi: r12a proofread the first and second editions

Action: r12a: proofread the uax50 letter from citpc

<trackbot> Created ACTION-1081 - Proofread the uax50 letter from citpc [on Richard Ishida - due 2021-09-23].

Personalization #144 discussion

<addison> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-core/2021Sep/0016.html

addison: r12a and I visited the APA Personalization TF

<addison> https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/issues/144

addison: it's a long conversation
… they replaced words and phrases with symbols such as Bliss symbolics
… may not be replace, but augment
… we were trying to convey to them the need for direction
… different languages have different grammar
… you can't just replace word with picture, replace word with picture
… they have some working systems for this
… they agreed to provide more examples
… non-trivial examples
… cup of tea

xfq: addison was struck by the similarity to ruby

xfq: they can look into ruby styling/placement

atsushi: I haven't seen this kind of symbols before reading this spec

addison: it's not just pictures
… there's text too

atsushi: If there are only pictures without text, don’t know how users use it

addison: they're borrowing bliss symbolics as placeholders
… they're not actually necessarily using that
… they're just borrowing the symbols
… it's like sign language
… each community has their own
… enables people to use symbols in their systems

addison: we're waiting on them to come back with some more examples to see if there's more than we can comment
… if people annotate their documents with span that's fine
… on the other hand like the classic reorder thing
… for languages other than English the semantic may be different
… word order may be different
… certainly direction matters

Action: addison: establish tpac agenda page and put our various meetings with other groups there also

<trackbot> Created ACTION-1082 - Establish tpac agenda page and put our various meetings with other groups there also [on Addison Phillips - due 2021-09-23].

addison: i'll set up the tpac agenda page

addison: we have two confirmed meetings
… you may recall that there were several specs that we reviewed
… payment request
… they want to go to CR
… we have open issues against them
… i went through and reviewed those and closed all the ones i could
… we still have some open
… they didn't provide string metadata
… they added some notes

<addison> https://github.com/w3c/payment-request/issues/948

addison: they will address the localization in a future version of the spec
… if we formally object to this, then we will be in an uncomfortable position
… I filed a similar issue against the SPC spec
… solving this in Web IDL needs time
… what do we do with this in the meantime?
… I could say we would really like you fix this, but we won't formally object
… maybe the question i should ask is "how you're going to retrofit this"

David: if it's a string with a structure we can add metadata
… if it's a bare string like Java there's no localized string object

addison: if the string appears in the structure is the only natural language string then they can add language and direction metadata
… presumably you could park lang and dir after the string
… I'll reply


Summary of action items

  1. addison: ping Unicode about establishing a langtag online subtag reference
  2. r12a: proofread the uax50 letter from citpc
  3. addison: establish tpac agenda page and put our various meetings with other groups there also
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 136 (Thu May 27 13:50:24 2021 UTC).


Succeeded: s/similarity to ruby/addison was struck by the similarity to ruby/

Maybe present: xfq