Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference

15 September 2021


janina, jasonjgw, John_Paton, Joshue, Joshue108, scott_h, SteveNoble

Meeting minutes

Synchronization Accessibility User Requirements: state of the Call for Consensus.

<Joshue108> JW: SAUR and the state of the call for consensus

<Joshue108> JS: Lots of +1s, runs thru midnight tonight

<Joshue108> Looks promising

<Joshue108> JW: Closes US eastern

<Joshue108> JW: Josh has prepped FPWD doc

<jasonjgw> Josh: preparation has been occurring.

<Zakim> Joshue, you wanted to ask about announcements

<jasonjgw> Josh notes the need for the announcements/blog post.

<Joshue108> JOC: Asks about progress

<Joshue108> JW: Got additional details from Janina

<Joshue108> JW: Had been reviewing the announcement pages and asking for examples

<Joshue108> JS: Pointers to previous ones would be good.

<Joshue108> JOC: Shares previous blog example https://www.w3.org/blog/2020/03/xr-accessibility-user-requirements-call-for-review/

<Joshue108> <discussion on wiki access>

<Joshue108> JS: Doubts timelines

<Joshue108> JB: Shawn may be able to help

<Joshue108> JW: Anything else?

Joint working group meetings and break-out sessions planned for TPAC 2021.

<Joshue108> JW: Update on TPAC

<Joshue108> Some is going to be at or around TPAC

<Joshue108> There has been progress on breakout planning

<Joshue108> JS: To summarise - I understand the process differently

<Joshue108> We have a lot in APA

<Joshue108> <discusses scheduling issues>

<Joshue108> JS: We are changing the meeting with Timed Text to be a breakout session

<Joshue108> We hope to keep the same time.

<Joshue108> We want wider understanding of the SAUR and its impact on multiple W3C groups

<Joshue108> 20th of Oct 14:00 UTC is the time

<Joshue108> The COGA requested meeting will be shifted

<Joshue108> We have multi hour meetings that we want to arrange first

<Joshue108> Hope that is clear?

<Joshue108> JW: Yes, I note with the breakout sessions there is a wiki page with proposals

<Joshue108> JW: Notes the A11y of Remote meetings - that needs to be updated.

<Joshue108> Josh or Becky can file this

<Joshue108> SH: to Judy, would this be helpful?

<Joshue108> JB: Yes, this would be great.

<Joshue108> SH: Happy to lead this

<Joshue108> SH: Just to ack Janina and the teams help and accommodate

<Joshue108> S/accommodate/accommodation for me in my time zone

<Joshue108> SH: Appreciation all round

<Joshue108> JB: <adds process comment on timezone choices>

<Joshue108> JS: There is a constraints field available so we will note the time zone for Scott when presenting.

<Joshue108> JW: Scott to draft proposal overview - happy to help

<Joshue108> JW: We will check in next week

<Joshue108> JS: We did promise EPUB a close read of their 3.3 specs

<Joshue108> There are 3 that need review.

<Joshue108> Would like two people on each - will have more details next week

<Joshue108> Will assign during APA today.

<Joshue108> We will have agenda from EPUB in different directions

<Joshue108> JW: I did post a comment to the EPUB A11y 1.1 draft.

<Joshue108> They have been working through that.

<Joshue108> A la Diagram standards group..

<Joshue108> JS: Embedded media, video, language directional changes,

<Joshue108> Missing support for interlinear publications - a la Chaucer

<Joshue108> Useful for word-for-word gloss, where you have original language and transliteration

<Joshue108> JS: Exactly

<Joshue108> JOC: Wonders about the use of the term interlinear?

<Joshue108> JB: Could be used in Ruby - Chinese, Korean.

<Joshue108> JS: Will introduce these things as APA topics.

<Joshue108> JW: Any other comments on TPAC?

<Joshue108> JS: We should not plan for our usual meetings on the week of the 18th, to help people participate in breakouts.

Accessibility of Remote Meetings.

<Joshue108> JW: Ok

<Joshue108> JW: We need to work out what we are doing with the draft?

<Joshue108> There is a connection with Education and Outreach group

<Joshue108> JB: Updates on some potential delays

<Joshue108> What are the urgent changes needed?

<Joshue108> Lets review and discuss

<Joshue108> SH: Makes sense

<Joshue108> JW: OK, lets do that

WAI-CooP symposium.

<Joshue108> JW: The change from last time - is that we have an announcement and a call for proposals

<Joshue108> There is a short window for people to write submissions

<jasonjgw> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-announce/2021JulSep/0002.html

<Joshue108> JW: Here is the announcement

<Joshue108> Please look at this for details

<Joshue108> Questions?

Natural Language Interface Accessibility User Requirements.

<Joshue108> JW: I expect this will move to forefront soon

<Joshue108> We want this to go forward as FPWD

<Joshue108> We have to review some changes (Josh and I) and we will have a draft that contains relevant changes

<Joshue108> We will work out some of the detail etc - and have something to review soon

<Joshue108> JOC: Asks about relevant branches

<Joshue108> JW: There are some changes - we can discuss and make some decisions

<Joshue108> JW: Josh and Jason to co-ordinate etc

<Joshue108> JW: Questions?

Miscellaneous topics.

<Joshue108> JW: Open discussion

<Joshue108> Flash mitigation work will come back

<Joshue108> There are also EPUB discussions

<Joshue108> Any other issues or questions?

<Joshue108> JS: Judy, is there an update on the Flash mitigation thing?

<Joshue108> <Janina looks for related Twitter post>

<janina> https://uxdesign.cc/how-to-avoid-twitters-latest-accessibility-mistakes-e0910f9f0ae7

<Joshue108> <group discusses the link>

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 136 (Thu May 27 13:50:24 2021 UTC).