14:54:49 RRSAgent has joined #pbgsc 14:54:49 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/09/10-pbgsc-irc 14:54:52 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:54:53 Meeting: Publishing Steering Committee 14:57:51 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishing-sc/2021Sep/0000.html 14:58:46 present+ 14:59:36 -> https://www.w3.org/2021/07/09-pbgsc-minutes.html previous 9 July 15:01:26 mateus has joined #pbgsc 15:01:33 present+ 15:01:38 present+ 15:01:52 present+ 15:01:53 scribe+ dauwhe 15:02:05 present+ 15:02:37 regrets+ Cristina 15:02:48 liisamk has joined #pbgsc 15:03:11 present+ 15:04:06 present+ George 15:04:12 present+ Daihei 15:04:27 present+ WendyReid 15:04:28 tzviya: let's get started 15:04:48 topic: Publishing@W3C Public Seminar next Tuesday 15:04:52 avneeshsingh has joined #pbgsc 15:05:02 https://www.w3.org/2021/09/publishing-seminar/ 15:05:03 present+ 15:05:04 tzviya: I hope you all saw the invitation to this open meeting 15:05:16 ... thanks to those who recorded videos 15:05:23 ... no thanks to those who didn't 15:05:36 ... let's come up with some questions in advance 15:05:45 ... in case the audience is quiet 15:06:07 ... I will start by introducing people and giving a 3-min intro 15:06:11 ... then open the floor to questions 15:06:17 ... have people watched the videos yet? 15:06:22 ... there's a lot on a11y 15:06:30 ... audiobooks 15:06:36 ... CG 15:06:59 present+ 15:06:59 ... any thoughts on potential questions? 15:07:00 -> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishingcg/2021Sep/0000.html Join us for Publishing@W3C Open Discussion, 14 September, 2021 15:07:04 q+ 15:07:13 ack Ralph 15:07:28 Ralph: thanks to Tzviya and everyone who provided content and advvice 15:07:34 George has joined #pbgsc 15:07:53 present+ 15:07:55 ... Karen has been meeting with potential members 15:08:19 ... in every one of those meetings, their top interest is a11y 15:08:35 ... what is wcag 2.2? what is wcag 3? what is epub a11y doing? 15:09:12 ... they nod and smile about improvements to EPUB spec 15:09:29 ... but a11y is #1 15:09:39 George has joined #pbgsc 15:10:06 ... we're doing a lot on a11y, but there are probably other issues 15:10:34 q+ 15:10:35 ack mateus 15:10:35 ... what more do we need to do to advance digital publishing? 15:10:51 mateus: we've had trouble with engagement 15:10:58 George has joined #pbgsc 15:11:10 ... lots of change in the industry 15:11:16 ... people aren't energized about work generally 15:11:29 ... could we start telegraphing more exciting new work we are plannign for the future 15:11:40 ... what's next? 15:11:46 ... for EPUB? For a11y? 15:12:00 q+ to talk about call on Oct 27 15:12:01 ... how our work depends on community participation 15:12:18 ack wendyreid 15:12:22 ... how people can participate with no tech background 15:12:40 wendyreid: we should talk about task forces 15:12:51 ... the WG is boring, talking about obscure issues 15:12:52 George has joined #pbgsc 15:13:00 ... but interesting work is happening in the task force 15:13:12 ... locaters, FXL a11y, a11y in general 15:13:16 ... what else is going on? 15:13:20 q? 15:13:29 q+ 15:13:30 ... some might be in a future epub 15:13:53 tzviya: we have a 10/27 call for what happens after EPUB 3.3 15:14:04 ... we could give people a chance to summarize 15:14:22 ... Mateus could talk about the CG and new ideas 15:14:29 ... Wendy could talk about the WG 15:14:44 q+ 15:14:49 ack tz 15:14:49 tzviya, you wanted to talk about call on Oct 27 15:14:51 ack ge 15:14:52 ack ge 15:15:01 George: responding to Mateus 15:15:24 ... I'm shocked that we have still pictures in books where a short video would be much more constructive 15:15:31 ... like the battle of gettysburg 15:15:42 ... we have to resolve these kinds of issues 15:15:51 ... otherwise we're viewed as being stodgy 15:15:51 q+ 15:15:54 ack mat 15:15:58 ack mateus 15:15:58 George has joined #pbgsc 15:16:07 mateus: ideas for the future... 15:16:15 ... I'm on board with energizing folks 15:16:26 ... one challenge is that, even if we get people excited 15:16:35 ... we can't accomplish anyone without participation 15:16:57 ... when people see that we're not acting on ideas, they will stop participating 15:17:13 ... if we're sharing ideas, we need an action plan 15:17:21 ... otherwise we'll alienate the community 15:17:23 ack liisamk 15:17:33 liisamk: re: George 15:17:52 ... people did books with embedded video 15:17:58 George has joined #pbgsc 15:18:00 ... didn't have much support from reading systems 15:18:13 ... didn't have a way to use only one file 15:18:18 ... problem with poster frames 15:18:25 ... so people just don't do it 15:18:36 ... we need engagement for implementation 15:18:38 George has joined #pbgsc 15:18:44 ... or some best practices for people to buy into 15:19:27 tzviya: because of limitations of reading systems we can't deliver the youtube experience 15:19:28 Daihei has joined #pbgsc 15:19:37 present+ 15:19:58 George has joined #pbgsc 15:20:01 ... the immersive experience doesn't work 15:20:17 ... user experience is not good in epub for these things 15:20:31 ... if we can get over that hurdle it will be better 15:20:38 ... but right now people will use hte web for that 15:20:57 s/hte/the/ 15:21:05 +1 15:21:38 q+ 15:21:40 ... hopefully y'all will be there on September 14 15:21:50 ack liisamk 15:21:58 liisamk: should we send questions to this mailing list? 15:21:58 George has joined #pbgsc 15:22:01 tzviya: yes, please. 15:22:12 ... I'll call on people to ask their own questions. 15:22:28 Topic: planning for TPAC 15:22:38 tzviya: we've talked about various sessions 15:22:39 George has joined #pbgsc 15:23:09 ... what are the EPUB sessions? 15:23:24 ... EPUB is hosting our own session 15:23:31 ... meeting with APA 15:23:54 https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC/2021/GroupMeetings 15:23:55 ivan: we don't know because PING will have a call next week with us 15:23:58 George has joined #pbgsc 15:24:03 ... that may end up as joint meeting at TPAC 15:24:26 ... from our POV we don't need a meeting with i18n 15:24:31 ... same for CSS, no open issues 15:24:57 ... APA will have a meeting with EPUB 15:24:58 q+ 15:25:01 ack av 15:25:02 ack avneeshsingh 15:25:15 avneeshsingh: two hours on 28th with APA 15:25:31 ... topic: horizontal review, then discussion of paralell work with css and other groups 15:25:37 ... and spoken pronunciation 15:25:44 ... there's a task force under APA 15:25:54 ... how pronunciation can help in publishing 15:25:58 George has joined #pbgsc 15:26:03 ... most things are not epub-specific 15:26:27 ... meeting on Oct 25 Monday, objective is brainstorming for a11y metadata values used by various groups 15:26:43 ... should we use process 2021 regestries? 15:26:48 q? 15:26:59 tzviya: will the BG meet? 15:27:10 liisamk: we were thinking about a conference day 15:27:29 ... but given the schedule we might just have our regular meeting during TPAC and then do conference day the next month 15:27:39 tzviya: week of 25th is for joint meetings 15:27:47 tzviya: what's the CG planning? 15:27:58 George has joined #pbgsc 15:28:05 mateus: we'll have a regular meeting, talking about road-mapping our priorities 15:28:12 ... scheduling the work we want to do 15:28:29 tzviya: CG and WG chairs should meet 15:28:36 mateus: yeah, let's strategize together 15:28:44 tzviya: maybe before the call on the 27th 15:28:47 mateus: great 15:29:12 tzviya: ralph, you asked about encouraging broader participation 15:29:22 ... Ralph might not be here 15:29:38 ... are there sessions that would be good for potential members to observe 15:29:45 ... probably not regestries ;) 15:29:58 George has joined #pbgsc 15:30:04 liisamk: does it make sense to open our BG meeting the week before to any potential new members 15:30:13 ... we are going to talk about business needs of epub next 15:30:19 tzviya: which day? 15:30:33 liisamk: maybe it should be 19th? 15:30:37 tzviya: OK 15:30:38 George has joined #pbgsc 15:30:53 ... is the epub.next call public? 15:30:56 wendyreid: I think so? 15:31:02 tzviya: we could just invite them? 15:31:14 George has joined #pbgsc 15:31:40 liisamk: we're looking for an asia BG call next week 15:31:47 ... so we can follow up on videos 15:32:34 tzviya: karen would like to know about sessions that might be good for potential members 15:32:51 tzviya: anything else? 15:33:16 George: is there was a spot where we can see the calendar for that week? 15:33:22 https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC/2021/GroupMeetings 15:33:28 tzviya: there's a link but it might not be accurate yet 15:33:57 ... it's up to the chairs to fill out 15:33:58 George has joined #pbgsc 15:34:13 https://www.w3.org/2021/10/TPAC/ 15:34:16 ... there are also breakout sessions at TPAC 15:34:54 https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC/2021/SessionIdeas 15:35:32 tzviya: (describing sessions) 15:35:41 ... and you can propose a session 15:36:06 ... anything else? 15:36:11 (crickets) 15:36:22 ... thanks everyone! 15:36:37 rrsagent, make minutes 15:36:37 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/09/10-pbgsc-minutes.html tzviya 15:36:38 zakim, end meeting 15:36:38 As of this point the attendees have been tzviya, mateus, dauwhe, ivan, Ralph, liisamk, George, Daihei, WendyReid, avneeshsingh 15:36:40 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 15:36:40 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/09/10-pbgsc-minutes.html Zakim 15:36:43 I am happy to have been of service, dauwhe; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 15:36:47 Zakim has left #pbgsc 15:36:48 RRSAgent: bye 15:36:48 I see no action items