14:58:28 RRSAgent has joined #tt 14:58:28 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/09/02-tt-irc 14:58:30 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:58:32 Meeting: Timed Text Working Group Teleconference 14:58:38 Present: Nigel 14:58:45 scribe: nigel 15:01:19 Present+ Mike, Chris 15:01:36 cpn has joined #tt 15:01:46 Present+ Pierre 15:02:04 cyril has joined #tt 15:02:34 Present+ Cyril 15:02:42 mike has joined #tt 15:02:51 present+ Chris_Needham 15:03:02 present+ Gary 15:03:18 present- Chris 15:03:24 pal has joined #tt 15:03:31 Present+ Andreas 15:03:40 Present+ Glenn 15:04:17 Chair: Gary, Nigel 15:04:23 Topic: This meeting 15:04:40 scribe: cyril 15:04:44 glenn has joined #tt 15:05:11 nigel: we have a topic on HRM and I'd like to move that to the end because Chris is here for 30min 15:05:20 ... and we need to discuss joint meetings first 15:05:32 ... there is also a discussion on how we do tests 15:05:44 ... the last topic is the charter 15:05:58 ... it expires at the end of the year and it might take 3 months to prepare it 15:06:20 Topic: Joint meeting requests 15:06:23 atai has joined #tt 15:07:07 pal: the HRM topic is really time sensitive and crucial 15:07:12 mike: +1 15:07:39 nigel: TPAC is virtual only 15:07:51 ... we've had requests/suggestions for joint meetings 15:08:01 ... the first one with explicit request is Media Synchronization 15:08:14 ... there is work on progress on Sync and User Accessbility 15:08:24 ... it's a companion to MAUR 15:08:33 they've asked us for time 15:09:05 ... at 10 amET, 14UTC 15:09:49 ... 20th October 15:09:54 ... any objections? 15:10:29 RESOLUTION: We accept the meeting with APA to discuss SAUR 15:10:46 nigel: there are 3 other groups we could meet with 15:11:02 ... MEIG: I'm not clear what agenda topic we could usefully discuss 15:11:06 ... anybody has topics? 15:11:26 cpn: the IG is not planning to take updates 15:11:38 ... if we don't have specific topics we could cancel 15:12:03 gkatsev: we could discuss unbounded cues but we can schedule those as we are doing 15:12:15 cpn: which reminds me to schedule the next one 15:12:30 nigel: in the absence of proposal to have a joint with MEIG, we will not request one 15:12:42 nigel: next group is Media WG, working on the next version of MSE 15:13:03 ... they will publish FPWD of MSE v2, which continues to include support for Text Tracks 15:13:07 cyril: only in the spec ... 15:13:24 nigel: same question, any benefit in having a joint meeting, any topic worth discussing? 15:13:36 cpn: there was the generic text track cue proposal 15:13:46 ... is there anything there that needs further discussion? 15:14:03 gkatsev: it could be useful if we could get more buy in from vendors 15:14:22 nigel: should we start talking about it only when we have more buy in? 15:14:38 gkatsev: maybe we just need to do it offline, but it's worth reminding people about it 15:14:58 glenn: we've been repeating that for 2-3 TPAC, with nods, but nothing happens 15:15:05 ... not sure, it's worth the effort 15:15:12 cpn: it does not have to be a TPAC thing 15:15:18 ... we can do it at anytime 15:15:31 ... no pressure from the Media WG AFAIK 15:15:40 gkatsev: I can't think of anything urgent 15:16:03 glenn: they should start implementing 15:16:13 gkatsev: Safari has implemented and shipped 15:16:36 nigel: do we want to increase communication around it to push other implementors to implement 15:16:56 gkatsev: we can bring it to one of their working group regular meetings 15:17:34 nigel: let's have the conversation between the chairs of the groups 15:18:05 ... happy to ask Apple if they are willing to report on how it's going 15:18:12 ... offline 15:19:00 glenn: we had a few people attend this group in the past 15:19:06 nigel: yeah, I know who to ask 15:19:22 nigel: We will not request a joint meeting with Media WG 15:19:34 nigel: next is the CSS WG 15:19:46 ... there is a limited amount we could discuss 15:19:58 ... in the past they have worked on feature for us, but they are not implemented 15:20:12 ... we're a bit stuck if we are not CSS implementers 15:20:22 ... I don't think there's been any change since last TPAC 15:20:32 ... any topics? 15:20:36 (silence) 15:20:43 nigel: ok, nothing to add 15:20:54 nigel: We will not request a joint meeting with the CSS WG 15:21:24 Topic: Charter 15:21:33 nigel: atsushi is not here 15:21:43 ... but usually the chair works on a draft 15:21:54 ... I reviewed ours 15:22:14 ... there isn't a huge amount that we want to change 15:22:26 ... if we want to continue TTML3 we should be clear about the goal 15:22:45 ... we one thing we talked about doing is creating a version of TTML that is based on CSS 15:23:00 ... WebVTT is still in there and has been in CR for the entire charter 15:23:19 ... I don't know if there will be pressure from W3C to move it one way or the other 15:23:28 ... the last thing is TTML profile for Audio Description 15:23:38 ... we produced an ED but not a FPWD 15:24:20 ... we need to understand the deliverables people want to work on 15:24:34 ... otherwise we'll be a maintenance group 15:24:46 pal: any reason not to be a maintenance group? 15:25:03 nigel: recently, W3C moved away from having maintenance group 15:25:23 ... we could have one cycle of maintenance but maybe not 2 15:25:38 pal: I have a different feeling, they want to make it easy to maintain spec 15:25:45 nigel: maybe without having a group 15:26:24 atsushi: W3C defines a maintenance 15:26:28 ... for example SVG 15:26:39 ... update on specification 15:26:53 ... restricted on non normative features 15:26:57 ... fixing bugs is ok 15:27:01 ... but no new features 15:27:13 ... no large normative items 15:27:31 ... TTML 2nd edition has not reached recommendation 15:27:56 nigel: I'd like for anybody to let me, Gary and Atsushi if they want anything specific included in the next charter 15:28:06 ... we'll incorporate than in the draft for review 15:28:10 gkatsev: agree 15:29:01 nigel: there is also the option to extend the charter, but there may be constraints 15:29:16 atsushi: usually we extend for 6 months depending on how long we bring existing CR to REC 15:29:48 nigel: I propose we don't try to rely on extension unless we have to 15:30:12 glenn: a 6 months extension to gettting TTML2 to REC would be pointless unless we have implementation commitment 15:30:16 nigel: I agree 15:30:38 [chris leaves] 15:31:06 Topic: TTML Tests 15:31:35 nigel: I don't propose to go into the details on history 15:31:50 ... but a keen observer we'll get a sense of why I'm proposing that 15:31:58 ... 2 things I want to cover 15:32:08 ... we have a clear working mode to make changes to our spec repo 15:32:33 ... which is that we open an issue, describe what happens, open a PR, the group has minimum 2 weeks 15:32:42 ... and we don't merge until we have at least 1 approval 15:32:50 ... unless there is an urgency 15:33:01 ... it's been unclear for our test repository 15:33:12 ... I'm proposing to adopt the same process for tests 15:33:20 cyril: agree 15:33:27 glenn: no issue with that 15:33:43 ... one of the reasons we were more flexible previously was 15:34:09 ... during the CR and implementation reports period, we were rapidly changing those and not calling for a group review 15:34:34 ... but now that things have stabilized more, I don't have objections to following the 2 week period review 15:35:25 RESOLUTION: The group adopts the same process for test repo changes as for spec repo changes 15:35:44 ACTION: Nigel to apply to the same protection changes 15:36:02 nigel: next proposal is about test expectations and references 15:36:09 ... for most tests we have some 15:36:21 ... maybe not formally required for pass, but useful 15:36:27 ... generated with TTPE in SVG form 15:36:41 ... for IMSC, they are generated by IMSC in PNG form 15:36:54 ... given that we don't generally require pixel accuracy for tests 15:37:11 ... but things like order of glyphs are fixed and not subject to SVG renderers 15:37:28 ... I'd suggest it to be good to have PNG renderings of the SVG versions 15:37:48 q+ 15:38:25 glenn: the original reason I had included expectations in the TTML repo is: 1) to give an ability to view a rendering, documented in the readme of both test repos 15:38:40 ... it clearly states it is for sample purposes, not claiming correctness 15:38:54 ... and the group did not review those to agree or not 15:39:05 ... 2) I needed a way to perform regression testing on TTPE 15:39:28 ... at some point instead of storing in the TTPE repo, I decided to use submodules in git and point to the W3C repo from the TTPE repo 15:39:36 ... that made them strongly bound together 15:40:10 ... so if I made changes to the TTPE code that changed the rendering, e.g. grouping hierarchy, changing the SVG but not the rendering 15:40:19 ... I was using Chrome as my sample rendering 15:40:31 ... then I needed to change those expected renderings 15:40:43 ... when I updated them recently, there were questions about that 15:41:04 ... in reviewing that decision to tie the 2 repos, I made the decision to revert that dependency 15:41:14 ... and to disconnect TTPE's repo from W3C's repo 15:41:37 ... it's not the business of W3C to help the regression testing of one implementation 15:41:56 ... so I removed the dependency from TTPE 15:42:03 ... and removed expectations from W3C 15:42:22 ... my proposal is just to leave the test without the SVG TTPE expectations 15:42:30 ... if the group wants PNG, that can be done 15:43:05 nigel: I largely agree with that. W3C are not there to support a particular implementation. 15:43:18 ... also there has not been a review of the SVG expectations 15:43:24 ... however they are useful 15:43:39 ... they would create a more complete test 15:43:56 ... I think it would be useful generally to take those as some form of reference 15:44:15 ... implementations can compare 15:44:36 ... for me a test repo without some form of rendering is not that useful 15:44:56 ... that only applies to presentation tests 15:45:18 glenn: AFAIK the group has not reviewed the SVG for IMSC 15:45:29 ... I'd prefer to remove the SVG files 15:45:37 ... I don't intend to support them in the future 15:45:43 ... within the W3C test repo 15:45:52 ... I will be updating only the TTPE repo 15:45:57 q+ 15:46:37 pal: I think there is no need to require PNG or SVG 15:46:46 ... I'm not sure what question is being asked at this point 15:46:58 nigel: are you happy to have a test repo without rendering? 15:47:11 pal: it's much better if it is there, but requiring won't help 15:47:15 scribe: nigel 15:47:32 Cyril: If we keep the SVG in the repo we should be clear that it might make it difficult 15:47:45 .. for others to produce tests - it is much easier for most implementations to produce PNG than SVG. 15:47:47 cyril: it's much easier to produce a PNG than an SVG for most implemtation 15:47:57 ... we should be clear not to require SVG 15:48:14 Glenn: I did actually code up a tool to convert SVG into PNG using a library called librsvg however the quality of its output is not as good as 15:48:23 .. the renderings in Chrome, or some of the other browsers. 15:48:31 .. It would be a degraded PNG but it would be something. 15:48:51 .. It's probably a week or less work to generate PNG from the SVGs that are currently in the repo. 15:48:59 ack pal 15:49:02 ack cyril 15:49:07 scribe: cyril 15:49:30 nigel: I agree we need to be clear on the requirements to add new tests, to make it achievable 15:49:36 ... I don't think we need a resolution 15:49:55 ... but I would request that we don't remove the SVGs while we study how to generate PNGs 15:50:06 glenn: ok, I will not merge the PR yet 15:50:10 Topic: IMSC HRM 15:50:23 nigel: pal you said there is a time urgency, can you explain? 15:50:29 pal: there is now an HRM validator 15:50:42 ... folks are integrating them in their workflow and files are failing 15:50:52 ... we have one concrete report and 2 issues 15:51:36 ... the 2 issues are: one where today the complexity of painting background behind spans is the same complexity as painting the region. It's too simple. 15:51:55 q+ to ask about render success for documents that fail HRM now 15:52:08 ... the other one is the fact that clearing the root container has a cost even if the previous ISD is an empty ISD which already caused to clear 15:52:24 ... I want to ask if there is any strong feelings on these 2 issues 15:52:30 ... I could prepare PR 15:52:37 ack nigel 15:52:37 nigel, you wanted to ask about render success for documents that fail HRM now 15:52:51 nigel: there are some real world documents that fail the HRM 15:53:08 ... given the purpose of the HRM is to make sure that real world documents render 15:53:33 ... do we have data that shows that these real world documents render on real world devices 15:53:47 pal: in those cases, the HRM is clearly erroneous 15:53:53 q+ 15:54:19 nigel: the screen clearing after empty ISD, the ticket is clear that it is excluding existing authoring practice 15:54:26 ... the span issue is not that clear 15:54:40 pal: but again, the algorithm in the HRM is non-sensical 15:54:54 ... as the region becomes larger, it does not make sense 15:54:57 ack mike 15:55:15 mike: to your question about evidence, there is no way to quantify that for 2 reasons: 15:55:32 ... we don't have access to all renderers in the world, finding one is not sufficient 15:55:40 ... and the failure is not obvious 15:56:23 ... we need to rely on the argument of what's reasonable, have we made mistakes, ... 15:56:34 ... I don't remember how much it was modified from DECE's version 15:56:46 nigel: small changes were made, but left mostly intact 15:57:39 pal: what I'm proposing to do is to fix what looks like a defect, update the code and iterate 15:57:48 ... see if changes break players 15:58:07 mike: this would be a revision to IMSC 1.x 15:58:27 pal: assuming we are ok to make those changes, what I would propose is to factor out the HRM to a separate doc 15:58:40 ... as a WG Note first and once we're happy we can put it back 15:58:56 nigel: that is a deliverable that we would need in the charter 15:59:24 cyril: are there players that rely on the HRM? 15:59:29 pal: I don't know 15:59:34 mike: I doubt that 15:59:49 pal: when we make that change, we might have other changes to make 15:59:58 ... we should leave the door open 16:00:11 nigel: it's a good approach to structure things to make changes easy 16:00:24 mike: this has been an invaluable tool for real time transcoders 16:00:41 ... people started creating full documents 30 times per second 16:01:23 ... because you can point to definitive perfomance criteria 16:02:19 ... without HRM, encoder implementors can produce documents that make decoding implementations ver difficult to get good results 16:02:33 nigel: you're requesting the go ahead to make PR 16:02:42 ... my summary is that you have the go 16:02:50 pal: and what about the WG Note? 16:03:27 ... start with a WG Note for today, the charter can mention REC track 16:03:46 nigel: you can start with a REC track document, that's in the spirit of the current charter and that's a refactoring 16:03:54 pal: ok 16:04:27 pal: can you create a new repo? 16:04:36 nigel: I might need help from atsushi 16:04:59 ... we should call imsc-hrm 16:05:06 pal: yes 16:05:13 atsushi: I will work with nigel on this 16:06:04 scribe: nigel 16:06:07 Topic: Meeting close 16:06:23 Nigel: Thank you everyone - it's been a very productive meeting, apologies we went 5 minutes over. 16:06:26 .. [adjourns meeting] 16:06:32 rrsagent, make minutes 16:06:34 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/09/02-tt-minutes.html nigel 16:10:18 Present+ Atsushi 16:12:17 s/Topic: Joint meeting requests// 16:12:25 i/nigel: TPAC is virtual/Topic: Joint meeting requests 16:12:57 rrsagent, make minutes 16:12:57 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/09/02-tt-minutes.html nigel 16:16:19 s/they've asked us for time/.. they've asked us for time 16:18:26 s/to let me, Gary and Atsushi if/to let me, Gary and Atsushi know if 16:19:13 i/pal: I have a different feeling/[atsushi joins] 16:19:44 s/a keen observer we'll get/a keen observer will get 16:20:30 s/Nigel to apply to the same protection changes/Nigel to apply the same branch protection rules to the test repos as the spec repos 16:21:19 s/implementations can compare/implementations can compare and raise issues if they differ 16:22:02 s/Cyril: If we keep the SVG in the repo we should be clear that it might make it difficult// 16:22:26 s/.. for others to produce tests - it is much easier for most implementations to produce PNG than SVG.// 16:22:49 i/cyril: it's much easier to produce/scribe: cyril 16:23:00 i/Glenn: I did actually code/scribe: nigel 16:23:08 rrsagent, make minutes 16:23:08 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/09/02-tt-minutes.html nigel 16:25:09 s/we would need in the charter/we could add to the charter 16:25:41 rrsagent, make minutes 16:25:41 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/09/02-tt-minutes.html nigel 16:28:01 s/nigel:/Nigel:/g 16:28:06 s/mike:/Mike:/g 16:28:13 s/cpn:/Chris_Needham:/g 16:28:23 s/gkatsev:/Gary:/g 16:28:31 s/glenn:/Glenn:/g 16:28:45 s/atsushi:/Atsushi:/g 16:28:57 s/pal:/Pierre:/g 16:29:07 rrsagent, make minutes 16:29:07 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/09/02-tt-minutes.html nigel 16:29:52 s/cyril:/Cyril:/g 16:30:21 rrsagent, make minutes 16:30:21 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/09/02-tt-minutes.html nigel 16:31:00 scribeOptions: -final -noEmbedDiagnostics 16:31:07 zakim, end meeting 16:31:07 As of this point the attendees have been Nigel, Mike, Chris, Pierre, Cyril, Chris_Needham, Gary, Andreas, Glenn, Atsushi 16:31:09 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 16:31:09 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/09/02-tt-minutes.html Zakim 16:31:12 I am happy to have been of service, nigel; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 16:31:16 Zakim has left #tt 16:31:57 Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/issues/196 16:32:04 Previous meeting: https://www.w3.org/2021/07/22-tt-minutes.html 16:32:07 rrsagent, make minutes 16:32:07 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/09/02-tt-minutes.html nigel