19:03:31 RRSAgent has joined #aria-at 19:03:31 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/08/26-aria-at-irc 19:03:38 rrsagent, make log public 19:03:43 present+ 19:03:50 CHAIR: Matt King 19:04:07 MEETING: ARIA and Assistive Technologies Community Group 19:04:19 present+ jongund 19:04:31 present+ Hadi 19:04:32 boazsender has joined #aria-at 19:04:38 present+ James 19:04:49 present+ Alysa 19:04:50 present+ Boaz Sender, Bocoup 19:04:51 present+ 19:05:00 rrsagent, make minutes 19:05:00 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/08/26-aria-at-minutes.html Matt_King 19:05:45 TOPIC: App Development Update 19:05:48 scribe: jongund 19:06:31 MK: A new version of app is available, mostly back end changes: https://aria-at.w3.org/test-queue 19:06:59 Joe_Humbert has joined #aria-at 19:07:08 MK: A new data model has been implemented to allow more flexibility in using the data 19:07:18 present+ 19:07:43 MK: The next thing for the app is the report page, it will not be different than the old page, but it is being connected to the new back end 19:08:09 ST: The settings page is ready, there are no reports yet 19:09:07 ST: We have been looking at a large refactoring of the backend, I am happy to have shorter release times going forward 19:09:34 MK: There will be more frequent updates 19:09:57 MK: The very next thing is the report pages and there are other things that need to prioritize 19:10:06 MK: We hope to be running tests soon 19:10:37 ST: Another feature is adding testers is much easier, we have total control 19:10:49 ST: Who else would like to be a tester 19:11:18 JS: I added a member of our team as a tester, what does the deploy look like... 19:11:49 ST: Deployment is manual, there are some expectations on testers, we will discuss a process for merging.. 19:11:56 JS: Sounds great 19:12:06 MK: Spend some time how on this now? 19:12:19 JS: That could be an off line discussion 19:12:59 ST: Before I promise on deply speed when new person is added, who approves it? Can they just be added? 19:13:28 MK: We have not talked about the process about adding testers, but people on the call ... 19:13:37 MK: That is a really good discussion 19:13:52 JS: Maybe talk about it next week, but it is easier 19:14:23 MK: That is part of the on boarding process, people need to have an understanding of what is expected 19:14:43 JS: Are you volunteering to write it? 19:14:53 MK: Let's talk about that next week 19:15:18 MK: Do we have anything to say about automation MF? 19:15:23 MF: Not at this time 19:15:41 MK: JS is there any plans on what you want to share 19:16:05 JS: Focusing on test plans for the new patterns, for the media seek slider 19:16:28 JS: We have 16 tests coming down the pipe in the next few weeks 19:17:00 TOPIC: New Test Que 19:17:12 https://aria-at.w3.org/test-queue 19:17:36 MK: I am opening the test que, but I am signed out 19:18:30 MK: I believe there about 16 test plans, but only 3 have been added to the test que 19:18:39 MK: Can people see the app 19:18:46 AV: I cannot see the page 19:19:09 MK: I had that problem and I had to log out and in 19:19:26 ST: AV is not a user, I will add now 19:19:37 MK: JH are you in? 19:20:10 ST: JH and AV are not users yet, can yo put you put your username in chat 19:20:21 JS: JH is a tester 19:20:58 MK: There is a table for each screen reader/browser combination 19:21:58 MK: it is using the identifier "latest", originally going to use version, but discussions the past few weeks we realized we will collect version information automatically 19:22:26 MK: The combinations will just use SR and browser name 19:23:09 I have a question about app permissions in github. 19:23:48 ST: There is a file in arai-at called support-at, so you could have an in progress test, but not in the app, is this still useful 19:24:11 MK: We need a key in the file 19:24:28 MK: JS and ST you need to coordinate on fixing this issue 19:24:49 MK: For now we have some useful names, we can fix them going forward 19:25:09 MK: We have a test plan column, and a column for tester for who is working on it 19:25:24 MK: A column for report status 19:25:34 MK: Actions is mostly administrative 19:28:24 MK: For screen reader users there are some labeling issues, so you have to look at the heading on the page for the name of the test 19:28:47 MK: I want to talk about the basic layout and getting into a test 19:28:54 MK: Are people able to get in? 19:29:45 MK: Who has seen the test plans? 19:29:54 AV: I have not 19:29:59 HR: I have 19:32:34 JG: We may want to look at the use of "Success Criteria", concerned with confusion with WCAG 19:32:58 MK: We need to have some time to review the labeling of the sections 19:33:51 MK: Each test has it's own form for each part of the test 19:34:37 MK: Each section allows recording of results 19:34:44 AV: That makes sense 19:35:05 MK: Our goal for the next several weeks, is to give feedback on the plans themselves 19:35:51 MK: are the instructions correct, are the commands correct and are these the right behaviors 19:37:28 MK: If we find problems there is a button on the page "Raise An Issue" 19:37:43 MK: Have people used markdown? 19:37:57 HR: I have used before 19:38:40 MK: You can just use the simplest features of markdown 19:39:44 MK: How are we grouping them so that JS can use them 19:40:02 JS: What we discussed that each test is under an issue 19:40:28 JS: We can go to issue and see an issue is related 19:40:36 MK: I am worked about labels 19:40:46 JS: Maybe a test feedback label for now 19:41:08 JS: We can then discuss at the next meeting 19:41:18 ST: There is a uniform label being applied now 19:41:30 MK: you do have in the title the name of the test 19:42:02 MK: Do you want people add to the title field, to make it more descriptive 19:42:24 MK: If you get 3 people providing feedback o the same testm that would have the tile 19:43:16 JS: We can see what comes in we can see what happens and make some adjustments 19:43:44 MK: If you find problems with instructions, assertions or the commands 19:44:15 MK: We are not looking for feedback on UI issues, just on the content of the tests themselves 19:44:45 MK: Another problem that can be reported is a problem with a setup script 19:45:43 MK: There is a button "Open Test Page" that always opens a new window, with the test code and may have a initial javascript to setup the test 19:46:28 MK: Is there an example of a script 19:46:50 JS: The test page will tell you what should happen, if thet does not happen it is an issue 19:47:17 JS: They run when you open the test page 19:47:37 MK: Do you where having a button is? 19:48:36 ST: We are having an issue with including a button onload, we need to wrapper all the APG examples in a framework 19:49:13 ST: We are currently testing arbitrary pages 19:49:35 MK: If it is always a button with the same button with an ID 19:49:44 JS: Can we put this on the agenda 19:49:55 MK: JS seems to have similar ideas as mine 19:50:10 MK: Could e have an asynch discussion on ... 19:50:24 MK: JG we don't have the button yet 19:51:06 JS: When you said there are 21 tests, those are the one that are applicable, there are more that apply to other SR/browsers 19:51:23 MK: SOme of the tests for VO are different than for NVDA/Jaws 19:52:00 MK: The type of feedback make sense 19:52:36 present+ 19:53:39 MK: We have 6 total combinations, we are missing other combinations 19:54:45 MK: When we are looking at the tests plans these combinations should be sufficient 19:55:21 MK: I think less in more in testing the current test cases 19:55:40 ST: How do we know when we are done with this stage 19:56:16 MK: If we testers get different results, it may identify confusion over the test plan, 19:57:05 MK: So that will be one way to identify issues in the test plan, we want people to get the same results 19:57:21 MK: I want to make sure we have a mix of .... 19:57:35 MK: of experience on each one 19:58:35 MK: We need to find what we mean as a group what consistency between testers looks like 19:58:43 ST: That allows us to get started 19:59:06 ST: Do we need a way to mark when a test is done 19:59:51 MK: We need a way to move from draft to candidate plan, that can be sent to screen reader companies for their review and comment 20:00:11 MK: Then after their review we can move to a recommended plan 20:00:33 MK: Can we assign some people, people can assign themselves 20:00:52 MK: We will use calls to talk about the results 20:01:40 MK: You can start testing now, and you can raise issues 20:02:02 rrsagent, draft minutes 20:02:02 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/08/26-aria-at-minutes.html jongund 20:03:27 rrsagent, make minutes 20:03:27 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/08/26-aria-at-minutes.html Matt_King