Positive Work Environment CG

24 August 2021


Anette, annette_g, Jemma, Judy, JudyB, Tobie, Tzviya, WendyR, WSeltzer
Ralph, Tobie

Meeting minutes

Inclusion fund update

tzviya: Reads trough agenda

wseltzer: applications to the fund closed on August 15th
… with 7 applications
… passed on to short-list team

Update on Survey

Jemma: team is on track to handle this.

Tobie: I am struggling to get StackOverflow to say under what license they are releasing their survey questions
… I'm having trouble get an answer
… the data is available, but not the questions
… I'm hoping to use their questions as a starting point
… I've talked with the person that might be running the survey; he quoted me a range of costs for running another survey
… $2k - $5k

<Zakim> wseltzer, you wanted to offer legal-team assistance to talk about licensing

Tobie: he provided a set of requirements to get a more firm quote

Wendy: ^^

Tobie: thanks for the offer

Tzviya: Léonie may have talked with someone at Nomensa and might have a super-simple set of questions

Tobie: I was thinking simple too, and looking for good simple language; that's what I was hoping to get as a starting point

Tzvyia: Nomensa has worked on simple language as well

Tobie: thanks; I'll reach out to Léonie and cc you

Meeting at TPAC

tzviya: TPAC will be remote this year.
… Joint meetings on week of October 25th.
… Do we want to have an extended meeting?
… Do we want to meet with other groups?
… The Cognitive TF has asked to meet with us.

<Zakim> Judy, you wanted to mention another tpac thought

tzviya: In the past, the ID CG had talking sessions at TPAC more than work sessions.

Judy: the cognitive lang and learning TF is part of WAI. Recently finished a document on best practices connected to learning disabilities.
… wanting to take on new tasks.
… Two questions they are wondering about from process standpoint:
… 1. anonymized feedback
… for instance possibly due to changing mental health state.
… 2. anonymized feedback because the person might have a guardian or be in a similar relationship

tzviya: we would want to understand the scenario better

tzviya: suggests we meet on Oct 26th usual time slot to better understand the needs.

Judy: Last year we had training sessions at TPAC.
… these were well received.
… We should do them again.
… I'm planning to go ahead with this next year again unless folks object.

tzviya: I'm wondering whether we might have the same people as last year and so might want to provide deeper content.

Jemma: this is a good "PR" opportunity for the group.

tzviya: what about an un-minuted discussion session?

tzviya: How do we make this session welcoming to people? Do we want to do it at TPAC?

<Judy> s/anoymized feedback because the person might/also, some individuals with some disabilities might/

Judy: Your question reminds me that it was mentioned a while ago that it was sometimes difficult to have open conversations in this space because of the presence of W3C staff members including managers.

tzviya: yes this was what I had in mind.

tzviya: this wasn't only about staff, but also AB, TAG members, etc.

<tzviya> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WDsWB4oIBRZLY9KdeIH_WbePUAp0x2z1BSbjna_9UHU/edit?usp=sharing__;!!N11eV2iwtfs!7eYlwosFSxNe2vnN3HxisWXbXIuSYOBA_bhE_e3H56U7Y5tXE4OvIxngE_EbFA$

tzviya: Will follow-up on trying to organize such space spaces.

Joint meeting with the Cognitive Task Force (TF)

Working through ombuds scenarios

<Jemma> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WDsWB4oIBRZLY9KdeIH_WbePUAp0x2z1BSbjna_9UHU/edit#

tzviya: Goal is to look at the different scenarios in the linked doc.

tzviya: suggests scenarios should be less vague, more specific.

Jemma: asking clarification as to frequency of interviews

tzviya: the interviews are for recruiting Ombuds people.

tzviya: suggests working on the scenarios in real time

Jemma: what would be the motivation and incentive for the candidate to apply for this position?

tzviya: this is a volunteer position. We know it's going to be difficult to find people for this position.

annette_g: agree that these are too vague, they also give away a little more than they should

annette_g: we should have less labelling

Judy: +1 to annette_g's point
… I can find so many examples of these scenarios on a daily basis
… is the micro-agression what we really want to focus on for such interviews?

Liz: agrees, we need to craft scenarios
… so candidates can understand the scenarios and then respond to it.

<Jemma> I think asking about micro-agression can be a measurement for the sensitivity of the issues.

Liz: create scenarios around common things people experience (for example over a period of time)

<Zakim> tzviya, you wanted to talk about prompts

<Zakim> Jemma, you wanted to ask how many "regions" we will cover

<tzviya> https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/blob/main/DraftOmbudsJobDescription.md

tzviya: explains "choose your adventure" example, reminds group that we collected real scenario from the CEPC training we had

Judy: Finds conversation interesting and useful.
… Especially the threshold effect.

<lutgendorff> Agree, reflecting on CEPC is really important

Tobie: some of the scenarios are violent or urgent that need a very different response
… folks need to be ready to address these

Tzvyia: +1; we need scenarios that address emergency situation

tzviya: Looking at the micro-agression scenario, can we focus on that?

tzviya: most of us have been in such a situation

tzviya: can someone help with a more violent scenario and put at the bottom of the doc? (as this can be triggering we don't need to discuss it here).

tzviya: other kinds of scenario: very rapid (negative) response to questions/issues on GitHub which burdens the person having filed the issue to prove their point.
… "sea-lioning"

<Zakim> Jemma, you wanted to ask how to deal with" seniority", which is common culture in Asian countries

wseltzer: suggest rejecting an opinionated edit suggestion to the doc

Jemma: how do we deal with cultural differences in for example micro-agression scenarios.

tzviya: can you help? We'd very much want a broader cultural perspective.

Judy: There are sometimes scenarios where going up against some established cultural norms can cause issues/punishment after the fact. How can we handle this?

Jemma: this clearly exists.

tzviya: writing that up would be super useful. Not sure that mitigation strategies, if they exist, belong in that doc.

annette_g: should we have region-specific scenarios?

tzviya: region is just one element that someone could chose to decide which Ombuds person to reach out to.

tzviya: we need a more robust sets of scenarios.

tzviya: any other business for today?

PWE CG Group Calendar

tzviya: next meeting is on the 14th of September

Judy: that's Geek Week, so W3C staff won't be present.

tzviya: ajourning

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 136 (Thu May 27 13:50:24 2021 UTC).


Succeeded: s/team/short-list team/

Succeeded: s/talk/talk about/

Succeeded: s/worm/work/

Succeeded: s/due to/for instance possibly due to/

Succeeded: s/JaEun/Jemma/

Failed: s/anoymized feedback because the person might/also, some individuals with some disabilities might/

Succeeded: s/members/members including managers/

Succeeded: s/CPC/CEPC

Succeeded: s/pwe/CEPC

Maybe present: Liz, Tzvyia, Wendy