13:57:49 RRSAgent has joined #wpwg 13:57:49 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/08/19-wpwg-irc 13:57:56 Meeting: Web Payments Working Group 13:58:09 Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/Agenda-20210819 13:58:15 Chair: Adrian_Hope-Bailie 13:58:19 Scribe: Ian 13:59:25 agenda+ Charter 13:59:32 agenda+ Remote meeting during TPAC 13:59:40 agenda+ SPC to FPWD 13:59:54 agenda+ Deprecating Basic Card 14:00:01 agenda+ Web Monetization Workshop Recap 14:00:17 present+ Ian_Jacobs 14:00:22 present+ David_Benoit 14:01:13 Anne has joined #wpwg 14:01:15 present+ Bastien_Latge 14:01:24 present+ Anne_Pouillard 14:01:31 present+ Jean-Michel_Girard 14:02:13 present+ Uchi_Uchibeke 14:02:27 Bastien has joined #WPWG 14:02:34 present+ 14:02:36 present+ Stephen_McGruer 14:02:39 present+ Susan_Pandy 14:02:53 JMGirard has joined #wpwg 14:03:27 regrets+ Nick_Telford-Reed 14:03:41 Uchi_ has joined #wpwg 14:04:13 Fawad has joined #wpwg 14:04:20 present+ Fawad_Nisar 14:04:55 clinton has joined #wpwg 14:05:00 present+ Clinton_Allen 14:05:12 Chair: Ian_Jacobs 14:05:24 zakim, take up item 1 14:05:24 agendum 1 -- Charter -- taken up [from Ian] 14:05:48 -> https://www.w3.org/Payments/WG/charter-2021.html Draft charter 14:07:12 ACTION: Susan to review the charte.r 14:07:36 present+ Gerhard_Oosthuizen 14:07:55 Gerhard has joined #WPWG 14:08:15 ACTION: David to review the charter 14:08:30 Ian: I will hold the CfC until hearing from David and Susan. 14:08:44 zakim, close item 1 14:08:44 agendum 1, Charter, closed 14:08:45 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 14:08:45 2. Remote meeting during TPAC [from Ian] 14:08:49 zakim, take up item 2 14:08:49 agendum 2 -- Remote meeting during TPAC -- taken up [from Ian] 14:09:17 -> https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/Agenda-TPAC2021 Meeting page 14:09:49 PROPOSED: Meet 25-28 Oct 2021 14:09:59 present+ Lawrence_Cheng 14:10:17 +1 (Who knows what else I will be doing) 14:10:50 +1 (same :D) 14:11:05 Ian: Please send agenda suggestions 14:12:12 SO RESOLVED 14:12:20 zakim, close item 2 14:12:20 agendum 2, Remote meeting during TPAC, closed 14:12:21 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 14:12:21 3. SPC to FPWD [from Ian] 14:12:26 zakim, take up item 3 14:12:26 agendum 3 -- SPC to FPWD -- taken up [from Ian] 14:12:55 Ian: So far so good! 14:14:19 FYI: May do press and promotion after test results available (assuming good); aiming for early October 14:16:46 Stephen: Hope to see SPC in Chrome M95, of course subject to change. 14:17:11 https://github.com/w3c/secure-payment-confirmation/wiki/Plan-2021 14:17:54 Ian: What is status of TAG review of SPC? 14:18:06 Stephen: Field by Danyao about 9 months ago; haven't commented in many months. 14:18:14 ...once explainer is updated, I'll reraise with the TAG 14:19:31 ACTION: Stephen to reraise SPC with the TAG once the explainer has been updated (but independent of FWPD) 14:20:41 zakim, close item 3 14:20:41 agendum 3, SPC to FPWD, closed 14:20:42 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 14:20:42 4. Deprecating Basic Card [from Ian] 14:20:48 zakim, take up item 4 14:20:48 agendum 4 -- Deprecating Basic Card -- taken up [from Ian] 14:21:02 -> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-payments-wg/2021Aug/0020.html CfC re: Basic Card 14:22:12 present+ Jonathan_Grossar 14:22:18 jonathan has joined #wpwg 14:22:35 ? 14:24:13 Anne: Basic Card is useful as a generic card method. 14:24:33 ...is there an alternative planned? 14:24:46 q+ 14:26:20 Ian: I had understood we are moving away from browser-stored data to payment apps; that is orthogonal to the data model. 14:26:54 Stephen: The reality of Basic Card was that there was not enough market interest in browser-based basic card. So I think we still have long term vision questions. 14:27:17 Anne: There is a difference between browser-stored and having a standardized data model. 14:28:12 Gerhard: I agree. The contract between a merchant and a card issuer...having a standard pattern is useful. It doesn't have to be basic card. It can be token + expiry date + cryptogram. 14:28:17 ...that could be very helpful. 14:28:31 ...doesn't need to be implemented in Chrome. 14:29:01 ...what we've seen with SPC is that there is more uptake as a small problem compared to the "large problem" addressed by PR API and PH API. 14:29:30 ...I'd like to see us explore another "small topic"...tokenized pan + expiry data + cryptogram 14:29:30 q+ 14:29:36 ack Gerhard 14:30:20 https://github.com/w3c/3ds/wiki 14:31:07 https://w3c.github.io/webpayments-methods-tokenization/index.html 14:32:06 +1 14:32:10 +1 brainstorm is good. 14:32:26 present+ AdrianHB 14:33:37 ACTION: Ian to coordinate a discussion on tokenized payment format (and reach out to Anne, Gerhard, Clinton, Adrian) 14:34:03 zakim, close item 4 14:34:03 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, Ian 14:34:05 q? 14:34:07 ack me 14:34:10 zakim, close item 4 14:34:10 agendum 4, Deprecating Basic Card, closed 14:34:11 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 14:34:11 5. Web Monetization Workshop Recap [from Ian] 14:34:15 zakim, take up item 5 14:34:15 agendum 5 -- Web Monetization Workshop Recap -- taken up [from Ian] 14:34:45 AdrianHB: Web Monetization is being incubated. Coil introduced this about 2 years ago. It's being incubated in the WICG. 14:34:57 -> https://webmonetization.org/ 14:35:03 AdrianHB: How it works: 14:35:21 * Payment pointer goes in HTML header as wallet address to receive payment 14:35:47 * Payments are done in the background from a web monetization provider (wallet); this is currently implemented as a browser extension 14:36:01 ...lots of experimentation over the past year 14:36:13 ...there is a "Grant" fund to support experimentation 14:36:28 -> https://www.grantfortheweb.org/ Grant for the Web 14:36:36 ...and there was a developer workshop a couple of weeks ago 14:36:59 ...Uchi Uchibeke (Coil head of dev rel) will tell us the highlights 14:37:07 present+ Uchi_Uchibeke 14:40:08 Uchi: One observation is we should use instead of for payment pointers 14:41:07 ...we are also simplifying the event model (2 instead of 3) 14:41:52 ...another interesting topic was branding 14:42:13 ...logo today has $ but we are going to work on internationalization and branding 14:42:56 ...we may need a Web Monetization brand so that web sites can clearly communicate they accept payments through that method 14:44:00 ...Next steps after workshop: (1) spec update (2) implementation of web monetization in browser (3) rafiki open source project 14:44:39 ...we are looking to use Browser Scholar problem to foster web monetization on more browsers. 14:44:54 ...I mentioned Grant for the Web to help fund sponsor projects related to web monetization 14:45:38 -> https://github.com/interledger/rafiki Rafiki project 14:45:41 jonathan has joined #wpwg 14:45:44 Uchi: Rafiki project shows power of ILP 14:46:15 -> https://webmonetization.org/specification.html Web Monetization spec 14:46:43 [Demos that were shown at the workshop] 14:48:56 [First demo shows two wallets interacting with page in parallel] 14:49:54 [MicroDonor] 14:54:08 q? 14:55:13 AdrianHB: As a reminder, Web Monetization intends to be an open standard; suggest watching some showcases. 14:55:38 ...use cases include low-friction payments, accessing premium payments, and other use cases that would be facilitated by having low-value payment support built into the browser 14:56:06 ...if you are interested, see the Web Incubator CG 14:56:29 -> https://community.webmonetization.org/ Community discussion 14:57:26 AdrianHB: Web Monetization is close to some other use cases (e.g., digital goods) 14:57:49 ...are there people here interested in these use cases, and should web Monetization come to this group when and if it's time to standardize? 14:57:55 ..that's a question on our mind and we welcome input. 14:58:04 Topic: Next meeting 14:58:18 2 September 14:58:45 RRSAGENT, make minutes 14:58:45 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/08/19-wpwg-minutes.html Ian 14:58:47 RRSAGENT, set logs public 15:02:38 zakim, bye 15:02:38 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Ian_Jacobs, David_Benoit, Bastien_Latge, Anne_Pouillard, Jean-Michel_Girard, Uchi_Uchibeke, Bastien, Stephen_McGruer, 15:02:38 Zakim has left #wpwg 15:02:38 rrsagent, bye 15:02:38 I see 4 open action items saved in https://www.w3.org/2021/08/19-wpwg-actions.rdf : 15:02:38 ACTION: Susan to review the charte.r [1] 15:02:38 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2021/08/19-wpwg-irc#T14-07-12 15:02:38 ACTION: David to review the charter [2] 15:02:38 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2021/08/19-wpwg-irc#T14-08-15 15:02:38 ACTION: Stephen to reraise SPC with the TAG once the explainer has been updated (but independent of FWPD) [3] 15:02:38 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2021/08/19-wpwg-irc#T14-19-31 15:02:38 ACTION: Ian to coordinate a discussion on tokenized payment format (and reach out to Anne, Gerhard, Clinton, Adrian) [4] 15:02:38 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2021/08/19-wpwg-irc#T14-33-37 15:02:41 ... Susan_Pandy, Fawad_Nisar, Clinton_Allen, Gerhard_Oosthuizen, Lawrence_Cheng, Jonathan_Grossar, AdrianHB