Silver Conformance Options Subgroup

19 Aug 2021


Azlan, Jeanne, JF, PeterKorn, sajkaj, Wilco_
Bruce_Bailey, Bryan_Trogdon

Meeting minutes

Agenda Review & Administrative Items

sajkaj: New category for feedback we think may be helpful

sajkaj: zakimn next item

User Generated Content -- What Next? https://rawgit.com/w3c/silver/User_Generated/guidelines/index.html#user-generated-content

sajkaj: Next working draft has slipped a little. We are included in that. No further comments on that.

jeanne: Looked at editors note for the explainer and a number felt uncomfortable publishing so frequently with incomplete work. Resolved to postpone publishing from August to mid-September.

Chairs will send out a survey that includes the publishing sequence. They will be looking for feedback on a plan they have.

Plan for publishing in November has yet to be discussed. Concern people had about things being incomplete - suggest we now make these more complete.

Glossary Candidates https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Conformance_Glossary_Candidates

sajkaj: We might add terms to define and tweak the intro.

<jeanne> Platform definition from ATAG 2.0 <- https://www.w3.org/TR/ATAG20/#def-Platform

<jeanne> A programmatic interface that is specifically engineered to provide communication between applications and assistive technologies (e.g. MSAA, IAccessible2 and UI Automation for Windows applications, AXAPI for Mac OS X applications, GNOME Accessibility Toolkit API for GNOME applications, Java Access for Java applications). On some platforms, it may be conventional to enhance communication

<jeanne> further by implementing a document object.

<jeanne> Author definition from ATAG <- https://www.w3.org/TR/ATAG20/#def-Author

<jeanne> People who use authoring tools to create or modify web content. The term may cover roles such as content authors, designers, programmers, publishers, testers, etc. (see Part B Conformance Applicability Note 6: Multiple authoring roles). Some authoring tools control who may be an author by managing author permissions.

PeterKorn: Seems a fine idea but having deifnitions before we have language calling for them may constrain our thinking - where and how we want to use them.

<JF> +1 to Janina

sajkaj: I picked these because of the comments we had when discussing third party and they could have been addressed if people had understanding of these terms.

it might be useful to go back through recent documents and gather quotations for what we are trying to resolve and have that need drive the glossary.

PeterKorn: Third paragraph starts with "glossary of terms" but feels premature without the terms in their context to know where they apply.

<jeanne> Publishing definition from ATAG <- https://www.w3.org/TR/ATAG20/#def-Publishing

JF: generally agree but we have to start somewhere. When we add a term to this running list we capture where it is being used - this would be valuable.

Suggests a draft definition of each term alongside the locations and validate the definition against the locations where they are used.

<Zakim> jeanne, you wanted to talk aobut existing definitions in W3C

jeanne: Have added definitions as found in ATAG and WCAG for the terms listed

<JF> there may also be existing 'definitions' in the wild: https://www.shopify.com/blog/digital-products#1

sajkaj: There is desire in APA and across W3C to coordinate on glossaries

<JF> "What are some examples of digital products? Online courses and webinars. Kindle books. Audiobooks. Software programs. Web elements like Shopify or WordPress themes. Printables. Membership sites. Workbooks."

<jeanne> "A digital product is any product you sell online that doesn’t have physical form or substance."

<jeanne> "A digital product is a software enabled product or service that offers some form of utility to a human being.

<JF> A digital product is a software enabled product or service that is made available via the internet. (??)

sajkaj: next step on definitions is to find examples in our docs and see where disambiguation is necessary

jeanne: Suggest "accessibility statement" as a defined term

PeterKorn: Would drop the third paragraph because we don't know.

PeterKorn: we will start by collating our references of accessibility statements

<jeanne> EO document <- https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/Accessibility_Statements_Requirements

jeanne: EO document under development on accessiblilty statements requirements. Has a list of optional and required requirements. Resources section. Encourage everyone to read this.

<jeanne> Lainey Feingold <- https://www.lflegal.com/2013/02/access-info-pages/

Links to other resources eg. requirements in various locales. Includes the components of accessibility statements. This is another very helpful resource

sajkaj: Feel some of the things we have talked about may add to their list of requirements

<jeanne> "can be easily found, preferably linked from the home page and all page footers, available through any Help section, and available through on-site and external search engine"

jeanne: Relatively precise if a little "web specific" but we may be able to make of

<jeanne> https://www.lflegal.com/2013/02/access-info-pages/#Components-of-the-ideal-Accessibility-Statement

PeterKorn: "statement of intent with direction"

sajkaj: We shold set up communications with EO

PeterKorn: Not seeing a definition of an accessibility statemnt in the requirements doc

<PeterKorn> https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/index.php?title=Accessibility_Statements_Requirements&action=info

<jeanne> official EO page https://www.w3.org/WAI/planning/statements/

JF: do we want those accessibility statements should be machine readable?

<PeterKorn> Sorry for jumping in; I need to leave for an emergency.

sajkaj: maybe. Maybe we want certain metadata to be exposed in a particular way?

JF: there is a metadata component in epub - conforms to - to meet the requirement

JF: supportive of a mechanism for the accessibility statement to be programmatically linked to the content

jeanne: Concerned we might be putting too much into the accessibility statement - we might need a different thing

JF: An accessibility statement and a conformance stratement?

<sajkaj> https://www.w3.org/Consortium/Process/Drafts/#registries

Wilco: In EU we talked about the distinction between the statement (readable) and the reporting piece (which may or may not be machine readable)

sajkaj: Expect that kind of tension. Machine readable would be difficult to be human readable

jeanne: It's a really interesting idea and interested in how it can be addressed.

<JF> Past examples of linked statements: P3P (https://www.w3.org/P3P/), SafeSirf (https://www.safesurf.com/ssplan.htm)

<JF> *SafeSurf

The above statements are machine readable. P3P was machine generated. So there is a precedent for linked statements.

rrsagent , make minutes

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 136 (Thu May 27 13:50:24 2021 UTC).


Maybe present: Wilco