12:47:59 RRSAgent has joined #rqtf 12:47:59 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/08/18-rqtf-irc 12:48:01 RRSAgent, make logs public 12:48:04 Meeting: Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference 12:48:04 Date: 18 August 2021 12:48:09 chair: jasonjgw 12:48:12 present+ 12:48:14 agenda+ Joint working group meetings and break-out sessions planned for TPAC 2021. 12:48:14 agenda+ Synchronization accessibility User Requirements. 12:48:14 agenda+ Updates, issues or questions concerning other publication efforts of the Task Force (Natural Language, Remote Meetings, XR). 12:48:18 agenda+ Miscellaneous topics. 12:48:25 zakim, list agenda 12:48:25 I see 6 items remaining on the agenda: 12:48:26 4. Natural Language Interface Accessibility User Requirements. [from jasonjgw] 12:48:26 5. Miscellaneous topics. [from jasonjgw] 12:48:26 6. Joint working group meetings and break-out sessions planned for TPAC 2021. [from jasonjgw] 12:48:26 7. Synchronization accessibility User Requirements. [from jasonjgw] 12:48:26 8. Updates, issues or questions concerning other publication efforts of the Task Force (Natural Language, Remote Meetings, XR). [from jasonjgw] 12:48:28 9. Miscellaneous topics. [from jasonjgw] 12:48:45 zakim, clear agenda 12:48:45 agenda cleared 12:48:50 agenda+ Joint working group meetings and break-out sessions planned for TPAC 2021. 12:48:50 agenda+ Synchronization accessibility User Requirements. 12:48:50 agenda+ Updates, issues or questions concerning other publication efforts of the Task Force (Natural Language, Remote Meetings, XR). 12:48:53 agenda+ Miscellaneous topics. 12:49:04 zakim, list agenda 12:49:04 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda: 12:49:06 1. Joint working group meetings and break-out sessions planned for TPAC 2021. [from jasonjgw] 12:49:06 2. Synchronization accessibility User Requirements. [from jasonjgw] 12:49:06 3. Updates, issues or questions concerning other publication efforts of the Task Force (Natural Language, Remote Meetings, XR). [from jasonjgw] 12:49:07 4. Miscellaneous topics. [from jasonjgw] 12:55:59 janina has joined #rqtf 12:56:40 agenda? 12:56:44 present+ 12:59:27 JPaton has joined #rqtf 13:00:29 present+ 13:00:54 scribe: Joshue108 13:06:04 13:06:24 zakim, next item 13:06:24 agendum 1 -- Joint working group meetings and break-out sessions planned for TPAC 2021. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 13:07:09 JW: When we last discussed this APA was planning and co-ordinating 13:07:28 https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Meetings/TPAC_2021 13:07:29 We were to work those out - update from Janina. 13:07:40 JS: This will be the ongoing meeting link 13:08:08 It will be updated during TPAC, contain meeting info etc - please do bookmark. 13:08:18 13:08:49 We will add Google calendar links etc 13:09:04 There are proposed sessions in this doc. 13:09:44 We've asked Timed-text group if they want a session on the Synchronization Accessibility User Requirements 13:10:09 We hope to be at FPWD or beyond at TPAC 13:10:09 https://raw.githack.com/w3c/apa/main/saur/ 13:10:42 q+ 13:10:42 JS: We also have proposed longer meetings - one on the future of a11y APIs - there are some concerns over their potential end of life 13:11:00 q+ to suggest a re-framing of the time context, and to update on AOM 13:11:09 Discussions on how frameworks would handle this - or what next gen A11y APIs need to look like 13:11:25 becky has joined #rqtf 13:11:32 There are also near term requirements out of our pronunciation task force that we need to bridge 13:11:41 Relating to TTS specs etc 13:12:09 We also have breakouts - an introduction to APA publications 13:12:35 We may need more time to discuss various specs and our extensive user requirement documents 13:12:52 Should that be two sessions? Need more time? 13:13:01 COGA, will talk about content usable 13:13:14 Remote meetings with Judy and Scott to present work 13:13:45 Our main interest it scheduling so there is no clash 13:14:42 Also we have mechanisms for live captioning etc that we need to plan 13:15:05 A question is do we want to join with personalisation and pronunciation or is that too much? 13:15:13 ack judy 13:15:13 Judy, you wanted to suggest a re-framing of the time context, and to update on AOM 13:15:40 JB: Regarding the future of APIs discussion.. 13:15:52 there are other discussions relating.. 13:16:27 There is an issue around how to frame the A11y API -we need to be careful about what we imply about the timing of that. 13:16:47 They may need to transition in the next 5 years but we dont want to scare people out of using them 13:16:57 Should be framed in the future tense. 13:17:20 JB: There are discussion at W3C Management and team about the AOM 13:17:40 These conversations should also happen in APA before TPAC 13:17:53 JB: Sounds good 13:18:22 JS: Fine to all the above - the issue of coming to end of life - is about exploring the future before we get there to avoid trouble. 13:18:40 That meeting needs to have the right people there. 13:18:59 We aim to invite some key people. Then if so we can chat, otherwise won't schedule. 13:19:20 JS: I did raise this on a WAI co-ordination call. 13:19:32 James Craig was positive about doing this 13:19:44 At TPAC, as a good forum 13:20:16 Cc'ing Joanie Diggs also - and Alice Boxhall , Aaron etc 13:20:36 We can also learn from their input. 13:20:41 q? 13:21:03 JW: The closest connection is with the XR A11y work 13:21:08 But there are others. 13:21:36 If you are interested in how these all connect then that is a good conversation to be a part of. 13:22:17 JW: Regarding diagrams and charts - that is one area that ARIA is interested in, as well as limitations in current approaches 13:22:37 JS: If we can frame these an engineering problems, I'd be happy to list them 13:22:46 q+ 13:23:02 JS: Near term challenges are important conversations 13:23:57 JB: I'm looking at this from the perspective of how others who are new to the group - so want to give some background 13:24:03 13:24:21 13:25:40 ack judy 13:25:46 JW: Any questions? 13:26:16 q? 13:26:32 JS: Can I return to the time issue a la breakouts? 13:26:56 Single session or presentation of individual sessions on each user requirements document. 13:27:22 JW: First reaction, is if covering all of them - that session could be tricky. 13:27:36 Brevity vs sufficiency 13:27:43 In one hour 13:28:02 Recent publications also will entail more exposition as well as questions. 13:28:13 Seems crowded to me 13:28:20 JS: Will we split it? 13:28:29 s/Judy gives background/Judy describes Technical Plenary and Advisory Committee meeting as (currently) a two-week virtual opportunity for the W3C accessibility area to sync up with other W3C working groups, with a lot of pre-arranged joint meetings/ 13:28:36 JW: Yes, are they in hour long blocks 13:28:37 q+ 13:29:06 JW: some prep and advance notice would be needed 13:29:35 JW: Other points of view 13:29:37 ack me 13:30:23 Josh: suggests organizing the sessions to group related documents together. 13:30:52 JS: Wants to know what to do. 13:31:10 JS: If slots are at a premium, you could tend towards one over two. 13:31:39 If you could get two sessions set up - that may be better approach - time needed for questions etc 13:31:51 JS: I'm looking at Jason and Josh as presenters. 13:32:19 Thinking of the docs we have - and some new items for TPAC - such as the Natural Language A11y User Requirements. 13:32:24 What do you want to do? 13:32:40 Can they be combined? What should the wider W3C need to know. 13:32:58 Add up the time - 25 mins max each? 13:33:44 JW: 5 min summaries of each - Media Syn, Natural Language, XR, WebRTC etc 13:33:57 Remote meetings - looking at 2-25 minutes. 13:34:22 JOC: Are we looking at divided sessions? 13:35:57 JS: We can look at this and I can be a good referee. 13:36:04 JS: We can set up a page etc 13:36:14 JW: Should we revisit this next week? 13:36:34 Judy has joined #rqtf 13:36:43 JS: Coming to a decision soon would be good 13:36:49 JW: Next weeks agenda 13:37:12 JS: There is a link also to the Silver / Accessibility Guidelines Working Group also 13:37:26 Some of our user requirements doc are relevant here also 13:37:58 JS: Looks to Judy for tech solution, CSS? To prevent flashing. 13:38:08 JB: Gives overview on MIT research 13:38:50 Flash mitigation in streaming video using micro second sandboxing techniques that scans luminosity variance. 13:39:17 Can reduce seizure triggers - we need to work out how to deploy that 13:40:01 JB: Lets follow up on that 13:40:13 JS: Want to discuss how to deploy solutions 13:40:48 In browsers or media platforms. 13:41:02 JS: Questions license 13:41:08 JB: Answers question 13:41:37 JS: Will add an agendum to following week 13:41:46 13:42:31 JW: Other questions? 13:42:38 zakim, next item 13:42:38 agendum 2 -- Synchronization accessibility User Requirements. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 13:43:09 Raja has joined #rqtf 13:43:12 JW: This is the first of our new docs that we want to bring to first public working draft (FPWD) 13:43:14 https://raw.githack.com/w3c/apa/main/saur/ 13:43:34 JW: It is pretty stable. 13:43:56 What more do we want to do before we publish? 13:44:08 q+ 13:44:08 JS: I want to take an editors pass. 13:44:52 JS: If we want to publish early Sept, the first week may be bad - but we may have participation problems, hols and labour day etc. 13:45:02 ack Raja 13:45:27 RK: Please clarify - for the information access, the synchronization was a little bit unclear 13:45:41 THere is a subtle difference between the two. 13:45:50 The use cases vs information 13:46:04 JS: Something in the doc could be better presented? 13:46:22 RK: Is it tor both info like video or conferences? 13:46:29 s/tor/for 13:46:49 JS: One reason to take an editor pass, is to be sure we have made things clear. 13:47:00 What real world expectations should be etc. 13:47:15 Maybe our RTC doc needs to contain more of this? 13:47:54 JS: It starts with people needing speech and audio latency falling within certain tolerances 13:48:06 Regular people lip read without knowing it. 13:48:52 We need to be clear about distinctions - so movies and live things are covered properly. 13:49:17 JW: The doc does discuss tolerances in different media 13:49:42 Mostly similar, but what can be realistically be done in various contexts is different. 13:50:17 What is reasonable and appropriate may differ 13:50:38 JW: Sounds tight, so what is your availability for editors pass? 13:51:01 JB: Michael back next week. 13:51:07 q+ 13:51:22 JS: We can give ourselves a week to review? 13:51:36 We can say we will publish and that triggers an APA CFC 13:51:50 maybe into the second full week of September. 13:52:06 We could publish around the 14th and 16th of Sept 13:52:23 we could keep the comment period open through TPAC 13:52:29 how does that sound? 13:53:06 JW: We been discussing live and pre-recorded media - and if there are issues that can be fixed or resolved in a second working draft. 13:53:31 JS: An editors note may be sufficient. 13:53:58 We are presenting available research etc - vs other guidance that is experiential 13:54:30 JS: Asking for comments is not a bad thing to ask. 13:54:39 I agree 13:54:53 JW: Summary and guidance - also good. Editors note I can add. 13:55:14 JS: Any reply from the Madeline? 13:55:18 JW: Yes 13:55:29 They are interested. 13:55:50 And window to review. 13:55:53 ack me 13:56:17 Josh: offers to help with the editorial review as well as the publication preparation. 13:57:16 JS: We will be looking for others to review 13:57:26 zakim, next item 13:57:26 agendum 3 -- Updates, issues or questions concerning other publication efforts of the Task Force (Natural Language, Remote Meetings, XR). -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 13:57:40 JS: Regarding our other publication efforts 13:57:59 There has work been going on with Natural Language Accessibility from Josh 13:58:19 A11y of remote meetings - I've raised an issue on Github, clarity needed 13:58:28 Thats it mostly 13:59:29 Josh: XR Accessibility User Requirements is in a publication-ready state; Michael will address the publication process upon his return. 13:59:58 trackbot, end meeting 13:59:58 Zakim, list attendees 13:59:58 As of this point the attendees have been jasonjgw, scott_h, Joshue, janina, SteveNoble, Judy 14:00:06 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 14:00:06 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/08/18-rqtf-minutes.html trackbot 14:00:07 RRSAgent, bye 14:00:07 I see no action items