12:51:30 RRSAgent has joined #silver 12:51:30 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/08/13-silver-irc 12:51:32 agenda? 12:51:33 RRSAgent, make logs Public 12:51:33 Meeting: Silver Task Force & Community Group 12:51:44 agenda+ User Generated Content update 12:51:45 agenda+ TPAC update 12:51:49 Present+ 13:11:30 jeanne has joined #silver 13:41:35 sajkaj has joined #silver 13:49:57 zakim, start meeting 13:49:57 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:49:58 Meeting: Silver Task Force & Community Group 13:50:25 chair: Lauriat, jeanne 13:51:14 agenda? 13:59:34 Chuck_ has joined #silver 14:00:00 quantum regrets. I could attain a state during the call where I must leave, and it could occur w/o notice. 14:01:31 present+ 14:01:47 we all get 100 14:01:50 for attendance 14:03:04 Topic: Low Vision and Visual Contrast 14:03:08 scribe: jeanne 14:03:28 Wilco has joined #silver 14:03:31 PeterKorn has joined #silver 14:03:37 Chris: we have a survey out to people interested for scheduling a meeting 14:03:39 Present+ 14:03:49 ... We are looking at Thursday at 11:00 14:03:52 present+ 14:04:18 ... we are looking to use Github projects vs the issue tracker itself 14:04:44 ... that is ready to go and just waiting whether we will have synchronous vs asynchronous 14:05:15 ... main topic is supplemental guidance 14:05:41 ... then Silver visual contrast and broaden beyond text 14:05:59 SuzanneTaylor has joined #silver 14:06:37 Jemma has joined #silver 14:06:47 JS: Are you going to make any changes for the November heartbeat? 14:06:50 present+ 14:07:06 agenda? 14:07:56 present+ 14:08:00 CL: Other than the Andy pull request we don't have anything new. 14:08:25 JS: We haven't been able to accept that pull request because of the complexity 14:09:13 CL: I think that is at the chairs & staff level 14:09:31 JS: I doubt it can get into AG 14:10:27 s/ get into AG/ get into August draft because it hasn't been presented to AG 14:11:34 JS: What do you think the relationship should be between LV and vision subgroup of Silver? 14:13:07 CL: I think the subgroup should be closed and liase with Low Vision 14:15:58 I have to drop at / just after the half hour 14:16:02 No disagreement 14:16:20 ,zakim, take up next 14:16:26 scribe: ChrisLoiselle 14:16:27 zakim, take up next 14:16:27 agendum 1 -- User Generated Content update -- taken up [from Lauriat] 14:17:20 Jeanne: Talks to outcome not passing on three part proposal. 14:18:18 ... suggests editor's note 14:18:30 https://rawgit.com/w3c/silver/User_Generated/guidelines/index.html#user-generated-content 14:19:00 Janina: Provides link to user generated link off of conference meeting had on topic 14:19:52 ... Concept is not just websites . WCAG 3 is to think more broadly , i.e. mobile apps etc. 14:21:14 q+ 14:21:27 Janina: Wanted to follow up with Laura on topics raised. Laura didn't have issues on repetitive part. Accessibility statement placement should be in a more consistent more findable place. 14:21:31 q? 14:22:18 Janina: Speaks to COGA and findable use of information , what are the suggestions here on accessibility statement placement, etc. 14:22:21 SuzanneT has joined #silver 14:22:24 q? 14:23:07 q+ 14:23:24 PeterK: Challenge is the location of accessibility statement . Ensures user generated content is accessible as possible, through prompting , etc. 14:23:53 PeterK: accessibility statement, if used, should be linked to page where content exists. 14:24:28 q+ 14:24:50 PeterK: Thoughts on accessibility statements is a discussion to come. Recommendation is to pursue that as a separate topic in of itself vs. content usable discussion topic. 14:24:53 q? 14:24:56 ack Pet 14:26:22 Janina: I think we talked to that and is possibly in the minutes from yesterday's meeting. 14:26:24 q? 14:26:28 I think we need to know how the user generated outcomes impact the standard outcomes, before we can effectively comment on the location of this notice 14:26:47 Janina: I think Laura's objection is raising it now rather than later. 14:26:48 q? 14:27:11 q+ 14:28:20 Chuck: Wanted to talk to the fact about exceptions will be reviewed . 14:28:43 +1 to Chuck, until the scoring is all settled, the issue of exceptions will likely be raised (and rightly so, that is a valid concern) 14:29:06 Jeanne: Editor's note talks to user generated content. Link to editor's note: https://rawgit.com/w3c/silver/User_Generated/guidelines/index.html#issue-container-generatedID-17 14:29:43 my question about "Unless User Generated Content requirements are specified in a particular guideline, that guideline applies as written whether or not the content is User Generated." before the editor's note 14:29:49 Chuck: I like what is written. 14:29:51 q? 14:29:54 ack chu 14:29:58 ack jemm 14:30:21 Jemma: On editor's note, I have a question. "Unless User Generated Content requirements are specified in a particular guideline, that guideline applies as written whether or not the content is User Generated." before the editor's note 14:30:22 "Unless User Generated Content requirements are specified in a particular guideline, that guideline applies as written whether or not the content is User Generated." 14:31:23 Janina: Anytime we want to say content is user generated, we would list out guideline by guideline . What this is saying is that if there isn't something about user generated , it applies just as written. 14:31:57 Jemma: Maybe we need what you just stated in the editors note to make it understandable on applicability. 14:32:00 q? 14:32:12 q+ to ask if specifying user-generated considerations should go into the context-specific test, rather than the guideline itself, since it would need to take the technology/platform into account. 14:32:24 Janina: If it isn't there, it applies to whoever generated it. 14:33:29 Janina: Editor's note specifies that specific outcomes will apply, but we don't have one at moment . 14:34:24 Jemma: I hear the challenges to get this passed , as the error subgroup has same challenges. 14:34:28 ack jeanne 14:34:30 q? 14:34:36 qv? 14:34:54 Jeanne: Drop back to language that call for consensus spoke toward. 14:35:11 ack jeann 14:35:23 PeterK: does that we don't tackle the accessibility statement part? 14:35:44 Jeanne: Yes, that would mean that. 14:35:53 PeterK: When would CfC go out? 14:36:02 Jeanne: Soon. 14:36:04 q? 14:36:20 Suzanne: Does that imply an exception ? 14:36:27 q? 14:37:21 q- 14:37:36 +1 to the note about the statement no making sense 14:37:56 PeterK: I see us recommending but also receiving a lot of feedback on the issue. I don't want to miss August draft though. But this topic needs work. The location requirements of an accessibility is not where to talk to this issue. 14:37:57 q? 14:38:23 q+ 14:38:36 PeterK: Can we set a timebox on the topic of accessibility statement location ? 14:38:37 q? 14:38:41 ack chu 14:39:49 Chuck: Anything we do that may change CfC would nullify the CfC if it is a change. Pre CfC , we'd need to revisit the do you continue to support this. 14:40:29 PeterK: Anything beyond editorial, yes. 14:40:31 q? 14:41:04 PeterK: Let us move forward with CfC and see where we are on the comments therafter. 14:41:06 q? 14:42:01 Janina: I'm inclined to keep the editors note. 14:42:03 q? 14:42:23 +1 to rachael's idea 14:42:53 Jeanne: Whoever has seen the editors note, has not objected. 14:42:54 q? 14:43:53 q? 14:43:56 q+ 14:44:11 Janina: I would like that . 14:44:15 Chuck: plus 1 14:44:17 q? 14:46:12 q+ 14:48:20 ack chri 14:48:26 ack saj 14:49:15 Janina: I think they need to be on a level on where they need to be. 14:49:46 q+ 14:50:00 Janina: I think we can talk to it in different places. 14:51:09 q+ to suggest coupling a survey with the heartbeat 14:51:19 ack Chris 14:53:27 Reference https://www.w3.org/WAI/planning/statements/generator/#preview 14:53:29 https://www.w3.org/WAI/planning/statements/generator/ 14:53:51 ack Suz 14:53:51 SuzanneT, you wanted to suggest coupling a survey with the heartbeat 14:54:08 https://www.w3.org/WAI/planning/statements/ 14:54:14 Accessibility statements should be easy to find. Linking them from several places, such as from the footer, help menu, sitemap, about page, and other prominent areas helps users to find them. Use consistent link names for your accessibility statements to help users recognize them. This includes link names across the content of your website and mobile applications, and across groups of related websites and mobile applications. For 14:54:14 example, use the same link name on all web pages to refer to an accessibility statement for that website, and use that same link name to refer to the accessibility statement of the mobile application version of the website. 14:54:36 q+ to address Suzanne and survey 14:54:57 Suzanne: On heartbeat , perhaps we talk to this on where it is placed in a survey. 14:55:12 sorry, gotta fly 14:55:27 agenda? 14:55:37 queue? 14:55:45 q? 14:56:14 Jeanne: Survey is typically not how we receive feedback on these type issues on drafts. It is an interesting idea. 14:57:25 Jeanne: Subgroup for accessibility statements? 14:57:37 ShawnL: May be premature. 14:58:17 The team that wrote the accessibility statement link on w3c is Project Team: Shadi Abou-Zahra, Eric Velleman, Sanne Eendebak, Roel Antonisse, and Bas de Bruin for reference's sake. 14:59:15 +1 to group to focus on accessibility statements 14:59:28 Jeanne: I will do draft of statement. 14:59:50 rrsagent, make minutes 14:59:50 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/08/13-silver-minutes.html ChrisLoiselle 15:02:45 regrets+ Azlan, Todd, Sarah 15:02:50 rrsagent, make minutes 15:02:50 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/08/13-silver-minutes.html jeanne 15:38:27 join_subline has joined #silver 18:10:05 jeanne has joined #silver 18:19:21 sajkaj has left #silver