Personalization Task Force Teleconference

09 August 2021



Meeting minutes


Reminder, W3C Events Team survey due 20 August 2021

Lionel_Wolberger: reminder for W3C events team agenda? Any other topics?

Lionel_Wolberger: no other topics

Check in with 3 TPAC meeting owners that they are on track with their agenda

Lionel_Wolberger: EPUB, silver, low vision - joint meeting status?

janina: APA chairs reviewed the list of meetings, with have too many, will try to consolidate at APA chairs meeting

janina: very important that we have clear, concise agenda since will be sharing time with other groups; need to be well prepared

Janina: suggest waiting to assign personalization owners for specific meetings;

Matthew_Atkinson: Both Lisa and I are involved in this epub/silver/low vision meeting

LisaSeemanKest: overview and coga are ones I was involved with

janina: expect coga meeting will remain - Lisa and Rain will have most control, personalization is part to address coga concerns/issues, etc

LisaSeemanKest: coga group is confused about what this group does

LisaSeemanKest: want to work together to get the user needs

janina: think it is okay to repeat the overview from the overview meeting with Coga; but won't have time to go into content module 2&3 in overview but important for coga

<Lionel_Wolberger> https://www.w3.org/2021/07/26-personalization-minutes.html

Lionel_Wolberger: internationalization?

<Lionel_Wolberger> In the above minutes you can see the owners and outlines of the agenda(s)

janina: I am responsible for working on a meeting time with internationalization; Asks Lisa if she is only person necessary to discuss AAC? Would like to have this call before TPAC

LisaSeemanKest: Would be good to have Steve Lee.

LisaSeemanKest: comments that we could use more of steve's expertise in this group :-)

janina: seems that i18n believes a meeting with us is a good idea (based on comments within the issue); I will start with this meeting time as the proposed time for a meeting.

janina: will be in touch with Steve and Rain and i18n to schedule

janina: there is actually a wiki that helps with various holidays; Lionel and Lisa will be out on Sept 7&8

Get status from our APA chairs regarding our 3 TPAC meetings

Lionel_Wolberger: covered via previous agenda item

zakim. close this item

Blockers to CR? Summary and review of action items (see git for Matt's comments)

<Lionel_Wolberger> https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/issues

Lionel_Wolberger: provides git link to actions

Lionel_Wolberger: only 5 items showing; #144 will be covered by i18n meeting

Lionel_Wolberger: #128 will be kept open - personalization semantic demo from Mozilla/firefox

CharlesL: I have reached out to author a few times; he has responded that will provide demo but nothing happens

janina: perhaps not pester him too much until our 2nd CR (once we ask WHATWG for reserved prefix)

<CharlesL> +1 agreed with Roy & Janina

roy: agree with Janina; this issue is not a blocker for document to go to CR; This is an implementation and we will need eventually for PR

janina: cr - candidate recommendation is "world's" notice that we are getting close to being a specification and last chance for comments; CR's last for 60 days. At end of CR transistion to PR (proposed recommendation) and have to show implementation of normative requirements. Must have 2 implementations of each normative requirements. Need that before going to director; then go to Advisory Committee for vote. If it passes AC then it goes

to TR (technical recommendation) 1.0; Might rev. in the future

Lionel_Wolberger: #183 https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/issues/183, Links to origins of values for @action, @destination, @distraction

Matthew_Atkinson: We discussed this last week; This issue is asking if there is any publically available research or established research from which the list of attributes was pulled? Understand that this comes from experience of COGA; But, if there is anything would like to see that referenced.

Matthew_Atkinson: doesn't see this as a blocker

LisaSeemanKest: there really isn't any established papers - we did look. I believe User1st collected some data for personalization group; They sent some requests for items but we didn't incorporate them.

JF: I understand the question but concerned that it is linked to the spec. via the issues; This is not common request and not sure where we would include any references.

Matthew_Atkinson: last week we suggested referring to Content Usable; I'm okay with closing the issue.

Janina: agree, site content usable, that is the best we have; One reason to do this is because we are breaking new ground and more support would not hurt. We can include formal citations but they are not required

JF: can't recall any other spec. providing references/citations to research;

Janina: don't believe we need to worry about this issue once we close it

Lionel_Wolberger: ready to close #183 as it is not required for CR; asks Matthew to add a comment and close

Lionel_Wolberger: issue #184 https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/issues/184 Implied essentiality levels of some @action values

Matthew_Atkinson: believe Charles made a suggestion that we discussed and agreed with

CharlesL: provide new wording within github issue - just need to put into document if everyone agrees

JF: will this be an editorial change to be made? If so, I can take the action

Matthew_Atkinson: this was discussed on the call on May 24 but did not discuss last week. Suggest we look at the proposal - I believe we agree during the call.

Minutes of call: https://www.w3.org/2021/05/24-personalization-minutes.html#x103

CharlesL: just added clarification about how escape will disregard any changes made to a dialog; Cancel will abort the operation and if there is no cancel button, escape press must perform the cancel

Matthew_Atkinson: this issue is about items visually present within the interface; are we saying that there must be a cancel button? Or are we just saying that if cancel is there it must be marked as critical?

Matthew_Atkinson: correction: the default role of cancel is critical

Action: JF to update Module 1 based on Issue #184

<trackbot> Created ACTION-91 - Update module 1 based on issue #184 [on John Foliot - due 2021-08-16].

Lionel_Wolberger: clarifies that we are accepting the text proposed at the May 24 call.

Sharon: will close once the changes are made to the document

Lionel_Wolberger: issue #170 https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/issues/170 Content Module 1 - Distraction values and examples need to be updated

sharon: JF had an action referenced in the issue comments

JF: will work on this for next week

Lionel_Wolberger: good progress? Any other blockers to CR

Matthew_Atkinson: I'm still looking into the code examples that are not compliant to the spec; I am still working on this

Lionel_Wolberger: I believe we agreed it is not a blocker since the examples are in a wiki page

Matthew_Atkinson: agreed it is not a blocker but will work to complete before CR

Lionel_Wolberger: anything that could block us outside of this list?

Janina: reviews process to get the CFC started

Matthew_Atkinson: asked a question about post 1.0 work - want to make sure we are not precluding future work in our spec. See post to the list

becky: Matthew's post: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-personalization-tf/2021Jul/0023.html

sharon: just a reminder that i18n is blocking us;

<LisaSeemanKest> follow on call.

Janina: reviews what CfC request will contain

Summary of action items

  1. JF to update Module 1 based on Issue #184
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 136 (Thu May 27 13:50:24 2021 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: becky

Maybe present: becky, CharlesL, janina, JF, Lionel_Wolberger, LisaSeemanKest, Matthew_Atkinson, roy, Sharon