11:54:37 RRSAgent has joined #miniapp 11:54:37 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/07/15-miniapp-irc 11:54:46 rrsagent, make log public 11:54:52 Meeting: MiniApps CG Monthly TeleConf 11:54:56 present+ 11:55:00 scribe+ 11:59:38 present+ qing 11:59:49 present+ wenli_zhang 11:59:56 present+ zitao_wang 12:02:25 present+ changhao_liang 12:02:39 present+ yan_yumeng 12:02:43 present+ yongjing 12:02:58 present+ kester_bishop 12:03:36 dan: @@ 12:03:54 xueyuan_ has joined #miniapp 12:03:59 present+ bingqing_zhou 12:04:13 present+ tengyuan_zhang 12:04:48 https://github.com/MichaelWangzitao/MiniApp-UI-Componets/blob/main/explainer.md 12:05:06 zitao: did some home work to research related standards 12:05:14 ... rough work 12:05:17 ... help needed 12:06:30 ... current MiniApp impls use different markup languages 12:08:00 ... for example, if a developer wants to develop a miniapp for both WeChat and Alipay, there will be difficulties at present 12:08:14 ... comments are welcome 12:08:37 martin has joined #miniapp 12:08:47 present+ 12:08:53 ... we can standard component names and attributes 12:09:00 s/standard/standardize 12:10:23 ... need to align with Open UI, web components etc. 12:11:03 ... wrote a gap analysis comparing with existing standard UI components 12:11:37 ... I think the CG can work on it together 12:11:43 ... any comments? 12:11:57 present+ jia_wang 12:12:11 dan: components like input 12:12:22 ... do we extend html or just standardize it in MiniApps 12:12:51 ... maybe we should create new elements in MiniApps because some attributes are different 12:13:09 zitao: we can reuse existing standards as much as possible 12:13:29 ... and extending them 12:14:00 dan: the image element is different from html 12:14:03 q+ 12:14:12 zitao: you can help me improve the document 12:14:16 ... it's open discussion 12:15:03 ... do you think the CG should pick up this topic and start standardizing it? 12:15:09 ... if so we can move the repo to the CG 12:15:24 dan: make sens to me 12:16:16 martin: collecting what are the common elements and their attributes as use cases 12:16:26 ... and then we can discuss the standardization process 12:16:47 ... overlap work with open ui and web components 12:16:56 ... at least we should explore existing standards 12:17:16 ... collect use cases and common components 12:17:36 ... and decide whether we should create a new markup language or reuse existing ones 12:17:42 ... focus on use cases first 12:18:01 ack mar 12:18:20 dan: i think each components should be discussed separately 12:18:24 zitao: works for me 12:18:38 ... happy to discuss with you one by one 12:19:38 qing: html provides similar components 12:19:58 ... whether to use @@ 12:20:26 ... not sure all the vendors are willing to change existing implementations 12:20:50 s/@@/html components/ 12:23:34 xfq: can create a repo for it 12:23:52 +1 to start discussing UI components in a new repo 12:24:29 dan: iot 12:24:46 https://github.com/w3c/miniapp/issues/157 12:24:58 qing: no major update 12:25:43 ... plan is to @@ 12:25:59 ... in the last CG meeting martin showed some interest 12:27:08 martin: i haven't added input apart from the comment in the issue 12:27:14 ... will send some input soon 12:27:33 dan: any other comments? 12:27:47 dan: addressing 12:27:53 ... thanks for yongjing's comments 12:28:25 ... updated the PR 12:28:36 ... now all MiniApp vendors use custom scheme 12:28:40 ... if we use https 12:28:51 ... we may face some compat problems 12:28:54 ... for example 12:29:01 ... https is not supported on android 6 12:29:16 ... would like to ask other vendors' opinions 12:29:49 present+ gaoliang 12:31:25 qing: problem with iOS? 12:31:54 dan: iOS updates are fast 12:31:58 ... so not a problem 12:32:30 qing: @@ 12:32:46 [debug audio issues] 12:33:05 qing: we can talk offline 12:33:16 dan: any other comments? 12:34:20 dan: next meeting august 19 12:34:57 rrsagent, make minutes 12:34:57 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/07/15-miniapp-minutes.html xfq 12:45:27 xfq_ has joined #miniapp 13:29:14 xfq_ has joined #miniapp 14:38:38 Zakim has left #miniapp