Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Working Group Teleconference

14 July 2021


alisonmaher, bkardell_, bmathwig, bradk, cbiesinger, chris, dandclark, dholbert, emilio, florian, jfkthame, lea, masonf, miriam, Morgan, plinss, rachelandrew, Rossen_, smfr, tantek
fantasai, TabAtkins

Meeting minutes

<TabAtkins> getting ahead a bit: elika and I haven't had time to meet yet to discuss #2 (the aspect ratio issue) - we'll be doing so tomorrow. we should bump this to next week.

<astearns> OK, thanks

<dbaron[m]> Preent+

astearns: pushing item 2 to next week

<astearns> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2021Jul/0007.html

astearns: adding request for css-color-5 WD

astearns: any other changes to agenda?

CSS Color 5

astearns: We'd agreed to publish after changes in for color-adjust

astearns: Those changes now in

astearns: Any objections to publishing?

Resolution: update WD of css-color-5


Rossen_: ...

astearns: Two weeks from now we're having long-form vF2F meetings intead of the Wed call

astearns: People have started adding items to that agenda

astearns: Please look into what topics would be good to cover during those meetings and add to agenda

Rossen_: Also, there's a Color API meeting tomorrow. Seems everyone has agreed to move to 10am Pacific (except haven't heard from Pierre)

Rossen_: Lea, can you update the calendar?

lea: I don't have access, maybe ChrisL can do it?

Counter Styles


<astearns> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2021Jul/0000.html

astearns: Has changes list, Disposition of Comments, some HR responses, all described in link above

astearns: My only question is about tests, are there updated tests for the changes?


astearns: It would be nice, and will be needed to progress any further

<chris> looks good to me

astearns: Any other comments on this?

astearns: Any objections?

Resolution: Publish updated CR of css-counter-styles-3

<chris> so is this a CRS or CRD?


Cascade 5

github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6407

miriam: Question was about defining layers defined inside global conditions like @media

miriam: but open issue about non-global condition like container queries

miriam: Thread concluded should always affect layer order

TabAtkins: Looks good

emilio: How do auto-conditionals behave inside container queries?

emilio: Is there a real use case for this?

miriam: If you want some of the things in the container query to be layered or not

<TabAtkins> fantasai: the clarification here is that there's no particular use-case for the layer existing or not conditionally, but there is a use-case for having layered styles in there, so we ahve to define it

emilio: Unfortunate to have to traverse everything

emilio: when building data structure, when finding media/supports query that doesnt' match

emilio: just skip all the rules

emilio: but here you are forced to read all the rules on the page

miriam: you have to do that anyway, because container queries aren't global, you have to read them to understand the page

TabAtkins: I think emilio misunderstood

TabAtkins: in global conditionals, they are conditional

emilio: Oh, I thought we were reverting on that. No, this makes sense.

astearns: Other comments on this?

astearns: If layer is introduced in a container query rule, it always affects layer order, whether or not that query matches anything

miriam: more broadly, any non-global condition

astearns: Any other non-globls?

miriam: Not yet

astearns: Adding that as the reason for this requirement would probably help future spec development, so add editorially

Resolution: If a layer is introduced in a non-global conditional rule (such as a container query), it always affects the layer order, whether or not that query matches

Values and Units L4

<fantasai> github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4329#issuecomment-863677668

fantasai: Tab and I comitted the changes for our earlier resolution on these joint issues (this and next)

<fantasai> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6113

fantasai: we resolved to add viewport units to represent the "small" and "dynamic" viewport

fantasai: there are a couple open qustions still

fantasai: One was whether dynamic should be a unit or an env()

fantasai: We went for unit based on comments from Rachel Andrews that it would be easier to teach

fantasai: Main reason for env() was to deliberately make it more awkward to use.

fantasai: Right now tho, the draft is using units; we can reopen that discussion if people wish

fantasai: Other question is we have an unprefixed set of units (vw/etc) and two prefixed sets (svw/etc, dvw/etc)

fantasai: Do we want an explicit set of "larger" prefixed units for symmetry?

fantasai: And if we do that, should we allow the unprefixed values to do something smarter? Right now they're the larger viewport, but this causes some troubles and browsers might want to do something smarter.

fantasai: So do we want to give CSS some flexibility for the unprefixed units?

fantasai: So first quesiton to tackle: anyone want us to switch the dynamic units to being an env()?

jensimmons: I think it works well as a unit. Authors will need and use it, and having it be the same as the other units will make it much easier to use.

<florian> +1

<miriam> +1

<rachelandrew> +1

Rossen_: Do we ahve a particularly well-defined guidance on how and when to add value types vs env()? It woudl be unfortunate if we end up in a situation where scrollbar-width is in an env() but viewport-width is in a unit, etc

fantasai: We don't have this written down, but the basic principle is if you're likely to want multiples of this other than 1.

fantasai: Like for safe-area-inset, you don't want 30% of it, or 5x that.

fantasai: You might add some more length to it, some extra px or something, but very unlikely to want to multiply it by a number.

fantasai: But for viewport units it's very common to want 50vh/etc, so it makes more sense to be a unit where it's easier to do that

Rossen_: I can see how this could make sense from a usage pov

Rossen_: At the same time I could argue the inset should be a unit regardless of whether you'd want it to be x1 or not

florian: Other factor is if the value depends on where you are in the tree, it must be a unit. If it doesn't, either works.

florian: For example, width of scrollbars cannot be an env() because it changes based on the unit you're applying it to.

emilio: Having units depend on computed values of properties is kinda sketchy...

florian: Sure, but still like having font-size expressed in an env() doesn't make sense, so you need em

<bmathwig> width of scrollbars can't change depending on element, it's fixed in most UA implementations

emilio: Sure, tho there's only two scrollbar widths. Could still be done as two env()s

plinss: I don't feel too strongly, but I'm a little concerned about proliferation of units.

<florian> bmathwig, see https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scrollbars/#scrollbar-width

plinss: If the non-unit syntax ends up unwieldy, we can work on that.

Rossen_: Basically same for me. I'd also like us to formulate a more general reasoning for when to use units vs env()

<bmathwig> auto | thin | none only applies to classical scrollbars and not overlay scrollbars that have zero-width in layout computations

Rossen_: But overall I don't object.

<bmathwig> Blink is moving towards overlay scrollbars on Windows in the next few months

fantasai: Okay so it sounds like we should resolve on dvh being units

<fantasai> bmathwig, that doesn't change the matter of the width of the scrollbar, only how much space it takes up in layout

Resolution: "dynamic" viewport does indeed use units, not env()

fantasai: So next is about unprefixed units.

fantasai: Do we want an explicit large-prefixed set to go with the others?

jensimmons: been a lot of convo on WK team last week about how these work

jensimmons: We feel very strongly there should be an lvh unit

jensimmons: And the vh unit should no longer be defined as longest length; it should instead be something more flexible that the UA can decide on based on what they're doing with their particular browser

<bmathwig> fantasai, very true

<lea> I'm all up for making vw/vh more useful, but how web compatible is this change?

florian: I see why you'd want the flexibility for this, to provide best UX possible, I'm concerned about variance in behavior that would cause content to be off-screen in one browser, etc.

fantasai: tbf that's already happening today

jensimmons: Lea made a comment about webcompat, that's absolutely a concern

jensimmons: I think having this be flexible so UA can make the best decision to present the fewest compat problems

jensimmons: And by giving authors the explicit lvh and others let them choose the right one for their website

<florian> I'm sold :)

<lea> +1 for this change from me

jensimmons: But browsers may need flexibility to redefine that vh itself based on individual pages

<fantasai> +1 from me also

emilio: I think any change to vh should probably be a [...? missed]

emilio: I think we want a definition in the spec we can implement interoperably

<emilio> s/be a ?/ consider compat, but...

fantasai: So I think we have agreement to add "large" viewport units, make vh/etc ambiguous at the moment (and gradually make it clear what this actually means)

fantasai: So for now we say it's UA-defined and it must fall in the range of svh and lvh

florian: Also a note that if any UA uses the flexibility to make it something other than the three explicit ones, come back to the group so that we can see if it is something we could spec

emilio: Can we file an issue to explore the compat of vh/etc?

fantasai: We should also have an issue about what is the ICB in these cases, and that's probably should be the same as the unprefixed units

jensimmons: I noticed in the discussion there was some discussion about the "l" standing for "layout viewport", but I like it better to be "longest"

<florian> +1 to s/d/l as the naming

fantasai: Earlier we were thinking we'd use an "l" prefix for the dynamic one. Now we're gonna do small/large for s/l, or short/long, whichever you prefer to talk about

Resolution: Add lvh as explicit "large viewport" unit

astearns: So second is about redefining vh

fantasai: Currently the spec is actually extremely vague

fantasai: it just says "it's the size of the viewport"

fantasai: So the resolution here would be to maintain the ambiguity

florian: Maintain ambiguity or explicitly say it's UA-defined?

fantasai: I'm fine with either

florian: I'd prefer UA-defined with the note i said earlier

florian: About UAs reporting to the WG if they do somethign creative

astearns: Any objections?

Resolution: vh/etc are deliberately UA-defined

fantasai: That should be it for this issue, tho we need to open that issue about the nuances of vh

astearns: I'd encourage people to file new issues for any further discussions, these issues got long and intertwined and it'll be easier with new issues

Publishing Values 4

<fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-4/#changes

fantasai: I'll fold in these edits we just agreed to

fantasai: But besides that we have a handful of changes

fantasai: So we need a resolution to publish

astearns: This just a regular WD?

fantasai: yup

astearns: Objections to pub?

Resolution: New WD of Values 4, after viewport units edits have been made


<fantasai> github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4791#issuecomment-862553085

fantasai: If an element has zero area in its border box, it doesn't directly contribute to scrollable overflow

fantasai: It can have indirect effects, if it increases the height of its parent box or something

fantasai: But the element *itself* doesn't appear to do anything in impls. Should we add that to the spec?

astearns: Seems reasonable

florian: Yes, both because interop is good to spec, and because authors really hate when invisible boxes have side-effects

astearns: Would be great to have these tested properly too

astearns: So proposed resolution is to specify that zero-area border-box elements do not directly contribute to scrollable overflow area

astearns: Objections?

Resolution: Elements with a zero-area border-box do not directly contribute to scrollable overflow area.

accent-color background colors and contrast

<fantasai> github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6159#issuecomment-877023330

??: tldr of issue is, the spec, as written today, takes one color for accent-color

masonf: form controls drawn with that color need to make sure they have enough contrast with other parts

masonf: Opened issue to discuss

masonf: Depending on how implemented, if you change accent-color slightly, the contrasting pieces can change abruptly from light to dark color to maintain contrast

masonf: Where we are now is that we would prefer to just close the issue

masonf: The discussion has been, should we allow the developer to spec more than one color

masonf: and we went around about that last year, and don't want to open can of worms again

masonf: we think it'd be better for dev to be able to do that, but happy to just close issue and leave behavior up to UA

emilio: Idk where the disagreement is...

emilio: What Chrome implements is that the switch to dark foreground color based on ??

emilio: Firefox does something similar, but not sensitive to color-scheme

emilio: It's different in some places

emilio: So I think specifying foreground/background pair would make sense here

emilio: but ...

masonf: The way we're currently implementing this, we have a set colors for light mode and dark mode

masonf: we calculate contrast ratio, and choose the one with most contrast

masonf: It seems to work ok

masonf: does guarantee minimum level of contrast

masonf: I think allowing specifying foreground+background color would be better

masonf: but the consensus previously was to allow UA to innovate on form controls

masonf: and allowing author to spec 2 colors would hamper that

emilio: why doesn't specify one color create a problem. 2 colors is more flexible

florian: Agree I don't want to reopen the entire conversation

florian: would like to stick to 1 color

florian: Agree that UA should pick however it want

florian: We might want to add a note reminding UAs that they don't have to pick *the most* contrasting color

florian: They could take into account e.g. color-scheme

florian: as long as enough contrast, have a choice of colors

<lea> Totally agree that accent-color should be 1 color

florian: but reopening question of one vs two, would prefer to avoid

emilio: 1 color is going to be a mess compat wise

hober: To summarize, disagreement from what I remember, was not about having 1 or 2 colors in general

hober: was about how exact to specify how those two colors would be used

hober: which one should be foreground, which background, which pieces of which form elements should get which colors

hober: other side wanted to leave to UA, might be different plaform conventions or form styling that would lend themselves to using colors differently

emilio: I think it's silly to get stuck with one color

emilio: But then seems disagreement wasn't about one vs two colors

florian: multiple hours of disagrement

fantasai: There *are* two colors available to the UA. If 'color' is appropriate, you *can* use it.

emilio: I don't think that would work.

fantasai: We can't do this in general, because form controls have different conventions and some of them are a lot more complicated than checkboxes

florian: This discussion has happened already.

astearns: Any objection to moving forward with one color

emilio: no. I just think it's a bad decision

Resolution: Close issue, one color accent-color for now

Scrollbar Styling

github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6349

<Zakim> fantasai, you wanted to mention calendar widgets

florian: Some confusion over the name of 'both'

florian: Set of edits landed after a side-meeting, renamed it to 'mirror'

florian: Some people said maybe it should be 'both-sides' or 'both-edges'

florian: All of them are clearer than what we have now

florian: Current ED went with mirror because both clearer and short

florian: Anyone have any comments?

astearns: Minor preference for a longer one

florian: I prefer one I went with, but wouldn't object to switching either

<TabAtkins> I'm fine with "mirror" after some thought

<TabAtkins> it's grown on me

<bmathwig> +1 for both-edges

astearns: I think both-sides or both-edges is clearer, because "mirroring what?"

miriam: Any chance that we want 'inline' as part of the name? in case want block later?

florian: Would add it as a second value

florian: e.g. stable stable, or stable mirror

florian: So I wouldn't include in the keyword

<Zakim> fantasai, you wanted to ask if we're moving this to css-scrollbars-1?

fantasai: Weren't we planning to move to scrollbars spec?

florian: Had a resolution for it

florian: But had some issues to work out, wanted to work out prior to moving

florian: but I think we're getting there

smfr: I like both-sides or both-edges

<rachelandrew> +1 for both-

<Rossen_> prefer both-

<tantek> slight pref for both-*

??: -edge makes more sense because of the scrollbars

??: some people when thinking of sides think only of left and right

<tantek> agreed with that reasoning for "edge"

<jfkthame> +1 for both-edges

astearns: sounds like we're leaning towards 'both-edges'

astearns: Anyone object?

Resolution: Rename to 'both-edges'

scrollbar-width inheritance

github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4799#issuecomment-877482191

florian: Suggestion to switch scrollbar-width to inherited

florian: for consistency with scrollbar-color and to make easier to style the whole page

florian: and I think we should not do that or exactly that reason

<TabAtkins> florian's argument in the thread makes sense to me, i'm fine with WONTFIX'ing this

florian: Primary use case for global scrollbar width is author preference, not author preference

<tantek> +1. disagreewith making scrollbar-width to inherited

florian: but author might know about certain widgeths or whatever that need a thinner scrollbar

<bmathwig> +1 on this Florian

florian: and that would be a reason for author control

<emilio> +1

florian: so I think should stay not inherited


<tantek> also I disagree with the methodology of equating reasoning of -color with -width

Resolution: Close WONTFIX; scrollbar-width remains non-inherited

scrollbar-color: light/dark

<fantasai> github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6438

fantasai: When we first added sc4rollbar-color we didn't have color-scheme

fantasai: So we had keywords for light/dark so authors could request those if they just wanted to match their theme

fantasai: Since then we've added color-scheme which does this on a broader scale, and in particular shoudl automatically change the scrollbar colors

<emilio> +1

fantasai: And nobody's implemented light/dark anyway

<lea> +1

<bmathwig> +1

<florian> +1

fantasai: So proposal is to just drop these values


<tantek> +100

emilio: We don't implement color-scheme, but we do have darkening of scrollbars vs the background color

emilio: So perhaps shouldn't specify it should follow the color scheme

emilio: We currently get away with auto-darkening scrollbars on pages that don't use color-scheme

<tantek> this is a good point, there may be a compat need to keep 'dark'

florian: default value of color-scheme is "auto" anyway, we can make sure there's some flexibility there

tantek, there's zero implementation of 'dark', so by definition no compat need

astearns: Objections?

<tantek> TabAtkins: huh, ok then I misunderstood emilio

Resolution: drop the light/dark keywords from scrollbar-color

<emilio> tantek: firefox does darken scrollbars of scrollers with dark backgrounds

emilio was concerned about the auto value *requiring* the scrollbar to go light/dark depending on 'color-scheme'

<tantek> emilio, got it. so this is allowing that flexibility in 'auto'

<emilio> tantek: (assuming scrollbar-color: auto ofc)

<emilio> tantek: right


<tantek> great this seems like an ideal resolution of this

Summary of resolutions

  1. update WD of css-color-5
  2. Publish updated CR of css-counter-styles-3
  3. If a layer is introduced in a non-global conditional rule (such as a container query), it always affects the layer order, whether or not that query matches
  4. "dynamic" viewport does indeed use units, not env()
  5. Add lvh as explicit "large viewport" unit
  6. vh/etc are deliberately UA-defined
  7. New WD of Values 4, after viewport units edits have been made
  8. Elements with a zero-area border-box do not directly contribute to scrollable overflow area.
  9. Close issue, one color accent-color for now
  10. Rename to 'both-edges'
  11. Close WONTFIX; scrollbar-width remains non-inherited
  12. drop the light/dark keywords from scrollbar-color
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 136 (Thu May 27 13:50:24 2021 UTC).


Succeeded: s/fantasai you will do the transition request?//

Failed: s/be a ?/ consider compat, but...

Succeeded: s/and spec it/so that we can see if it is something we could spec/

Succeeded: s/probably the same/probably should be the same as the unprefixed units/

Succeeded: s/??/masonf/

Maybe present: ??, astearns, fantasai, hober, jensimmons, TabAtkins