11:03:33 RRSAgent has joined #wot-marketing 11:03:33 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/07/13-wot-marketing-irc 11:04:06 McCool has joined #wot-marketing 11:04:25 meeting: WoT Marketing 11:04:58 present+ Daniel_Peintner, Kaz_Ashimura, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Michael_McCool, Ege_Korkan 11:06:01 Mizushima has joined #wot-marketing 11:07:53 zakim, who is on the call? 11:07:53 Present: Daniel_Peintner, Kaz_Ashimura, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Michael_McCool, Ege_Korkan 11:08:09 present+ Tomoaki_Mizushima 11:10:08 sebastian has joined #wot-marketing 11:10:39 Ege has joined #wot-marketing 11:11:30 Topic: Agenda 11:11:36 scribenick: Ege 11:11:47 kaz I can take minutes just that sometimes I might need to speak about something 11:13:31 s/kaz I can take minutes just that sometimes I might need to speak about something// 11:13:54 Topic: Minutes Review 11:13:56 -> https://www.w3.org/2021/06/01-wot-marketing-minutes.html June-1 11:14:01 sk: (shows minutes of 06 01) 11:14:28 i|Minutes Review|-> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Marketing_WebConf#July_13.2C_2021 Agenda| 11:15:22 q+ 11:15:59 daniel: there seems to be some problems with w3c servers, sometimes it does not laod 11:16:52 s/laod/load/ 11:17:25 kaz: if there is problem, please try another browser to make sure 11:18:01 kaz: if you see another problem, please try with another browser and identify the actual problem 11:18:15 s/kaz: if there is problem, please try another browser to make sure// 11:18:56 sk: any objections on the minutes? 11:19:33 q/ 11:19:35 q? 11:19:38 ack k 11:20:15 Topic: Topic Review 11:20:21 sk: (shows minutes of 30.6) 11:21:09 q+ 11:21:14 brb in 5 mins 11:22:06 https://www.w3.org/2021/06/21-30-wot-vf2f-minutes.html 11:22:57 sk: (goes through the vF2F minutes) 11:23:10 ... smart cities workshop is done 11:23:21 ... wrapping up for the next step 11:23:35 ... any objections for the vF2F minutes? 11:23:37 (none) 11:23:51 sk: so marketing part of the vF2F minutes is approved 11:24:15 s/brb in 5mins/scribenick: kaz/ 11:25:12 s/Topic Review/vF2F minutes/ 11:25:21 topic: Liaisons 11:25:37 sk: we're working with ECLASS, ECHONET and ITU-T 11:25:44 ... ECLASS asked us about the logo 11:25:53 q+ 11:26:06 dp: we need logos for everybody 11:26:24 I am back, I can takeover scribing 11:26:49 kaz: would suggest we check with Coralie 11:26:59 sk: can you talk with her? 11:27:00 kaz: ok 11:27:26 scribenick: Ege 11:28:25 action: kaz to ask Coralie about ECLASS's logo to be put for WoT liaison 11:29:01 sk: is there any implementation that needs update 11:29:09 q- 11:29:33 mm: it would be ideal that we list here in a dashboard which implementations support which 11:30:49 q+ 11:31:20 mm: also list what is partially compliant 11:32:01 kaz: @@ 11:32:07 citrullin has joined #wot-marketing 11:32:21 sk: we should also list commercial tools 11:34:35 s|@@|as I mentioned the other day, we should think about several levels of "implementations" including implementations of the WoT specs themselves and actual deployed IoT services which partly/potentially implement WoT specs or can work with WoT implementations via binding templates.| 11:35:22 q- 11:35:23 q+ 11:35:40 mm: it is sometimes difficult to say what is commercial. what if it is free but intended for commercial 11:37:40 sk: (writes gh comment on the decision of the group) 11:37:50 https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/issues/176 11:38:07 kaz: @@ 11:40:09 s/@@/I'm OK with listing several existing implementations on the WoT page, but we should clarify our purpose and goal of the page. I personally think it would be great to have actual IoT services already deployed which are compatible with WoT./ 11:40:54 q- 11:41:26 sk: we should remove or redirect this page to the gh page 11:41:28 q+ 11:41:35 mm: also doing a backup in gh 11:41:43 q- 11:43:47 Topic: Further Dissemination of WOT 11:43:56 i|kaz:|-> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Implementations list of WoT implementations on the wiki| 11:44:42 s/WOT/WoT/ 11:45:09 present+ Philipp_Blum 11:46:24 pb: we need a new youtube channel that is called web of things that can be searched on youtube or google 11:48:15 mm: do other groups have youtube channels 11:48:49 mm: is it better to have a playlist in w3c channel 11:49:28 pb: with our channel we can have subscribers and notify them with new videos 11:50:29 s/channels/channels?/ 11:50:45 sk: most youtubers are either not accepting the sponsored content or they do but they dont have time 11:50:54 pb: some also think that there is not enough support 11:51:32 mm: we just need a training video 11:54:07 q+ 11:56:02 sk: we should have videos on different application domains 11:56:17 mm: yes that would be ideal but in the first place, we don't have anything. something basic would be nice 11:58:47 q- 11:58:51 kaz: @@ 12:02:15 s/@@/I can understand what you want and the situation based on your explanation, but again I strongly would like to suggest we clarify our expectations for tutorial videos and think about our strategy on how to do that. If needed we can hire students or whoever to generate some videos, but the recently created WoT-JP CG is also generating some tutorial resources already. Also it might make sense to work with the other SDOs for further 12:02:15 collaborations./ 12:02:33 q- 12:02:50 q+ to give opinions about the workshop 12:03:18 ege: I can create an ad for a student job 12:03:52 sk: sure 12:07:01 kaz: please do not ignore my message on the mailing list 12:07:11 ... this is from the ITU-T SG20 12:07:29 ... let's invite him for clarification about what the event 12:08:37 q- 12:10:12 mm: could you talk with him directly? 12:10:16 kaz: ok. will do 12:10:18 [adjourned] 12:10:28 rrsagent, make log public 12:10:31 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:10:31 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/07/13-wot-marketing-minutes.html kaz 14:35:54 Zakim has left #wot-marketing