Meeting minutes
<Jemma> https://
Meeting Survey
MK: Is there any sruvey results
JK: We can look at it at the end of the call
Update Accordion example code and behavior
Draft: Two accordion examples, one basic and one of a group with only one open accordion
SH: The issue raised with macOS is a known issue
MK: What happens
SH: It exposes the heading weirdly, some times the button and sometimes the heasing
SH: I have run into this problem before, and Apple knows about it
MK: We will see what happens when this get in the ARIA-AT project
MK: It is not something we can change
SH: I have talked to people who think this is a problem, but Apple has not addressed the issue
MK: Does Chrome behave differently?
MK: Usually this type of issue is not browser dependent
JK: We need for people to complete their reviewes
MK: We will address the issue with ARIA-AT
SH: This bug has not seemed to gain any traction at Apple
MK: We need to updated the pending reviewers in GitHub
<Jemma> "At the APG meeting today is was suggested to remove the aria-required and aria-hidden from the standard form controls, since they are not needed for the accordion pattern and increase the amount of documentation and testing for the example."
SH: There were some comments and I will do an update
MK: We should wait for the changes
SH: I will make them today
Listbox Deprecation Warning
MK: I left comments, where they addressed?
JG: The checklist needs to be removed, we are only reviewing the label
<Jemma> https://
<Jemma> "1. Prepend (Deprecated) to title tag and H1
<Jemma> 2. Remove link from main doc and other example pages"
MK: When we deprecate the example, we should remove links o the document, we do not need to document in the APG that it is deprecated
MK: Does this PR remove the links?
JN: I am super confused about the new link, the example it points to is not deprecated
MK: I want to completely remove that links
JN: We need to link to the new combobox
MK: We have that link in the combobox section, I don;t think we should have a link from listbox
JN: We could have a addtional links, people are use to looking for it in listbox
MK: For this PR to keep it simple, we should just remove it
JN: That's fine
MK: Is it removed from the other listbox example pages?
MK: In this PR can you removed the links in related examples?
SH: Yes
Coverage Report Update
<Jemma> jon: my request is about so that this can have the most updated info about apg example coverage
<Jemma> mck: it would be beneficial to have the coverage report updated automatically
MK: First step is to get it automatically updated in GitHub actions
Action: items: 1)run the report automatically, 2) add report info to wiki and readme.
<trackbot> Error finding 'items'. You can review and register nicknames at <https://
Action: Jemma will create the issue for Simon to run the coverage report script automatically
<trackbot> Created ACTION-2156 - Will create the issue for simon to run the coverage report script automatically [on JaEun Jemma Ku - due 2021-07-20].
Action: Jemma will add coverage report url to readme and wiki.
<trackbot> Created ACTION-2157 - Will add coverage report url to readme and wiki. [on JaEun Jemma Ku - due 2021-07-20].
Expedited Review Update
<Jemma> jon: looking for new process to expiditedreview. One idea may be setting some designated time for the review.
<Jemma> mck: we have been priortizing the works and trying to go with sequence depending on the PRs
<Jemma> jon: what is your current rate of PR review/merge process?
<Jemma> mck: according to the second half of 202*, we processed 47(?), non npm issues.
<Jemma> jamesn/mck: we don't have enough reviewers to meet with expectation
<Jemma> ... but quality of doc is very important.
<Jemma> jon: how about community group's help?
<Jemma> jamesn: As aria re-chartering is near, may we add community group idea to new charter?
<Jemma> mck; I think the bigger charter question may be a joint task force with community group or only community group. but I have concern for adding w3c contact staff support to community group.
<Jemma> mck: we can name it as APG feedback community group?
<Jemma> jamesn: if we were to set something up, we can consider how we are going to recruit the right quality of people.
<Jemma> mck: I am really interested in recruiting the accessibility engineers, consultant to ensure the quality of the work
<Jemma> ...recruitng, onboarding and training should be added.
<Jemma> we need support on functionality and reviews.
<Jemma> sarah: only reviewing changes may be helpful(narrow down the scope of the review)
<Jemma> ... solicit reviews from wide range of audience
<Jemma> summary of topics: quality of work, more reviewers, commitment
<Jemma> curt: lack of resources which conflicting with full time job is the issue.
<Jemma> mark: I tried to recruit other people but they have the same challenges of conflicting resources.
<Jemma> jon: instead of weekly meeting, we can assign one week only for reviews.
<Jemma> james: would you like to use aria deep dive session for that?
<Jemma> mck: having some meeting time to excercise different accessibility will be good.
<Jemma> such as functionality, visual, and other review except code review.
<Jemma> siri: I like Jon's idea to utilize one aria meeting time.
<Jemma> and we provide the input/feedback about the example
<Jemma> ... document known issues so that we can avoid duplicate work.
Tooltip design subgroup
<Jemma> Jon: we can pull someone out of APG to get help
<Jemma> mck: we can reach out to WAI
<Jemma> sarah: one month to indicate the interest and then start the work?
<Jemma> mck: yes, that is reasonable.
<Jemma> jamesn: sarah can reach out to specific a11y slack channel