12:50:44 RRSAgent has joined #epub-fxl 12:50:44 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/07/06-epub-fxl-irc 12:50:46 RRSAgent, make logs Public 12:50:47 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), wendyreid 12:51:01 meeting: Fixed Layout Accessibility Telco July 6, 2021 12:51:07 date: 2021-07-06 12:51:14 chair: wendyreid 12:58:12 Ken_Jones has joined #epub-fxl 12:59:26 Rachel_Osolen has joined #epub-fxl 13:00:06 CharlesL has joined #epub-fxl 13:00:46 gpellegrino has joined #epub-fxl 13:00:50 MattChan has joined #epub-fxl 13:01:06 present+ 13:01:14 present+ 13:01:20 mgarrish has joined #epub-fxl 13:02:47 scribe+ 13:02:59 present+ 13:03:00 wendyreid: so we'll do our usual round of updates 13:03:18 ... spent some time playing around with region-based alt-text in comics 13:03:31 ... using map element 13:03:54 ... i was able to segment page into 3 sections and add alt-text, but not a single screen reader would work with it 13:04:06 ... they just tell user that an image map exists, but nothing else 13:04:30 ... next step is finding HTML elements that have been implemented by screen readers 13:04:44 q+ 13:04:50 ack gpellegrino 13:04:52 https://a11ysupport.io/ 13:05:28 gpellegrino: this is a link where you can check which AT is support by which browers, etc. 13:05:44 regrets+ 13:05:59 ... also, I've received sample files from ITA publisher. But they asked me to create sample files from their full publication 13:06:05 CharlesL has left #epub-fxl 13:06:11 ... are there tools for doing this? Or is it done manually? 13:06:26 wendyreid: i've done this in the past manually 13:07:08 gpellegrino: it seems like some retail platforms have tools for making samples from full books, but they might be internal only 13:07:33 wendyreid: Kobo's tool for doing this is not elegant, nor made to be public facing 13:07:38 q+ 13:07:45 ack Ken_Jones 13:08:52 Ken_Jones: when doing tests of what might be possible, even if it is not supported currently, we might still recommend it in the hopes that those recommendations will spur wider spread adoption 13:09:03 wendyreid: problem is that it doesn't even work in browsers currently 13:09:11 Ken_Jones sharing screen 13:10:16 Ken_Jones: this is a document i originally made in InDesign, and then added sample code to allow me to switch between InDesign CSS and reflow CSS 13:10:56 ... e.g. when the viewport exceeds a certain width 13:11:47 ... it can be opened in a RS like Colibrio, and it works there 13:12:15 q+ 13:12:45 ack gpellegrino 13:13:09 Hadrien has joined #epub-fxl 13:13:11 gpellegrino: how does it swap from one to the other? 13:13:12 q+ 13:13:39 ... how did you manage to maintain reading order? 13:14:14 Ken_Jones: it's based on how InDesign dictates reading order based on the InDesign document 13:14:29 ack Hadrien 13:14:53 Hadrien: this is might actually be solving a different use-case than we are trying to address 13:15:09 ... e.g. responsible layout rather than a11y-FXL layout 13:15:16 s/responsible/responsive 13:16:17 ... what you've shown would work under two circumstances: 1) FXL and 2) reflowable, but scrolled rather than paginated, where the RS is not likely to inject its own CSS to make reflow work 13:16:42 q+ 13:16:49 ack Ken 13:16:51 ... but this doesn't make it easier for the end user to switch between something that is accessible, and something that is not 13:17:11 q+ 13:17:56 ack mgarrish 13:18:01 Ken_Jones: I did it as a media-query just as a proof of concept, but in the rest of our document the choice would be made by the reader or RS at will (and not by rotating the device, for example) 13:18:27 mgarrish: this is still relevant to the WCAG requirement that user be able to zoom without loss of functionality 13:18:44 ... its similar to the approach that Adobe is taking for PDFs 13:18:49 q+ 13:19:14 ack Hadrien 13:19:22 ... there's going to be implementation issues (e.g. with tables that break across pages), but I think its viable for addressing this one specific a11y issue 13:20:14 Hadrien: the approach that Adobe has taken is similar to browser reader modes, e.g. taking the content, stripping the style, and then using a preset stylesheet 13:20:53 ... e.g. in iOS 15 there is the ability to detect and extract text from a FXL, and output could be used to generate reflow book 13:21:14 ... but the difference from authored content is that you lose all the styling 13:21:39 wendyreid: it seems like OCF, but suped up 13:21:53 ... thanks Ken_Jones that was a cool demo 13:22:00 q+ 13:22:04 ack Rachel_Osolen 13:23:07 q+ 13:23:10 ack gpellegrino 13:23:14 Rachel_Osolen: charles and I continued drafting the alt-text section 13:24:05 q+ 13:24:32 Link to sample file I showed and bit more info added to the Visual to Textual Explainer doc. https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/Visual-to-Textual-Explainer--BOAMEppSEPpwsHAd4kD8MA9HAg-K3nAwKn2vlVqRpFyZ9KHN 13:24:43 ack Hadrien 13:24:59 gpellegrino: the idea of stripping out styling and displaying in accessible way was my first idea as well, but then I realized that we wanted to recommend something that authors can do to make more accessible content, rather than something that RS does 13:25:35 Hadrien: with reflowable content, an affordance that RS has is user styles (change font, size, etc.) 13:26:08 ... with FXL content, affordance that RS has is different - e.g. spread or no spread, paginated or not, pinch to zoom 13:28:18 scribe+ 13:28:29 Hadrien: Have we looked at RS affordances? 13:30:08 wendyreid: We haven't, but we should look at that as a section in the best practices 13:30:22 q+ 13:30:27 Hadrien: If we look at changing the content, we'd likely need to change reading system affordances 13:30:31 ack Ken_Jones 13:30:41 Ken_Jones: We've got some best practice guidelines 13:30:58 ... this extra thing is additional to that, not part of the document yet 13:31:09 ... could you give an example of a reading system affordance? 13:31:13 ... what more could we do? 13:31:26 Hadrien: One thing that was mentioned, was looking at fallbacks 13:31:34 ... a reflowable fallback for every FXL resource 13:31:41 ... when it comes to authoring that's an example 13:32:20 ... for RS affordances, we could have more features available, is pinch-to-zoom sufficient or should there be other methods available always 13:32:51 q+ 13:32:57 ... pointing out how tools "break" assistive tech is an example too 13:33:02 ack mgarrish 13:33:20 mgarrish: I want to agree, RSs tend to favour authoring over everything 13:33:36 ... there are other issues like contrast where the user could have greater control and don't 13:33:46 ... it would be a benefit for users to allow for greater control 13:34:16 wendyreid: Agreed 13:34:36 mgarrish: It's not going to pass WCAG if the user agent doesn't allow for the affordances 13:34:47 q+ 13:34:54 wendyreid: I guess we're adding another section to the doc 13:34:56 ack Ken_Jones 13:35:20 Ken_Jones: My usual approach to try to play along with the tools than change them 13:35:37 ... we could say "here's a way to make EPUBs without indesign" 13:35:49 ... but people are fixed in their ways 13:36:39 wendyreid: right, we not going to change the tools that publishers use day to day 13:37:09 ... but discussing topics like how InDesign breaks reading order will enable publishers to work around that as much as possible 13:37:26 ... I'll add section to the doc about RS affordances 13:37:57 present+ 13:38:12 ... please volunteer if you feel you can fill out this section 13:38:23 q+ 13:38:33 ack Rachel_Osolen 13:38:38 q+ 13:39:15 q+ 13:39:32 Rachel_Osolen: I had a colleague ask how we're going to deal with RSes reading FXL books like each word is a paragraph 13:41:07 ... it was suggested that we might have a specific warning in the metadata to alert users to this a11y issue 13:41:10 ack Hadrien 13:41:41 Hadrien: i'm interested in tackling the issue of fallbacks 13:42:15 ... essentially providing the functionality of multiple-renditions, but without multiple OPFs 13:42:16 ack mg 13:43:34 mgarrish: how do these techniques layer into WCAG? Like "these techniques will get you to A, and then going to AA we have these additional issues". Or are we aiming to get people directly to AA. Will there be some sort of mapping from techniques to WCAG? 13:44:27 q+ 13:44:32 ... I feel like publishers ultimately want to know this 13:44:36 ack Ken_Jones 13:44:58 q+ 13:45:32 ack gpellegrino 13:45:35 Ken_Jones: I think getting to A is doable with what we're currently drafting, but getting to AA seems unlikely without some of these more experimental techniques, or fallbacks 13:46:29 gpellegrino: for EAA, Level A is not enough. You need Level A plus the able to change font size, colour, etc. So maybe we can have both how to reach Level A, and EAA minimum standard 13:47:23 mgarrish: maybe as simple as, for each technique, say what level each technique is relevant to. Without saying doing "this" will get you to "Level A", etc. 13:48:14 wendyreid: I can look into this 13:48:24 ... okay, thank you everyone. See you all in 2 weeks! 13:48:33 present+ 13:48:40 zakim, end meeting 13:48:40 As of this point the attendees have been gpellegrino, MattChan, mgarrish, Hadrien, wendyreid 13:48:42 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 13:48:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/07/06-epub-fxl-minutes.html Zakim 13:48:44 present+ 13:48:46 I am happy to have been of service, wendyreid; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 13:48:50 Zakim has left #epub-fxl 13:48:50 rrsagent, make logs public 13:49:01 rrsagent, goodbye 13:49:01 I'm logging. I don't understand 'goodbye', wendyreid. Try /msg RRSAgent help 13:49:14 rrsagent, bye 13:49:14 I see no action items