14:59:42 RRSAgent has joined #wai-curricula 14:59:42 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/06/29-wai-curricula-irc 14:59:51 rrsagent, start meeting 14:59:51 I'm logging. I don't understand 'start meeting', Daniel_. Try /msg RRSAgent help 15:00:14 zakim, start meeting 15:00:14 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:00:15 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Daniel_ 15:00:42 Meeting: WAI Curricula Task Force Teleconference 15:00:45 Chair: Daniel 15:01:33 sloandr has joined #wai-curricula 15:03:20 zakim, take up next 15:03:20 agendum 1 -- Setting up meeting, choosing scribe https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/WAI_Curricula/WAI_Curricula_Task_Force_Meetings#Scribe_Rotation_List -- taken up [from Daniel_] 15:03:38 CarlosD has joined #wai-curricula 15:03:43 scribe: shadi 15:03:46 present+ 15:03:54 present+ 15:04:17 zakim, close item 1 15:04:17 agendum 1, Setting up meeting, choosing scribe https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/WAI_Curricula/WAI_Curricula_Task_Force_Meetings#Scribe_Rotation_List, closed 15:04:20 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 15:04:20 2. Work on Covering Different Menu Types and Behaviors https://wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/designer-modules/navigation/#topic-menu-behaviors-and-patterns [from Daniel_] 15:04:21 zakim, take up next 15:04:21 agendum 2 -- Work on Covering Different Menu Types and Behaviors https://wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/designer-modules/navigation/#topic-menu-behaviors-and-patterns -- taken 15:04:25 ... up [from Daniel_] 15:04:29 present+ 15:04:31 Howard has joined #wai-curricula 15:04:33 DonalR has joined #wai-curricula 15:04:37 present+ Howard 15:05:06 present+ Donal 15:05:23 DM: Navigation module, topic on Menu Behaivors and Patterns 15:05:31 ...comment was not clear enough 15:05:52 ...added guidance on styling and resize 15:06:03 ...several other improvements 15:06:13 ...anything missing in your view? 15:08:30 DS: module is on navigational menus 15:08:37 ...but also covers application menus 15:08:48 ...might be more for interaction module 15:09:03 DM: yes, going back and forth on this 15:10:05 DS: maybe not an issue, just struck me 15:11:19 SAZ: so how will application menus be handled? 15:11:31 DM: focus here is on navigational menus 15:11:49 ...then discuss application menus later on in interaction module 15:12:07 CD: could make explicit the different dimensions here 15:12:29 ...static vs fly-out navigation 15:12:43 ...maybe needs explicit distinguishing 15:12:52 ...menus based on their purpose 15:13:00 ...and based on their behavior 15:13:57 CD: so application menus in interaction 15:14:31 DM: so hearing that application menus should not be here 15:14:44 ...but make it more clear the different types of menus 15:14:50 ...and purpose of these 15:14:57 DR: I support that 15:15:20 https://wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/designer-modules/interaction-and-feedback/ 15:15:33 DM: not very sure how it fits in interaction and menus 15:15:39 ...already a lot there 15:17:34 SAZ: wonder if menus explained well in the Navigation module 15:17:43 ...especially styling, behavior, and such 15:18:08 ...then application menus can be inline in the topics in Interaction module 15:18:23 ...might not need a specific topic on application modules 15:18:44 CD: recall we discussed a module on widgets 15:18:51 ...if so, then it fits in there 15:19:02 ...otherwise support idea from Shadi 15:19:21 DM: think we concluded against a module on widget 15:21:57 SAZ: think module on widgets would get repetitive 15:22:13 ...maybe add examples in Ideas for Teaching 15:22:35 ...and also reflect at the top of the module, to make it easier to see what is covered 15:23:05 s/maybe add examples in Ideas for Teaching/maybe add examples in Ideas for Teaching in Interaction module 15:23:21 zakim, take up next 15:23:21 agendum 3 -- Extended Error Coverage https://wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/designer-modules/interaction-and-feedback/#topic-errors-and-notifications -- taken up [from 15:23:25 ... Daniel_] 15:25:22 DM: added more on error messages and suggestions 15:25:31 ...now a little more spread-out 15:25:49 ...the different types of notifications and messages 15:26:07 ...still missing inline messages and notifications 15:26:26 ...like messages appearing while you type an email telling you it's wrong 15:26:39 ...apart from this, do you miss anything else? 15:29:01 CD: messages that disappear after some time 15:29:13 ...covered here but maybe not as directly and clearly 15:31:12 SAZ: maybe small tweak to sharpen the wording 15:31:21 ...but not get into specifc techniques 15:33:06 DS: agree with comments so far 15:33:23 ...maybe add examples of bad practice in Ideas for Teaching 15:33:36 ...because examples are so powerful 15:33:49 +1 to Dave 15:34:31 ...can also be applied to other modules 15:34:42 ...but especially here in error management 15:34:53 ...because so many different ways of doing it 15:35:50 CD: agree with Dave, examples can be very illustrative here 15:36:19 ...wonder about messages that rely on a single mode 15:37:02 ...might also need to talk about conveying messages programtically 15:37:14 DM: could add some of the cross-references here 15:37:25 ...like to not relying on color alone and such 15:37:33 ...will do that here as well, as a reminder 15:38:05 ...will also look at the programatic approach and cross-reference to developer role here 15:38:28 zakim, take up next 15:38:28 agendum 4 -- Design-Related Competencies -- taken up [from Daniel_] 15:38:48 -> https://wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/designer-modules/flexible-layout-and-design/#competencies Module 1 Competencies 15:38:48 -> https://wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/designer-modules/navigation/#competencies Module 2 Competencies 15:38:48 -> https://wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/designer-modules/information-design/#competencies Module 3 Competencies 15:38:49 -> https://wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/designer-modules/images-and-graphics/#competencies Module 4 Competencies 15:38:49 -> https://wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/designer-modules/multimedia-and-animations/#competencies Module 5 Competencies 15:38:49 -> https://wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/designer-modules/interaction-and-feedback/#competencies Module 61 Competencies 15:39:36 DM: compentencies sections describe requirements for students and instructors 15:40:15 ...want to focus on "In-depth knowledge of" part for the Instructors 15:41:25 ...thoughts about this approach? 15:41:36 ...or on other parts of these sections 15:45:58 SAZ: missing user aspect 15:47:17 ...maybe too indirect under "prerequisets for students"? 15:48:10 CD: thinking of two more competencies for instructors 15:48:17 ...prototyping and coding 15:48:26 ...think needed for this content 15:48:54 ...to be able to convey issues to developers 15:49:26 DM: maybe not for all modules? 15:49:29 CD: agree 15:49:47 SAZ: isn't that part of designer skills in any case? 15:49:50 DC: should be 15:50:00 DM: will look at that 15:50:08 ...what do others think? 15:50:24 DS: competencies section is very helpful 15:52:10 ...why not include business benefits? 15:52:28 DM: had same approach in developer modules 15:52:55 ...thought that business case is not always core to teaching developing techniques 15:53:05 ...for consistency same approach here 15:55:17 DS: think may need to be different for designers 15:56:38 SAZ: is it because designers are often less supportive of accessibility 15:56:52 ...or because they need to explain it more often than developers? 15:57:06 DS: good question, I think both 15:58:05 SAZ: interesting observation 15:58:19 ...I often feel developers are more resitant to adding code 15:58:34 ...but maybe designers in WAI circles are different 15:58:48 DS: designers often earlier in the process 16:00:06 DM: maybe sometimes design perceived as art 16:00:15 ...so more resistance to changing 16:01:26 CD: see Dave's point 16:01:39 ...but not really sure required for this module 16:01:51 ...but it may be a competency designers should have 16:01:55 ...so on the fence here 16:02:11 Topic: Next Steps 16:02:57 DM: will be opening survey in the next week or two 16:03:01 ...extensive review 16:03:11 ...so really deep review 16:03:17 ...please take the time for that 16:03:25 ...a little behind schedule 16:03:36 ...but hopefully now more polished 16:03:41 ...thank you all! 16:05:02 Zakim, end meeting 16:05:02 As of this point the attendees have been CarlosD, shadi, sloandr, Howard, Donal 16:05:04 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:05:04 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/06/29-wai-curricula-minutes.html Zakim 16:05:07 I am happy to have been of service, Daniel_; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 16:05:11 Zakim has left #wai-curricula