13:53:55 RRSAgent has joined #wpwg 13:53:55 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/06/24-wpwg-irc 13:54:00 Meeting: Web Payments WG 13:54:14 Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/Agenda-20210624 13:54:16 Chair: Nick 13:54:19 Scribe: Ian 13:54:23 agenda+ PR API update 13:54:28 agenda+ SPC discussion 13:54:33 agenda+ Next meeting 13:54:41 regrets+ Adrian_Hope-Bailie 13:55:17 present+ 13:58:46 tm has joined #wpwg 13:59:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/06/24-wpwg-minutes.html Ian 14:00:22 present+ Anne_Pouillard 14:00:29 present+ Stephen_McGruer 14:01:12 Anne has joined #wpwg 14:01:18 present+ Lawrence_Cheng 14:01:33 present+ Jean-Michel_Girard 14:02:17 present+ David_Benoit 14:02:24 present+ Rolf_Lindemann 14:02:35 Fawad has joined #wpwg 14:02:36 present+ Clinton_Allen 14:02:41 present+ Fawad_Nisar 14:03:13 present+ Nick_Telford-Reed 14:03:14 clinton has joined #wpwg 14:03:17 present+ Werner_Bruinings 14:03:20 benoit has joined #wpwg 14:03:23 present+ Gerhard_Oosthuizen 14:03:34 Rolf has joined #wpwg 14:03:46 zakim, take up item 1 14:03:46 agendum 1 -- PR API update -- taken up [from Ian] 14:03:54 werner has joined #wpwg 14:04:03 scribenick: nicktr 14:04:03 JM_Girard has joined #wpwg 14:04:03 present+ Gavin_Shenker 14:04:37 ian: In the process of getting Payment Request to REC, we got a few expressions of support for our CFC 14:04:55 -> https://github.com/w3c/transitions/issues/346 request to advance to CR 14:05:09 ...the next step is the request to advance to Candidate Recommendation 14:05:19 ...(there is cool new tooling) 14:05:30 Gavin has joined #WPWG 14:05:40 ...with the Director's Approval, we will publish, then there is a 2 month window 14:06:03 ...Marcos and I met yesterday to clean up the Implementation Report. We are in good shape. 14:06:30 ian: I expect it to be smooth sailing 14:06:50 ...The bigger discussion is probably what happens next after publication 14:07:01 zakim, close item 1 14:07:01 agendum 1, PR API update, closed 14:07:03 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 14:07:03 2. SPC discussion [from Ian] 14:07:03 ...That will be part of our chartering discussion in the Autumn 14:07:08 zakim, take up next item 14:07:08 agendum 2 -- SPC discussion -- taken up [from Ian] 14:07:27 ian: We had a robust discussion at the Task Force on Monday 14:07:43 ...We thought we could continue that discussion today 14:07:59 scribenick: nicktr 14:08:04 scribenick: Ian 14:08:58 scribenick: nicktr 14:09:11 ian: we are moving to store less and less in the browser 14:09:24 ...there may be implications for functionality 14:10:17 ...The question is "Is this a WebAuthn thing or a Payments thing?" 14:10:30 ...Are there other design considerations 14:10:58 scribenick: ian 14:11:13 smcgruer_[EST]: Emerging questions about "how can these credentials be used" 14:11:27 ...at this time, the enrollment UX we added did come partially from a privacy discussion 14:11:43 ...to be sure user knows enrollment is for payment 14:11:56 ...but the conversation is ongoing whether the UX is necessary 14:12:16 ...personally I would like to see enrollment be just a WebAuthn thing. On the server the RP maintains information. 14:12:24 ...but auth flow we are discussing is definitely a payments thing 14:12:36 ...the various stakeholders need to know what the browser is presenting to the user 14:12:42 present+ Jean-Luc_di_Manno 14:13:08 Nick: I agree. The authentication piece is definitely a "payment-specific" thing 14:13:10 Gerhard has joined #wpwg 14:13:16 present_ 14:13:19 q+ 14:13:24 ack G 14:13:46 Gerhard: There's a simplicity if the browser doesn't have to remember any additional information 14:14:11 ..but the CONSENT needs to be clear. I can imagine three levels: 14:14:14 JL has joined #wpwg 14:14:20 1) The credential can be used for anything 14:14:37 2) The credential is for a specific use case (e.g., log in v. payment) 14:14:49 3) The credential is for a specific instrument 14:15:09 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/06/24-wpwg-minutes.html Ian 14:15:16 q+ 14:15:22 q+ 14:16:12 Gerhard: I doubt we will do the first one; but probably likely to do 2 or 3 14:16:23 ack Ian 14:16:26 ack sm 14:16:31 q+ Ian 14:18:19 clinton_ has joined #wpwg 14:18:28 q+ 14:21:12 q+ 14:21:20 q 14:21:46 ack clinton_ 14:21:50 Ian: I think "enrollment" in upgrade case means "use get() instead of create() with a consent dialog" 14:22:00 q+ ian later 14:22:07 q- later 14:22:34 clinton_: If you look at this from issuer perspective, if an issuer looks at this credential in a year, it needs to be known specifically 'this is for payment' 14:22:37 q+ 14:22:45 q- 14:22:45 q+ 14:23:59 q+ 14:24:07 Clinton: It doesn't have to be "your card". If an issuer is taking a consumer through an enrollment process. Issuer might want credential bound to "account" rather instrument. 14:24:16 ...what you use to pay online securely might be secondary 14:24:22 ack rolf 14:24:51 Rolf: For me, the "credential" term is just a tech term; users don't know what they are. 14:25:09 ....we don't want users to think of "one password for card one, one password for card 2" 14:25:41 q+ 14:25:48 ...we designed WebAuthn with flexibility, so an RP can bind a single credential to an account or even multiple accounts. 14:26:08 q- 14:26:09 ...my suggestion here is "assume there is one user to be authenticated" and what the user agrees to may very 14:26:28 ...some banks may want the user to enroll a credential with specific instruments, others might want per-account 14:26:29 q- rolf has said everything I want to say - let the relying party (bank) decide, which they can do with 'pure' webauthn 14:26:32 q- 14:26:36 q- 14:26:47 ...so let's not over constrain WebAuthentication credentials 14:26:53 ...let the RP decide 14:26:55 q+ 14:27:10 ..when the bank looks at the assertion, the bank can observe what the user was trying to do 14:27:22 ...the assertion looks different, so no need to differentiate the credential 14:27:27 [^^^key observation :) ] 14:27:43 q? 14:27:51 ...so the bank can decide whether to accept an assertion based on previous interactions (enrollment time) with the user 14:27:53 q+ 14:28:00 q- later 14:28:21 +1 to rolf's comments 14:28:23 queue==Gavin, Gerhard, Ian 14:28:23 ack Gavin 14:28:43 Gavin: +1 to what Rolf said; don't need 1:1 mapping of credential to instrument 14:29:01 ACTION: Ian to update requirements document regarding the binding discussion 14:29:24 +1 14:29:30 Gavin: If Visa is the RP party, I should be able, for example, to have one auth credential for all cards associated with the user 14:29:36 makes sense 14:30:01 ack Gerhard 14:30:18 [Emerging consensus that the RP should decide what binding to use] 14:31:01 q+ to ask about API implications 14:31:31 Gerhard: There are potential risks of more flexibility (broader binding); we need to think through these. 14:31:37 q? 14:31:46 q+ to ask gerhard to clarify the concerns here 14:32:02 Gerhard: I think people likely want as few credentials as possible 14:32:10 present+ Jeff_Hodges 14:32:45 Gerhard: There's a risk of confusion of binding instrument at the last moment 14:32:46 q+ 14:33:07 ack Ian 14:33:07 Ian, you wanted to ask about API implications 14:34:15 clinton has joined #wpwg 14:35:06 present+ Thomas_Bellenger 14:37:16 PROPOSED: Any WebAuthn credential can be passed to SPC authentication requests. 14:37:34 smcgruer_[EST]: The RP gets to decide whether to give the merchant credential and whether it accepts the usage of that credential. 14:37:53 q+ 14:38:19 ack smcgruer_[EST] 14:38:19 smcgruer_[EST], you wanted to ask gerhard to clarify the concerns here 14:38:34 smcgruer_[EST]: I'd like to understand more Gerhard's concerned about "which payment instrument." 14:38:40 ...there are multiple protections: 14:38:45 1) User sees the information 14:38:51 2) Information is signed 14:39:01 3) RP can decide whether to accept it (and maintains definitive binding) 14:40:14 Gerhard: I've heard concerns about "informed consent" including PSD2 rules 14:40:42 ...I think there may be risks here. Has the user given enough consent for payment? 14:40:48 q- 14:40:56 q- 14:41:06 smcgruer_[EST]: I agree with the concern. The argument being made to me from the WebAuthn side is that it's up to the RP to get the consent 14:41:26 ..if the bank is going to accept auth for payment, then I am presuming the bank has gotten user consent 14:42:12 ack clin 14:42:12 q? 14:42:17 q+ Gerhard 14:42:25 q- 14:46:03 q+ 14:47:51 q? 14:48:16 Ian: For out-of-band auth flow, does SPC api need special capability (e.g., interrupted since auth now happening out of band) 14:48:44 rolf: There are two options: 14:49:01 q+ 14:49:04 a) RP decides to trigger SPC on mobile device 14:49:16 b) .... 14:49:31 ..From a usability perspective, I might prefer that auth happens on one device rather than another. 14:49:45 q+ 14:50:08 q- 14:50:19 ack smcgruer_[EST] 14:50:20 q? 14:50:56 clinton: You need to know who the person is, and what avenue of payment they want to use before you do SPC 14:50:59 q+ 14:51:02 ack clinton 14:51:05 ack smcgruer_[EST] 14:51:21 smcgruer_[EST]: There might be a related concept that may be lower priority: cross-device authentication 14:51:30 ...your browser is doing SPC but your browser has a relationship to a phone 14:52:13 rolf: Special case of smart phone as Roaming authenticator 14:52:34 q+ 14:52:53 rolf: Nice thing about this case is phone has a display 14:53:06 ...so it would be good for the desktop browser to send the display information to the smart phone 14:53:34 q? 14:54:32 ...need to convey payment details to authenticator 14:55:26 rolf: Let's clarify what we mean by "out-of-band"...server reaches out to me on different device 14:55:46 ...system we just spoke about (using smart phone as roaming authenticator) is not this use case 14:58:03 q+ 14:58:11 ack me 14:59:32 q- 14:59:58 +q 15:00:07 Ian: Is out of band an important use case? 15:00:11 Gavin: I think so, but not for SPC 15:00:17 ...3DS has to deal with it. 15:00:20 +1, nothing to do with SPC :) 15:00:57 clinton_ has joined #wpwg 15:01:28 PROPOSAL: It is not an important use case to trigger SPC on a mobile device via a push notification to fulfill out-of-band use cases 15:01:50 Rolf: -1. We don't need SPC for this. They do this already today with other protocols. 15:02:00 s/-1/+1 15:02:06 +1 15:02:09 (JeffH: +1) 15:02:17 smcgruer_[EST]: +1 15:02:30 Topic: Next meeting 15:02:32 8 July 15:02:36 RRSAGENT, make minutes 15:02:36 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/06/24-wpwg-minutes.html Ian 15:02:39 RRSAGENT, set logs public 15:03:23 JM_Girard has left #wpwg 15:04:32 l/dialog dom 15:04:37 rrsagent, bye 15:04:37 I see 1 open action item saved in https://www.w3.org/2021/06/24-wpwg-actions.rdf : 15:04:37 ACTION: Ian to update requirements document regarding the binding discussion [1] 15:04:37 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2021/06/24-wpwg-irc#T14-29-01