Meeting minutes
<tzviya> Date: 2021-06-22
Survey updates
ombudsman job description and roadmap
<tzviya> https://
tzviya: discussing roadmap and timeline from github doc
wendyseltzer: we would not have complete transition
I will work with sheila on job description
… we can brainstorm about this topic a bit as the agenda
<sheila> https://
sheila: there are outstanding questions from our discussion last time.
sheila: discussed whether this person's role is providing counsel or being sound board ..
… how we select the member and how the member will serve the ombudsman
tzviya: I am working on displinary guidelines
… I am working on process/steps for the final action such as removing someone who violated professional ethics.
… I will work with Wendy first, then with pwe group and then move this to ..
judy: I am glad to hear that separating ombusman role from enforcement
… have concerns about the framing of disciplinary action. ex: removing someone should be the last resort.
… it would be helpful to have intermediate measure before the absolute removal or suspension.
annette_g: I feel that the ombuds person can be more than soundboard, rather than can take actions.
having more than one path way or having more option would be beneficial
having multiple channels informal/formal would be great
tink: I agree with annette_g that this role can be more than counsel.
… having someone to naviagte the issue and any help will be great
judy: I was interested in question about membership - selection of members
… we may need to have enough number of people to select and educate/train the people about the ombudsman
giving some context of work will be helpful.
sheila: my question was about member selection part - having a clarity on diversity aspect (ex:geography) may be helpful.
tzviya: working on job description, but number of members would not change.
… start working on selection criteria will be helpful
<wseltzer> wseltzer: I look forward to reviewing a draft
<tzviya> Tzviya: As I work with AB on Legal Entity transition, I am less convinced that the model for ombuds needs to be different for W3C now and W3C as LE
<BarbaraH> What about TPAC planning?
tzviya: any topic we would like to address?
BarbaraH: TPAC gives the opportunity to promote PWE work, like office hours so I am wondering whether we can get feedback on their needs and requirement.
… 1. commuicate our work, 2. get chance to listen to member's opinion
tzviya: we could propose breakout session.
… we don't have much materials to present yet but using TPAC as communication channel is a great suggestion.