13:39:05 RRSAgent has joined #pwe 13:39:05 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/06/22-pwe-irc 13:39:11 Zakim has joined #pwe 13:42:34 Meeting: PWE 13:42:41 Date: 2021-06-22 13:42:45 Chair: Tzviya 13:43:09 Agenda+ Survey updates 13:43:09 Agenda+ Board Diversity 13:43:09 Agenda+ AOB 13:59:13 Ralph has joined #pwe 14:00:34 present+ 14:00:36 present+ 14:02:20 present+ Pilar 14:02:34 present+ Sheila 14:02:59 sheila has joined #pwe 14:03:12 present+ 14:03:21 Jemma has joined #pwe 14:03:50 present+ 14:04:00 present+ Annette, WSeltzer, JaEun, Judy 14:04:32 present- Pilar 14:05:13 annette_g has joined #pwe 14:05:40 agenda? 14:05:43 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose JaEun 14:06:07 scribe: Jemma 14:06:16 present+ Tess 14:06:19 zakim, next item 14:06:19 agendum 1 -- Survey updates -- taken up [from tzviya] 14:06:49 present+ Léonie (tink) 14:06:56 present+ Léonie(tink) 14:07:12 topic: ombzman 14:07:50 https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/wiki/PWE-Roadmap 14:07:52 s/ombzman/ombudsman job description and roadmap 14:08:01 present+ annette_g 14:08:40 tzviya: discussing roadmap and timeline from github doc 14:08:49 present+ Barbara 14:09:00 wendyreid: we would not have complete transition 14:09:06 yet 14:09:11 s/reid/seltzer 14:09:25 tzviya: 14:09:40 I will work with sheila on job description 14:09:52 BarbaraH has joined #PWE 14:10:10 https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/blob/main/DraftOmbudsJobDescription.md 14:10:11 ... we can brainstorm about this topic a bit as the agenda 14:10:38 sheila: there are outstanding questions form our discussion last time. 14:10:44 s/form/from 14:11:20 sheila: discussed whether this person's role is providing counsel or being sound board .. 14:12:06 ...how we select the member and how the member will serve the ombudsman 14:12:23 tzviya: I am working on displinary guidelines 14:13:07 Judy has joined #pwe 14:13:10 q+ 14:13:36 ... I am working on process/steps for the final action such as removing someone who violated professional ethics. 14:14:01 q+ 14:14:01 ... I will work with Wendy first, then with pwe group and then move this to .. 14:14:05 ack Judy 14:14:51 judy: I am glad to hear that separating ombusman role from @@ 14:15:39 ... have concerns about displinary action. ex: removing someone should be the last resort. 14:15:53 s/@@/enforcement/ 14:16:30 ack annette_g 14:16:35 ..it would be helpful to have intermediate measure before the absolute removal or suspension. 14:17:22 Ann: I feel that the ombuds person can be more than soundboard, rather can take actions. 14:17:25 q+ 14:17:33 s/rather/rather than 14:17:35 s/about displinary action/about the framing of disciplinary action/ 14:17:59 sheila: 14:18:37 having more than one path way or having more option would be beneficial 14:19:32 s/Ann/annette_g 14:19:40 having multiple channels informal/formal would be great 14:20:24 ack tink 14:20:43 tink: I agree with Ann that this role can be more than counsel. 14:20:56 s/Ann/annette_g 14:21:43 ...having someone to naviagte the issue and to help will be great 14:22:01 s/to help/any help 14:22:04 q+ 14:22:16 regrets+ Liz 14:22:18 q+ 14:22:47 judy: I was interested in question about membership - selection of members 14:23:41 ...we may need to have enough number of people to select and educate/train the people about the ombudsman 14:23:53 q+ 14:23:59 giving some context of work will be helpful. 14:24:05 ack j 14:24:06 ack ju 14:24:10 ack she 14:25:30 sheila: my question was about member selection part - having a clarity on diversity aspect (ex:geography) may be helpful. 14:26:00 ack wseltzer 14:26:25 tzviya: working on job description, but number of members would not change. 14:26:51 ...start working on selection criteria will be helpful 14:27:43 wseltzer: I look forward to reviewing a draft 14:28:06 agenda? 14:28:07 Tzviya: As I work with AB on Legal Entity transition, I am less convinced that the model for ombuds needs to be different for W3C now and W3C as LE 14:29:08 What about TPAC planning? 14:29:10 tzviya: any topic we would like to address? 14:30:26 BarbaraH: TPAC gives the opportunity to promote PWE work, like office hours so I am wondering whether we can get feedback on their needs and requirement. 14:31:00 ..1. commuicate our work, 2. get chance to listen to member's opinion 14:31:44 tzviya: we could propose breakout session. 14:32:27 ... we don't have much materials to present yet but using TPAC as communication channel is a great suggestion. 14:33:02 rrsagent, make minutes 14:33:02 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/06/22-pwe-minutes.html Jemma 14:34:00 rrsagent, make logs public 14:34:18 rrsagent, make minutes 14:34:18 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/06/22-pwe-minutes.html tzviya 14:34:27 zakim, end meeting 14:34:27 As of this point the attendees have been Ralph, wendyreid, Pilar, Sheila, wseltzer, Jemma, Annette, JaEun, Judy, Tess, Léonie, (tink), Léonie(tink), annette_g, Barbara 14:34:31 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 14:34:31 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/06/22-pwe-minutes.html Zakim 14:34:32 I am happy to have been of service, Ralph; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 14:34:36 Zakim has left #pwe 14:35:03 Ralph: are you able to view the minutes? 14:35:30 I'm working on nudging the storage backend to get the minutes up 14:36:06 s/rather than/rather 14:39:05 thanks 15:06:55 minutes are in the web now 15:07:26 Jemma, if you're still watching this channel you may send email to the list with the link: https://www.w3.org/2021/06/22-pwe-minutes.html 15:08:09 great. thanks.