<Wilco> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vsp1V2hBpU6Y0vNt-AGP-Y6fOxx1-IjoKgBJ_3bPlfg/edit#
<scribe> scribe: [Susan_H_]
<bruce_bailey> FWIW, i only just now saved my reply to suzanne about skipping "you"
wilco: notes we need to determine
how to end sections in proposal
... other thoughts on outcome 'headings describe or intro the
content that follows'?
Jake: question, if you skip a heading or two how do you define what content follows which?
wilco: this is something we've parked
jeanne: i don't disagree this should be normative but it's tricky
bruce: can we add 'all of these terms may need to be normative' to proposal?
wilco: as long as we steer away from redifinging we should be safe, right?
jeanne: these aren't things that go in the glossary. these are specific to this outcome. The terms may be relevant to other outcomes but these should be more specific
wilco: would be much more difficult to use if each outcome has its own defiintions
jeanne: first go to is to use standard defs. anywhere we can
jennifer: why do we have all these hard ways to keep track of these terms? can we consolidate them, craft them, and put them in one place later? Is that a good workflow?
wilco: willing to give it a
shot.another solution - in act we've used qualifiers, when a
term is different than wcag we use qualifier. e.g. instead of
'web page' we use 'html page'
... something could be visual, semantic headings etc. if we
want to avoid conflict with other heading def.
jeanne: this would make glossary entry for heaidng have a lot of subheadings. which is fine. let's try it on a few more guidlines to see if it works
wilco: i'm okay either way but prefer a global list of definitions. less confusing.
jeanne: agrees but don't know if that will work.
wilco: briefly review other terms, notes strikedowns
jeanne: does anyone object to taking those out or cannot identify the strikeouts? I will paste in what they are b/c I know screen readers & strike outs don't work well
<jeanne> We are removing: Vocabulary.com’s definition of heading: “A heading is a word, phrase, or sentence at the beginning of a written passage that explains what it's about. A heading is very similar to a title”.
<mbgower> I think it needs to
<jeanne> Removing: Headings include semantics, presentation, function. This outcome refers to the function.
mike: should table headers be considered headings?
wilco: I think that's implicit in defines what headings are not
Mike: are captions on data table a headings? you usaually determine this by visual presentation.
jennifer: that's covered in another outcome further down
wilco: seems we're talking about headings in text, that outline the structure of a document and i don't think table headers do.
<bruce_bailey> agree that we not try and address data tables at this point
<mbgower> They are in text. They do identify structure.
wilco: it is tricky to say what does give you help outlining content of document. has this been discussed before?
Francis: Jeanne and I worked on this and this is as far as we got
Sheri: part of the purpose of headings is to provide nav for screen readers. if the element doens't show up as this then they don't count
wilco: so that's defining headings based on semantics then?
sheri: that's the way I was looking at it
wilco: that's different than how we define it here (introduces a content section)
shriang: no, table captions aren't presented as headings with SR
anne: i think that's up the SR i guess but I havent seen it. isn't up to the SR is it? the point is to define a heading which helps all users.
jeanne: wasn't suggesting we narrow it down, only that SR behavior can help the decision
<Skotkjerra> Anne=Stein Erik on the same computer as Anne :)
mike: SRs can bring up tables, table caption would show what is a essentially a header for that table and that's only avail. to SRs. but headings presented visually as such but not semantically also count.
<Zakim> mbgower, you wanted to say are you considering table headers as headings? and to say i can comment, even though I'm not a native SR user
wilco: too many ways to use headings. what we should focus on here is section heading. How do people feel about changing outcome to "Section headings describe or introduct the content that follows"?
jeanne: that's where we used to
be. this is a good example of where something works on outcome
but not another.
... do we have a definition of section headings? HTML headings
mean something different and we should be looking more broadly
than HTML
shriang: can we specify section headings as 'sections of content'?
wilco: feels unwieldly. this is the challenge ACT has been facing. how do we make it precise but also succint
jeanne: that's not our goal, let's lay out all the exceptions, we're not making it a one size fits all. won't be specific but we can put it accordian
anne: i've been working on wcag
translations and it's a huge problem when we take something out
of the main content bc only normative part is getting priority.
non-english speakers could miss this extra content.
... in somelanguages section heading is one term, having one
term with two different defitions can cause difficulties in the
emma: some of these definitions end up being half a page compared to a couple of sentences in english
<Jennifer> I am so grateful for your perspective and input, Anne!
shadi: anneif she's filed on issue on this
emma: we've made it where it links out. don't know if this will be a problem outside of scandinavian langs. as well
<bruce_bailey> +1 for "Section Heading" for this outcome
wilco: is this useful to change 'headings' to 'section headings' or do we need an inline definitions for this outcome?
jeanne: i'm okay with this if we're explicit that it's not HTML headings
jennifer: can we go with something else
jeanne: we can say this is what we mean by headings for this specific outcome.
wilco: I agree. occasionally we
probably need to do that. we do similar in ACT
... *changes to 'section heading' and adds to do to clarify not
... *takes out previous defintion of subheading*
<jeanne> Organize content so the headings make locating and navigating information easier and faster.
bruce: where do we define hierachal?
jeanne: i think that's the organize content outcome
bruce: what about skipping headings? it's AAA. it's fine to come to it later but just double checking
wilco: *reads out examples of
'sections' of content*
... do we need this dictionary defintition?
jeanne: we don't. was just captured from a meeting as part of a proposal
anne: would a menu also be a section of content? a footer?
jeanne: sure
anne: so these would also need a heading?
wilco: i don't think this outcome requires that
jeanne: should it? I'll add it in
the notes
... if people are interested, please start working on that
wilco: should this list of examples be exhaustive?
jeanne: would be a good approach. does that work for ACT
wilco: yes
jeanne: but then we get back into
issue of
... what about this element and that element. but what does
that do for the testing?
... will leave that to ACT
... let's go over exceptions and the next steps. we need two
work groups on this
wilco: not time for exceptions.
we have a lot of homework on defining headings.
... do we want to set up a smaller group? could also take some
ACT TF mtg time
jeanne: asks who from Silver
would be willing to work with ACT. she
... is interested
Sheri: I'm interested
jeanne: this team will be working
on act integration, not specifically defining headings
... need to groups - defining and ACT integration.
sheri: will work on whatever is best.
jeanne: do we want to keep having these monday calls to focus on headings proposal?
wilco: i think so. should set up a poll for a different time though
jennifer: structured content subgroup meets at this time. anyone is welcome to join and help
jeanne: silver and act will have to work closely
<Skotkjerra> I'll join ACT group if time permits
wilco: who's working with act? Anne, jeanne and myself. anyone else should email.
list attendees
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