12:48:49 RRSAgent has joined #rqtf 12:48:49 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/06/16-rqtf-irc 12:48:51 RRSAgent, make logs public 12:48:51 Zakim has joined #rqtf 12:48:53 Meeting: Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference 12:48:53 Date: 16 June 2021 12:48:53 agenda+ XR Accessibility User Requirements: open issues. 12:48:53 agenda+ Synchronization Accessibility User Requirements: any updates. 12:48:53 agenda+ Web of Things and Devices and Sensors use cases. 12:48:53 agenda+ Accessibility of remote meetings. 12:49:04 agenda+ Natural Language Interface Accessibility User Requirements: open issues. 12:49:20 chair: jasonjgw 12:49:22 present+ 12:53:45 janina has joined #rqtf 12:58:24 present+ 12:59:02 becky has joined #rqtf 13:00:24 scribe: Joshue108 13:00:32 agenda? 13:01:03 JPaton has joined #rqtf 13:01:49 SteveNoble has joined #rqtf 13:02:04 present+ John_Paton 13:02:27 zakim, next item 13:02:27 agendum 1 -- XR Accessibility User Requirements: open issues. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 13:02:46 JW: There is ongoing work on open issues 13:02:48 present+ 13:02:59 I see that Josh has been in touch with the COGA TF regarding comments 13:03:16 There are a set up issues to be resolved before publication 13:04:05 Josh has been awaiting clarification of certain issues that are in the GitHub tracker. Josh will discuss some of the follow-up comments with the COGA Task Force at their meeting. 13:04:13 scott_H has joined #rqtf 13:04:27 https://github.com/w3c/apa/issues/182 13:04:34 https://github.com/w3c/apa/issues/181 13:04:43 Josh (responding to Janina): these are our last outstanding issues for this document. 13:05:38 https://github.com/w3c/apa/issues/183 13:07:00 Josh hopes to clarify by next week which of the issues constitute potential new user needs/system requirements. 13:07:20 Josh: at that point we'll be able to decide what to add. 13:07:41 JW: Sounds clear 13:08:24 JS: Where we are referring to other docs, if it is Content Usable to be referenced, that would be preferred, over others. 13:08:53 SH: I've been seeing your emails, good work 13:09:41 Josh notes the challenges associated with finding references to appropirate sources; he notes the value of the Making Content Usable document for this purpose. 13:10:33 Josh notes that some issues (notably, of discoverability in the UI of an application) depend on the details of each implementation. 13:10:40 JB: Some others trying to login 13:11:00 JW: Any final remarks on this? 13:11:22 Once we have the COGA feedback to Josh's questions we should be clearer as to what changes we need to make etc 13:11:38 And then we can take it forward to publish 13:11:48 We can aim for that next week 13:11:56 JS: Sounds promising etc. 13:12:07 Are we ready with messaging etc? 13:12:21 JOC: Yup, all done 13:12:41 Josh notes that messaging for the prospective publication is lined up. 13:13:02 zakim, next item 13:13:02 agendum 2 -- Synchronization Accessibility User Requirements: any updates. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 13:13:18 JW: Any updates? 13:15:00 JW: We put a doc into a GH repo, APA 13:15:08 Needs editing and work 13:15:27 JW: Steve has work he plans to contribute 13:15:34 13:15:56 The basic work has been done 13:16:26 SN: I will try to add some new content to Github around audio descriptions 13:16:45 JS: Great, I'm due to work on edits for the abstract and intro. 13:17:15 JW: Then we can start editing and get ready for circulation 13:17:34 JS: I'd like to have this as FPWD for TPAC 13:18:08 I was somehow disconnected - will rejoin. 13:18:13 Me too 13:18:19 Judy was the host so I think we all did. 13:18:26 Judy was our audio bridge! 13:18:45 yes I think we all dropped out 13:19:00 zakim, who's here? 13:19:00 Present: jasonjgw, Joshue, John_Paton, SteveNoble 13:19:02 On IRC I see scott_H, SteveNoble, JPaton, janina, Zakim, RRSAgent, trackbot, Joshue108, jasonjgw 13:21:58 zakim, next item 13:21:58 agendum 3 -- Web of Things and Devices and Sensors use cases. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 13:22:26 JW: I've circulated on mailing list ref to wiki page with commentary 13:22:51 Some are a11y but not derived from WoT work directly 13:22:58 Good time to hear peoples ideas. 13:23:09 JS: Can we walk thru these? 13:23:26 We have some from the WoT group. 13:23:53 https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Wot_usecases 13:24:08 JOC: FYI I pinged the WoT group recently to ask if there an update on our input 13:24:21 I heard nothing back 13:25:02 JW: List what they are? 13:25:17 JS: Some which are explicitly accessibility related 13:25:46 JW: 13:27:45 JW: 13:28:01 JW: What do we want to do? 13:28:12 Discuss now, or work on them and then discuss? 13:28:50 Josh notes that a refresh would be desirable, as this page was put together in June 2019. 13:28:51 JOC: I started this doc in June 2019 13:29:41 JW: I think these are reasonable 13:30:05 JS: Josh's report of no response is worrying, maybe give it more time to see if we can get some response. 13:30:21 q+ 13:30:37 JS: We could have more use cases 13:30:57 JW: Can we socialise this at APA meeting 13:31:21 JOC: I'll remind you 13:31:55 JOC: I'll ping Kaz and the group 13:32:09 JW: We could bring this back next week and look at status then. 13:32:23 JS: Can I give brief backgroun 13:33:28 13:33:40 ACTION: Josh to ping WoT group for update on a11y use cases 13:33:49 Error creating an ACTION: could not connect to Tracker. Please mail with details about what happened. 13:34:06 JS: What specs will support our use case and requirements 13:34:29 JB: The term WoT is a term for the Web based part of what you can do with Internet of things. 13:34:45 an accessible WoT implications are massive 13:35:03 e.g home based automation with an accessible interface that anticipates need 13:35:09 same for work etc 13:35:51 JB: So the Use case examples are critical for helping engineers understand a11y 13:36:08 FB: Thanks for overview on WoT 13:36:43 I'd like to see more that covers speech recognition, still struggles there for imperfect speech 13:37:02 I dont really see that represented here yet 13:37:13 Judy has joined #rqtf 13:37:20 Broad comment - will likely raise that again. 13:37:23 q? 13:37:25 ack me 13:37:37 JS: You are bringing this up at the right time. 13:37:56 We have another document that is designed to cover that 13:38:28 Natural Language User Interface Accessibility User Requirements (NAUR) 13:38:57 JB: This has come up in other areas 13:39:56 JS: I want to make sure we capture, the need for an understandable, achieveble, accessible - get out of jail free card 13:40:08 How to restart a device when you cant reboot it etc? 13:40:24 Like a busted thermostat, when it goes wrong - how can it be put right? 13:40:43 JW: Useful, all pervasive use case. 13:40:56 Do we need a category for over arching issues? 13:41:06 JB: Or a map for intersections. 13:41:55 RK: Regarding WoT, sometimes its about fitting it in diff kind of communication.. 13:42:06 If we consider Alexa.. 13:42:29 If someone is working on that - there may be other ways to interact, and not just speech or visually. 13:42:47 JS: As a principle we prefer to see multiple options to interact 13:43:26 JOC: Here is a link to the NAUR http://raw.githack.com/w3c/apa/naur/naur/index.html 13:44:13 SH: Using a Google without a screen - it can say please look at the screen but there may not be a screen. 13:44:29 JS: I don't touch mine 13:44:44 JS: The Google issue could be a config bug. 13:45:32 q+ 13:46:02 JB: When giving my background, I mentioned we had a long debate on what to call this doc 13:46:17 We didn't want it restricted to voice - so we wanted something more universal 13:46:44 On a future call - we could spend some time discussing logistics 13:47:41 JB: Judy reads question in chat. 13:48:37 JW: WoT is one application, there is a natural intersection point 13:50:03 JW: I'll work on this 13:50:14 I also proposed some resolutions 13:50:16 zakim, next item 13:50:16 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, jasonjgw 13:50:28 q? 13:50:30 ack me 13:50:41 zakim, next item 13:50:41 agendum 4 -- Accessibility of remote meetings. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 13:51:14 JS: Scott, I know you have been working on this. 13:51:56 SH: I spent some time and separated out the definition, as well as types of platforms 13:52:23 Then we have conference room platforms, and hybrid etc 13:52:37 I've tweaked language etc, being reworked. 13:53:03 JB: This is great 13:53:42 JB: The user requirements that are unsorted, are they still? 13:54:08 SH: Need to categorise etc, I've put comments against the to-dos. 13:54:20 This could be reviewed by people on list 13:54:38 JB: Priority is to get unsorted stuff sorted. 13:55:02 SH: I've ordered as much as I can. 13:55:12 JB: Lets catch up 13:55:35 Some deaf and hard of hearing issues need to be included. 13:55:42 SH: Its there in parts 13:56:10 JB: I've a question on the XR Access Symposium 13:56:16 agenda? 13:56:48 TOPIC: Update on XR Access symposium 13:57:09 JB: Gives background on symposium 13:57:30 JB: Was the XR Accessibility User Requirements mentioned? 13:57:41 Were there releveant intersections? 13:57:53 JW: Yes it was mentioned in the plenary sessions early on and positively 13:58:18 There are probably intersections and related outcomes 13:58:40 Josh and i were there. 13:58:50 We would have to look at findings. 14:00:03 JOC: I heard W3C's work in Immersive A11y being referenced positively also. 14:00:08 JW: Thanks all 14:00:14 rrsagent, list attendees 14:00:14 I'm logging. I don't understand 'list attendees', Joshue108. Try /msg RRSAgent help 14:00:17 zakim, bye 14:00:17 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been jasonjgw, Joshue, John_Paton, SteveNoble 14:00:17 Zakim has left #rqtf 14:00:30 rrsagent, make minutes 14:00:30 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/06/16-rqtf-minutes.html jasonjgw 14:00:30 zakim, draft minutes 14:05:27 rrsagent, make minutes 14:05:27 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/06/16-rqtf-minutes.html jasonjgw 15:53:11 janina has left #rqtf 15:57:26 becky has joined #rqtf