Improving Web Advertising BG

15 June 2021


apireno_groupm, arnaud_blanchard, bmay, Brendan_IAB_eyeo, dialtone, dinesh, ErikAnderson, eriktaubeneck, FredBastello, GarrettJohnson, gendler, hong, imeyers, jeff_burkett_gannett, Karen, kleber, kris_chapman, lbasdevant, lpilot, luk-wlodarczyk, mjv, pl_mrcy, robin, wbaker, wseltzer
Wendy Seltzer
Karen, Karen Myers

Meeting minutes

Wendy: Welcome

Wendy: Let's start by looking at the agenda
… UK consultation
… and look at repository items
… pull request from Aram and see if we can do anything to help that advance
… and look at dashboard to see among growing list of proposals if there are things to bring to group attention
… any other business?
… for this or future agenda?

Agenda-curation, introductions

Wendy: Suggest we talk about upcoming scheduling
… Do we have any introductions? Anyone new to the call?

Jonathan Hudson: I am an application developer for Resonate
… filling in for John R

Wendy: welcome
… James, are you here ready to introduce the CMA item?

CMA Consultation, https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-web-adv/2021Jun/0005.html

James: I am; can you hear me?

Wendy: yes

James: Last Friday, 11th of June, the CMA invited comments
… relevant to privacy sandbox
… link to all the info has been posted [above] in irc
… you can all participate directly and confidentially until 8th of July
… I see this as an opportunity to change the way these meetings are happening
… and to introduce genuine debate and change
… you can do this directly and confidentially

<luk-wlodarczyk> document with Google's commitments https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/992975/Notice_of_intention_to_accept_binding_commitments_offered_by_Google_publication.pdf

James: I am still reading through comments
… there are still issues like reframing
… CMA talks about 23 areas
… some of docs focus specifically on cookies
… and info to add around data sets and age of data sets
… It places criteria based assessment on introduction of change
… and CMA will validate an "referee" those criteria
… it also recognizes role of W3C in these matters
… some text requires some support
… regarding privacy sandbox and CMA
… I welcome that
… I and other colleagues have spoken with branches of CMA
… if you have been on call, I have offered to facilitate that introduction to CMA
… something we would like to see happen so that we can have a fair process going forward
… and it's an opportunity for Wendy and colleagues to look at the anti-trust guidelines
… particularly those meetings that are not part of the full standards-setting process like business groups
… encourage you to look at the link
… a chance to genuinely improve privacy and choice

Wendy: Thanks for that heads-up
… W3C doesn't comment on proceedings involving individual organizations
… but we are interested in the overall landscape and welcome participation from gov't regulators in our processes
… along with the other types of members here

James: Thank you

Wendy: Thank you for sharing those links
… seeing nobody on the queue

Items tagged agenda+ https://github.com/w3c/web-advertising/labels/agenda%2B

Wendy: I don't see if Aram is here
… he had started a pull request looking at the

<wseltzer> https://github.com/w3c/web-advertising/pull/117

Wendy: use cases document and proposing use of a metadata templating system
… to help organize our information
… added a few more comments after our meeting last time
… and I imagine he is looking for feedback on whether that is a good direction
… to implement for organizing the use cases in greater detail
… Aram or others with info? We can move on to the global dashboard
… where we have lots of topics

Dashboard highlights? https://w3c.github.io/web-advertising/dashboard/

Wendy: We now have lots of proposals in the dashboard
… we have been adding those as they come up for discussion here
… Some groups have been having ad hoc meetings
… WICG, others discussing proposals in the Privacy Community Group
… others have issue threads that we are seeing aggregated here
… I wonder if there are topics people would like to bring to this group's attention
… for inputs or updates?
… or other subjects?
… if not, it's a quiet call
… we have gathered lots of people here and want to encourage people to use "agenda+

<jrosewell> Just to highlight this development - ADPC - https://noyb.eu/en/new-browser-signal-could-make-cookie-banners-obsolete

Wendy: to mailing list to queue up discussion in advance
… discussions are often quite productive

James: the link I just put in
… from Max @ organization is interesting for this group as well
… put in for information

<wseltzer> Karen: curious to hear about GARUDA proposal, what's the stage of that? ideation?

<kleber> Karen: I think Robin Berjon is here, I'm curious to know whether his proposal is in an ideation stage or planning to move forward with it?

Robin: having conversations around it in all kinds of areas
… I don't want to push too hard on delivering it yet
… it is intended to solve a problem that works best alongside a proposal such as PARAKEET
… or other proposals that rely on the trusted server proposal
… it could be reformulated to stand on its own and provide other types of services
… that is something some people have suggested
… My plan is to continue conversing and working with proponents of solutions that require a trusted server, most notably PARAKEET
… one of the most promising options at this stage
… have had some input that I have not had time to read
… Of course if anyone is interested in discussing open issues, other interest, I am happy to organize calls
… short of it is it will continue to progress until it pairs up with one of the proposals out there
… I see that the CMA calls out a trusted server as a potential way forward
… it could also serve as bridge between standards world and policy world
… not sure where that came from;

Kris: I wanted to suggest two agenda items

<kleber> (Robin: Will you join the PARAKEET meeting tomorrow?)

<jrosewell> CMA Report - "This contrasts with a number of other counterproposals, such as SPARROW, which allow for the bidding logic to be hosted by a trusted server (a Gatekeeper) rather than in the browser." - Key is multiple parties being able to operate the cohort building logic.

Kris: I am interested in privacy news that came out of Apple last week
… I would like to hear more about Safari and IPT
… with masking and blindness added in
… would like to hear how that works; if we get regions and how it works
… also interested in the mail privacy protection features
… tracking pixels...
… love to know more about how images are going to be cached, what that does to content and personalization
… I think that would be an interesting topic

Wendy: Thanks, Kris. I will raise that to see if we have someone from Apple to share updates

Erik: I wanted to call up on the conversation
… yesterday attribute events API conversation

<dinesh> +1 around ITP updates

Erik: around policies on how MPC helper nodes would be managed or not
… may be synergy with GARUDA
… and who can run a helper node, which ones are trusted or not
… I know GARUDA has a ton of power...
… if API does require trust model of MPC
… help define which nodes can be trusted....in that setting or some effect like that

Wendy: If there are minutes from that conversation you can paste into our minutes, that would be a helpful pointer

Erik: Yes, let me find them

Wendy: This is an information sharing

<kleber> https://github.com/WICG/conversion-measurement-api/blob/main/meetings/2021-06-14-minutes.md

<eriktaubeneck> https://github.com/WICG/conversion-measurement-api/blob/main/meetings/2021-06-14-minutes.md

Wendy: and good to hear about linkages and possible synergies between proposals
… thank you Erik and Michael for that link
… anything else people would like to put in our brains to queue up for a future agenda
… or other things you would like to see me doing with these meetings?


Wendy: any other business?
… I wonder should we reduce the frequency a bit for summer?
… Recognizing that people are taking time off?
… Should we wait until there are agenda requests people are scheduling?
… a preview, I will be off the first week of July, so I will cancel the July 6th meeting
… and do we want to think about another more intense event
… like a virtual F2F
… since we are still in virtual mode for a while longer
… Do we want to take a couple of days
… of longer and more structured discussion to get a bit fuller status report and focus on a few items
… like going through use cases in depth

@: missed

Wendy: looking out a month in advance
… to start building an agenda
… and to start scheduling

Robin: I would be supportive
… of having some kind of structured F2F
… in general from The Times perspective
… we would like to shift gears
… not that BG cannot do recs
… but we would like to start shipping more things
… and possibly moving on multiple proposals
… and anything that can push towards moving on actual standards work
… This group has looked at a lot of this space on potential solutions
… so anything we can do to get to consensus
… on how web works with advertising today

Wendy: thanks, Robin

<peligio> +1 on how to increase deliverables based on where there is consensus

Wendy: I can see structuring discussion around what might be ready to move forward to WG
… and move forward on formal specification
… and work together to draft charters for forward movement
… what among proposals might see convergence to go into a working group
… do we see community interest in moving forward
… that sounds promising

Kris: +1 to what Robin said
… I know Aram is not on call right now
… but would like to combine a F2F with getting our documentation updated onto a status list
… and deprecating ones that have fallen off
… anything that gets us towards more concrete details on what needs to change for next year

Wendy: That sounds like a documentation sprint

<jrosewell> BTW - I found a nice wiki at Prebid - https://wiki.prebid.org/wiki/Category:Glossary

Wendy: and gathering of status information

James: to build on the comment of leading things to working groups
… one of the things I find as a smaller organization
… you cannot possibly keep up
… it's one of the difficulties in the process
… so moving to the structure of the W3C process
… rather than working around it in incubation stage makes sense
… we should also consider amount of work
… considering stakeholders who cannot attend
… many employees
… if we say ten things to progress in parallel with largest participants
… wonder if we can put things through sequentially
… or perhaps consider a single working group
… so as not to attend many group meetings with many chairs
… consider that practicality
… I would like to see that considered in the charters and drafts that come out

Arnaud: talking about the F2F idea, I think it will come after the FLoC origin trial
… so a good opportunity for all participants to give first feedbacks on this trial

<robin> +1 to arnaud_blanchard, we'd love to hear more

Arnaud: both on current stages of FLoC
… and on conditions themselves
… happy to share insights we would manage to get in this time frame
… a next agenda item
… it would be great to have the Google team, especially Charlie
… presenting the most recent proposal on A/B testing
… could be a game changer
… and see how we can use this proposal for testing cross-site

Wendy: Is there a pointer to that proposal?

Arnaud: I can look for it and drop it into irc

Wendy: I am hearing interest in a virtual F2F
… I have seen good results from the experience with the format that we used
… as well as other groups
… with three or four hours over two days

<pl_mrcy> Chrome's New Proposal: https://github.com/pythagoraskitty/shared-storage

Wendy: so far as potential subjects

<eriktaubeneck> +1 support for F2F

Wendy: preparing for the rec track, what might be ready to move to working groups and thinking about chartering
… documentation sprint and status gathering especially in the use cases document
… and reporting on experiments such as the FLoC origin trisl

… and what we are learning from trying out those things
… I will start gathering agenda ideas, and reaching out for more specifics on what we might like to see
… and who wants to share information on those subjects
… and look for timing that captures as many participants as we can
… all of that is quite encouraging
… I know we all have lots to do
… I won't keep going unless there are additional comments to offer now, please queue up
… if you want to comment online, I will start a Github issue
… and continue on the mailing list
… seeing no one on the queue, I think that's it for today
… thank you for some good ideas
… I will do some work
… and reach out to me if you have other ideas
… and we will start preparing for a more in-depth discussion


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 136 (Thu May 27 13:50:24 2021 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: Karen

Maybe present: @, Arnaud, Erik, James, Kris, Wendy