14:44:29 RRSAgent has joined #pbgsc 14:44:29 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/06/11-pbgsc-irc 14:44:32 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:44:33 Meeting: Publishing Steering Committee 14:44:42 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishing-sc/2021Jun/0000.html 14:44:53 agenda+ EPUBcheck Priorities 14:45:03 agenda+ Updating IDPF specs on idpf.org with in-place status 14:45:12 agenda+ Updating the Publishing@W3C landing page 14:45:24 agenda+ Around the Zoom Gallery 14:45:32 agenda+ AOB 14:45:40 regrets: Daihei 14:45:52 -> https://www.w3.org/2021/05/14-pbgsc-minutes previous: 14 May 14:51:19 George has joined #pbgsc 14:54:12 present+ 14:55:46 ivan has joined #pbgsc 14:57:00 wendyreid has joined #pbgsc 14:57:34 avneeshsingh has joined #pbgsc 14:57:43 George has joined #pbgsc 14:58:57 present+ 14:59:43 George has joined #pbgsc 15:00:15 present+ 15:00:43 George has joined #pbgsc 15:01:01 present+ 15:01:23 George has joined #pbgsc 15:01:29 liisamk has joined #pbgsc 15:01:32 present+ Avneesh, Dave, Tzviya, Ivan, WendyReid,Liisa,Bill_Kasdorf 15:01:38 present+ 15:01:39 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #pbgsc 15:01:53 present+ 15:02:10 action: Ralph figure out the calendaring issue that's annoying the EPUB WG 15:02:24 Tzviya: and ARIA 15:02:28 George: and Locators 15:02:43 George has joined #pbgsc 15:03:15 present+ Cristina 15:04:13 zakim, who's on the call? 15:04:13 Present: George, avneeshsingh, wendyreid, Ralph, Dave, Tzviya, Ivan, Liisa, Bill_Kasdorf, liisamk, Cristina 15:04:43 George has joined #pbgsc 15:06:43 George has joined #pbgsc 15:07:59 zakim, next item 15:07:59 agendum 1 -- EPUBcheck Priorities -- taken up [from Ralph] 15:08:06 scribe+ Bill_Kasdorf 15:08:19 -> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishing-sc/2021Jun/0001.html Avneesh' intro 15:08:28 Topic: EPUBCheck priorities 15:08:29 regrets+ daihei 15:08:43 George has joined #pbgsc 15:08:48 Avneesh: Starting phase 3 to create a prototype based on HTML validator 15:09:02 ... Now being done manually 15:09:30 ... This prototype will explore migrating EPUBCheck to the HTML Validator 15:09:46 ... Plan was to propose a standing committee to work on this. 15:10:07 ... If we move to HTML this will be really valuable 15:10:08 q+ 15:10:20 ... But there is another priority: Implementing EPUB 3.3 15:10:43 George has joined #pbgsc 15:10:51 ... EPUB 3.3 won't be implemented if it isn't in EPUBCheck 15:11:12 present+ Mateus 15:11:13 ... As part of the contract the cost is $??? 15:11:33 ... Main decision: do we want to swap priorities? 15:11:42 s/???/the same as updating to support 3.3 15:11:52 s/???/13,100 15:11:57 ack iv 15:12:16 Ivan: Does the HTML validator properly check XHTML? 15:12:32 Avneesh: This is part of what we want to determine in the prototype 15:12:43 George has joined #pbgsc 15:12:56 Ivan: If we decide not to go to HTML 5, my priority is 3.3 unambiguously. 15:13:02 +3.3 15:13:31 q+ 15:13:38 Tzviya: To be clear, the switch to 3.3 can be done without a cost change but we will still need to tweak the contract with Daisy. 15:13:47 ack dauwhe_ 15:14:08 ... Dave: Switching to the HTML Validator is "nice to have"; supporting 3.3 is a must. 15:14:43 George has joined #pbgsc 15:14:50 Proposed: Shift focus of EPUBCheck to 3.3 15:14:56 +1 15:14:57 +1 15:14:57 +1 15:14:59 +1 15:15:00 +1 15:15:00 mateus has joined #pbgsc 15:15:02 +3.3 15:15:10 +1 15:15:40 George has joined #pbgsc 15:15:41 q+ 15:15:42 Cristina_ has joined #pbgsc 15:15:42 Tzviya: We don't need to bring this to the wider group; we will just work with Richard and Daisy. 15:15:55 ... We may need other people from the EPUB 3 WG 15:16:09 present+ 15:16:11 Avneesh: We will be wrapping up the current phase in two months. 15:16:23 ... We will be looking for community feedback at that point 15:16:34 ack dauwhe_ 15:16:42 ... After two months we will allow another two months for community feedback. 15:16:43 George has joined #pbgsc 15:16:48 Dave: What's the money situation? 15:17:14 Tzviya: We have enough money to finish out this contract, about $6,000. 15:17:30 ... We will have to do some fundraising for the $13,000 for the next phase. 15:17:50 ... Luc will no longer be able to do this; exploring a replacement for Luc. 15:18:13 ... I hope the excitement of 3.3 will make the fundraising relatively easy. 15:18:43 George has joined #pbgsc 15:19:00 George: If the prototype works for both HTML and XHTML, will that reduce the cost of moving EPUBCheck to 3.3? 15:19:20 s/enough/almost enough 15:19:21 Avneesh: EPUB 2 also points to latest version of HTML; we just do it manually at this point. 15:20:03 ... In the short term this won't reduce our cost; in the long term it will make it easier to maintain. 15:20:10 q+ 15:20:16 RESOLVED: Shift focus of EPUBCheck to 3.3 15:20:21 ack liisamk 15:20:24 +1 15:20:43 George has joined #pbgsc 15:21:18 liisamk: Timing questions. We have focused on making catalogs accessible by 2025. This is a big project. 15:21:19 q+ 15:21:26 q+ 15:21:29 ... Should we recommend waiting for 3.3 to do this? 15:21:34 ack wendyreid 15:21:42 ... What implementation do we expect? 15:22:08 Wendy: I don't think 3.2 vs. 3.3 will matter that much for that project. 15:22:31 ... The revisions in 3.3 won't make that much difference for most EPUB; maybe more for FXL. 15:22:43 George has joined #pbgsc 15:22:47 ack dauwhe_ 15:23:20 dauwhe: Nearly every existing EPUB 3 file will continue to be a valid EPUB 3.3 file. 15:23:45 George has joined #pbgsc 15:23:51 q+ 15:23:55 ... There may be some edge cases that would be relevant, but in general "EPUB 3 is a thing" and these point releases only affect the margins. 15:23:55 q+ to mention A11y spec 15:24:15 ack ge 15:24:29 ... In my company moving from EPUB 3.1 to EPUB 3.2 was easy. 15:25:01 George: New people should start with 3.3 but this should not be an issue for existing staff. 15:25:07 Ivan: Yes, the document is much clearer. 15:25:28 George: So as publishers update their files and workflows, they really should refer to 3.3. 15:25:43 ... If their 3.2 or older files pass EPUBCheck, there really isn't a problem. 15:25:43 George has joined #pbgsc 15:25:49 ... But always use 3.3 from now on. 15:25:53 ack tz 15:25:53 tzviya, you wanted to mention A11y spec 15:26:21 Tzviya: We have made significant improvements in a11y; plus we have the EPUB Accessibility spec. 15:26:44 ... The EPUB Accessibility spec is a significant spec to pay attention to in this work too. 15:27:11 present+ 15:27:57 Christina: We are focusing on EPUB 3 in general but not getting too wrapped around the axle on the dot versions. 15:28:18 ... The EU wants conformance with EPUB 3 but not necessarily every new or old version. 15:28:43 George has joined #pbgsc 15:29:06 Avneesh: You have been developing documents that show how we address the EUAA requirements. 15:29:26 q+ 15:29:36 Cristina: Yes, the document has been developed in the context of W3C based on existing open a11y standards. 15:29:44 ... Document is available on the LIA website. 15:29:45 ack ra 15:30:16 Ralph: If we were to say wait, we give a confusing message about the compatibility issue. Just focus on EPUB 3. 15:30:43 George has joined #pbgsc 15:31:09 Cristina: It will be very complicated for publishers to address the backlist. The more we can stress compatibility between versions the better. 15:31:12 https://www.fondazionelia.org/en/research-and-development/european-accessibility-act-requirements-are-publishing-standards-as-epub-onix-and-schema-org-fully-compliant/ 15:31:21 ack George 15:31:56 George: I think the page navigation feature in EPUB 3 is a requirement of the EU. That wouild mean EPUB 2 would not be acceptable in the EU. 15:32:06 ... Upgrading the backlist to EPUB 3 is advisable. 15:32:10 EU requriements mentions navigation, not specifically page navigation 15:32:13 q+ 15:32:43 George has joined #pbgsc 15:32:53 Tzviya: The legislation itself is very vague; doesn't get into detail like that. 15:32:56 ack wendyreid 15:33:06 George: I still think our guidance should still be to update to EPUB 3. 15:33:42 wendyreid: Page level navigation--if the content has pagebreak locators in it--is WCAG A. 15:33:57 it is first stage in WCAG 2.2, we will try to push for more page requirements in laternew version of WCAG 15:33:58 zakim, next item 15:33:58 agendum 2 -- Updating IDPF specs on idpf.org with in-place status -- taken up [from Ralph] 15:34:03 Tzviya: Okay, there's still a lot to work out on the compliance issue. 15:34:07 ack Ralph 15:34:18 https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG22/#page-break-navigation 15:34:33 Ralph: Topic: IDPF domain 15:34:43 George has joined #pbgsc 15:34:55 Ralph: We took a static snapshot when the W3C took over and that's now what we serve up. 15:35:23 ... The web has lots of links to those specs, including a set of specs that have not been worked on for a long time and may not be worked on again. 15:35:33 ... What should we do with those specs? 15:36:17 ... The proposal from Ivan, Matt, and I is to edit the static snapshot to add a message that "this document is obsolete." 15:36:35 Our proposal is to do just that for all of those 13 orphan specs. 15:36:43 George has joined #pbgsc 15:37:07 q+ 15:37:26 George: All of the specs that have been updated by W3C point to the new specs. 15:37:34 Tzviya: yes. 15:38:02 George: The specs would still be there if somebody wanted to work on it in the future, correct? 15:38:08 q+ 15:38:10 Ralph: Yes. 15:38:13 ack dauwhe_ 15:38:43 George has joined #pbgsc 15:38:51 Dave: We need people to understand the status of these specs. E.g. we don't want folks to think you have to do what the indexing spec says in your EPUBs. 15:39:06 ack ivan 15:39:44 q+ 15:39:52 Ivan: I don't think we've put any such header in, e.g., EPUB 3.1. That one should have a header that points to 3.2 or 3.3. 15:39:59 ... Those should be added to the list as well. 15:40:13 http://idpf.org/epub/31/ 15:40:32 http://idpf.org/epub/31/spec/epub-spec.html 15:40:43 George has joined #pbgsc 15:44:03 q+ 15:44:24 q+ 15:44:26 ack me 15:44:43 George has joined #pbgsc 15:44:55 Tzviya: There are many documents that carry such warnings. 15:45:17 George has joined #pbgsc 15:45:22 Ralph: Yes, similar status messages should be added to 3.1 and other similar documents. 15:45:24 ack Cristina_ 15:45:59 q+ 15:46:21 ack ivan 15:46:43 George has joined #pbgsc 15:47:09 ack dauwhe_ 15:47:38 +1 to dauwhe_ 15:47:58 dauwhe: We really owe it to the community to do this. 15:48:25 zakim, next item 15:48:25 agendum 3 -- Updating the Publishing@W3C landing page -- taken up [from Ralph] 15:48:43 George has joined #pbgsc 15:48:58 Ivan: It is very outdated. It's not clear to me who the target community is. 15:49:12 ... The links on the left are very useful to the people doing technical work. 15:49:24 https://www.w3.org/publishing/ 15:49:25 -> https://www.w3.org/publishing/ Publishing@W3C 15:49:46 ... There are testimonials dating back to IDPF becoming part of W3C that are obsolete. 15:50:20 ... What should the message be? Who should we address? What's the target audience for that page? 15:50:32 q+ 15:50:39 Tzviya: Does anybody go here? Do we need to even do this? 15:50:43 George has joined #pbgsc 15:50:59 Ivan: The cheapest and easiest thing to do is to use it as an index page. 15:51:02 ack lii 15:51:06 George has joined #pbgsc 15:51:10 ... That's not how it was developed initially. 15:51:29 Liisa: This is valuable to people we'd like to have join the community. 15:51:41 ack ra 15:51:42 -> https://www.w3.org/ "Publishing" in the "Web and Industry" navbar 15:51:47 ... Having one page that is rah rah about this work is still a good thing, just needs to be updated. 15:52:23 Ralph: Publishing has a prominent spot on the W3C home page; we should use this in some way. 15:52:35 q+ 15:52:43 George has joined #pbgsc 15:52:49 ack mateus 15:53:15 Mateus: Do we have any analytics or other usage information? How high in search index results is this page? 15:53:19 George has joined #pbgsc 15:53:54 ... My gut feeling is there are 3 communities: people trying to find a spec; people interested in the current work; people who might want to actually contribute, feature requests, etc. 15:54:00 q+ 15:54:04 ... It would be good if we had some data about this. 15:54:17 Ivan: I doubt that we have useful analytics. 15:54:18 Yikes. Only top-10 google result for "EPUB" is https://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/ebook/ 15:54:34 Ralph: We don't do Google Analytics but we might have some kinds of access counts. 15:54:39 s/top-10/top-10 for w3c/ 15:54:41 ack me 15:54:43 George has joined #pbgsc 15:54:57 Tzviya: Agree with Mateus. 15:55:07 ... Currently it just looks like a wall of text and isn't helpful. 15:55:43 George has joined #pbgsc 15:55:50 ... Simple intro and very short explanation of what the groups do. 15:55:53 q+ 15:56:12 ack Bill_Kasdorf 15:56:15 scribe+ 15:56:23 George has joined #pbgsc 15:56:25 Bill: I like Mateus' structure and what Tzviya just said 15:56:37 ... I'd be happy to draft something as a starting point for discussion 15:56:42 +1 to draft and edit via email 15:56:44 Ralph: you're hired! 15:56:44 Ralph: Go for it. 15:57:05 zakim, next item 15:57:05 agendum 4 -- Around the Zoom Gallery -- taken up [from Ralph] 15:57:31 q+ 15:57:43 George has joined #pbgsc 15:58:12 Tzviya: The deadline for the videos is July 15. Ralph and I will be developing guidelines. 15:58:40 ack mateus 15:58:40 -> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Jx5VvkMTQ4EL0Xfb3pDMDUiccq79mmIPHetSRfbziFM/edit?usp=sharing Short community videos 15:58:44 George: I attended a session yesterday about EPUB that was just terrible. They were businesses threatened by EPUB. 15:59:22 Mateus: Next CG meeting in July will shift to a milestone orientation: specific timelines for TF goals to share concrete outcomes. 15:59:30 Mateus++ 15:59:32 Xheng++ 15:59:36 ... We hope this will help with transparency and draw in more interest. 15:59:43 George has joined #pbgsc 16:00:08 ... Looking forward to joint meeting with WG to look at how EPUB 4 would fit into the CG's role as incubator. 16:00:33 zakim, end meeting 16:00:33 As of this point the attendees have been George, avneeshsingh, wendyreid, Ralph, Dave, Tzviya, Ivan, Liisa, Bill_Kasdorf, liisamk, Cristina, Mateus, Cristina_ 16:00:36 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 16:00:36 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/06/11-pbgsc-minutes.html Zakim 16:00:39 I am happy to have been of service, Ralph; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 16:00:43 Zakim has left #pbgsc 16:30:55 dauwhe has joined #pbgsc 16:32:07 dauwhe_ has joined #pbgsc 16:47:27 Garth has joined #pbgsc 17:00:44 Garth has joined #pbgsc 17:07:02 dauwhe has joined #pbgsc 17:31:48 dauwhe has joined #pbgsc 17:45:58 dauwhe has joined #pbgsc 18:22:26 Garth has joined #pbgsc 18:23:04 dauwhe has joined #pbgsc 18:50:16 Garth has joined #pbgsc 19:21:07 rrsagent, bye 19:21:07 I see 1 open action item saved in https://www.w3.org/2021/06/11-pbgsc-actions.rdf : 19:21:07 ACTION: Ralph figure out the calendaring issue that's annoying the EPUB WG [1] 19:21:07 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2021/06/11-pbgsc-irc#T15-02-10